Tame the Mountain: TT Isle of Man Launches March 6 on Consoles

No, but I'm not really seeing anything there that stands out from being any different to the thousands and thousands of other semi-rural A-roads that I have driven on in the UK (or Europe). I just think this is one of those things were as a piece of tarmac, if you take the label off it, it becomes nothing special. Places like Silverstone and - dare I say it - Le Mans, kind of also fall into this category. But that's just like, my opinion, man...

As Griffith points out, the biggest challenge would be getting used to it's width, in a car at speed - so I'm not saying it would be easy, just that as a challenge it seems