Take-Two Agrees $1bn Takeover of Codemasters

  • Thread starter er185es
Looking at this with a positive angle, at least it shows that publishers don't think racing games are dead just yet, if they're willing to invest a billion they must be confident racing games can make a comeback of sorts. Because right now the next-gen racing game selection is seriously slim pickings.
I'm ok with this. For me personally, other than Dirt Rally, in the last few years Codemasters' games have been mediocre at best.
I know Take Two has done made some questionable decisions regarding games *cough* GTA Online *cough* but overall they know what they're doing. It will be interesting to see how each studio will rub off on each other. Perhaps a Grid game with only GTA cars?
Given all of the licensed cars in Codemasters' games, I'm now wondering if the Sabre and the Admiral have seen their last heists...

I can't see a single mainstream OEM's legal team okaying a license for a game where you can use their products to mow people down and said product can get blown to smithereens. Yes, "The Getaway" and its sequel had licensed cars, but those games are also almost two decades old...
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The dream would be for codemasters to help rockstar with the gta 6 car physics and for codemasters to make a new midnight club.
Just a dream tho :banghead:
Welp, at least they have better funds ng for more cars!

Though honestly, with codemasters under their belt, a new Midnight Club/Smugglers Run is possible, so my hope that they don't turn into some money-hungered studio and try to give what the fans of those 2 games want....

But that's a possibility.
Though honestly, with codemasters under their belt, a new Midnight Club/Smugglers Run is possible, so my hope that they don't turn into some money-hungered studio and try to give what the fans of those 2 games want....
Now there is a name I've not seen in a while. I could easily see a new Smuggler's Run, but hopefully using a tweaked engine from the Dirt series... because I don't see Dirt 5's engine being particularly good for a game like Smuggler's Run. It would not go well ramming into other cars all while trying to drive though rough terrain. :lol:

As for the future of Codemasters, I don't much care who owns the company, so long as there is a Dirt Rally 3 and the WRC licensed games are decent.
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Here's it is, the brand new DiRT Rally 3.0!

You get one circuit (the shortest one) and one car (probably one that nobody cares).

You can only do 1 stage. To drive through the whole event, you need to buy the DLC FULL STAGE!

Other circuits are sold separately for $30. Oh, they're also divided by surface. So it's $10 for tarmac, another $10 for pure mud and $30 for snow.

Damage is only visual. If you want actual damage model, that's gonna cost ya $40.

Each car is also sold separately, for $60. Group B is an exception: you can buy them all in one pack, for $100!

Co-driver is not present in the base game. You need to buy the DLC "****** advices i say for rally drivers", which is only $10!

And finally, if you Pre-Order RIGHT NOW, you can get a free slot to save your game! *base game does not include saves slots for career mode*

There's also the ULTIMATE BLASTER SUPER HYPER MEGA SPECIAL GOAT EDITION, that comes with absolute nothing and cost twice the price because people are going to buy it anyway.

We gonna release a Day 1 patch, that doesn't fix absolute ****, just to make sure that every upgrade you get for you car is a ******** of lootboxes. Oh, and there's no paint or liveries. You have to buy that too.

How about you can have all the content but maintaining your car damage costs actual cash lol... sorry you cant play today because you have three wheels and no credit rofl

Enjoy our "brand new" DiRT, made specially for you: the assholes who keep buying whatever poop we put in the market players!
Looking at this with a positive angle, at least it shows that publishers don't think racing games are dead just yet, if they're willing to invest a billion they must be confident racing games can make a comeback of sorts. Because right now the next-gen racing game selection is seriously slim pickings.
I see it as if they're spending that kind of money, they expect a quick return in investment. Meaning monetization whenever and wherever possible,
something that has been done many times already.
Just look at EA. How many studios they have gutted trying to turn a quick and dirty profit?
Based off some of the replies in this thread I can't help but wonder if the people responding have actually played a recent Codies game. :odd:

so my hope that they don't turn into some money-hungered studio

Quite a bit late for that, they've been in that category for a few years now.

I hope this doesn't mean F1 2021 is going to have some "surprise mechanics" in them.

It wouldn't surprise me considering F1 2020 is already about 80% there.

Meaning monetization whenever and wherever possible,

I can already see them charging extra for content included in the previous game and things like badges, firesuits and paint templates.

Oh, right, they already do that...
I see it as if they're spending that kind of money, they expect a quick return in investment. Meaning monetization whenever and wherever possible,
something that has been done many times already.
Just look at EA. How many studios they have gutted trying to turn a quick and dirty profit?

Perhaps, but it shows they still see big money in the genre. You can't make big on MTs and other stuff if the game isn't selling many copies in the first place.
Like I said before, I don't see how this is THAT big a deal. Grid was..meh, Dirt 2.0 was somewhere between not terrible but also not that great. People are going all doom & gloom for the F1 games but seemed to have forgotten how protective FOM are of their assets AND have a massive say so I don't see that game having much changed under Take-Two's ownership.

Also, I'd like to remind everyone that EA (The pioneers in sleazy tactics) is paying heavily for their scummy practices as of late so I feel pretty confident in saying whether its 2K games or Rockstar, Take Two won't be invincible should they also end up in the courts for similar things.
People are going all doom & gloom for the F1 games but seemed to have forgotten how protective FOM are of their assets AND have a massive say so I don't see that game having much changed under Take-Two's ownership.

Rights holders don't give a **** about anything except the money that comes out of the products with their names on it. Considering how F1 has operated, and how they are very much willing to expand into new avenues under Liberty Media, I have no doubt that if 2K/Take Two suggested more aggressive microtransactions in the vein of NBA 2K into the F1 games, then F1 as a brand, and Liberty Media as owners, would absolutely say yes to it. Why would you turn down free money, morality and laws be damned?
I think there will be no more Midnight Club, Grid and Project Cars, and Dirt arcade, instead we will see open world Forza clone, which logically will be all of them. On paper it sounds good though, but how it will be, including T2 very greedy ass, no idea.

Personally think it is an interesting opportunity, with big risks. Why not? All those mentioned games almost dead, and Frankenstein is their only chance to survive.
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I think there will be no more Midnight Club, Grid and Project Cars, and Dirt arcade, instead we will see open world Forza clone, which logically will be all of them. On paper it sounds good though, but how it will be, including T2 very greedy ass, no idea.

Personally think it is an interesting opportunity, with big risks. Why not? All those mentioned games almost dead, and Frankenstein is their only chance to survive.
lets home they let codies work on those great rockstar racing ips that are just gathering dust
I think there will be no more Midnight Club, Grid and Project Cars, and Dirt arcade, instead we will see open world Forza clone, which logically will be all of them. On paper it sounds good though, but how it will be, including T2 very greedy ass, no idea.

lmao at thinking this will ever happen, especially when Codemasters just bought into SMS and Ian Bell would absolutely have a ****fit if his pride and joy was made redundant. Even if GRID bombed, and DiRT 5 has been middling at best in categories where it matters, most of those games will survive, and about the only thing that changes is that now Codemasters has a solid publisher for both NA and Europe, in the short term at least.

lets home they let codies work on those great rockstar racing ips that are just gathering dust

I guarantee they won't. R* has almost *never* allowed outside companies to work on R*'s own IP's or even bring in projects from their previous time before being under R* or T2's control. The only time they really did was basically two decades ago in Red Dead Revolver, and only because most the work had already been started by the time Capcom bailed on the project and R* bought into Angel Studios and turned them into R* San Diego.

I could see Codemasters working with regards to handling model, which would be an absolutely hilarious way to make things go full circle, moving from MC3/MCLA's soap bar on ice handling model that is ill-suited for the breakneck pace of those games, to Codemasters tried and true pivot based handling model, but as long as R* San Diego is still around, they'll get first crack at making a new Midnight Club. And as long as R* San Diego is still making Red Dead...then Midnight Club stays in storage.
Another fine british institution gone too foreign buyers, if it had already gone that way excuse me :)
Fond memories of them back in the ZX Spectrum and Commodore 64 days.

Another fine british institution gone too foreign buyers, if it had already gone that way excuse me :)
Maybe make an economic environment where offshoring and selling out aren’t the best ways to stay in the black? Why aren’t Britons buying out foreign institutions rather than vice versa should be the thing you’re worried about.
Just a reminder that Take Two's NBA 2K added a new way of monetization...



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This company is gonna absolutely destroy Codemasters...

Don’t mean to be a negative Nancy but... Oh man, whyyyyyy, why have you sold your soul to the devil Codies???! Oh yeh, greed! Only positive from the sale is the shareholders line their pockets with more silver. They extended the F1 licence, brought the WRC licence and brought out Slightly Mad Studios purely to make themselves more marketable for a future sale. Shame on you. Shame... on... you. Tell me I’m wrong?
I hope that whoever has awarded the WRC license to CM, (the FIA ?), has a change of heart upon hearing this news & gives it back to KT, which considering the excellent job they've done with it deserve to keep it.
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I hope they however has awarded the WRC license to CM, (the FIA ?), has a change of heart upon hearing this news & gives it back to KT, which considering the excellent job they've done with it deserve to keep it.
Do you want someone else to take the F1 license too?

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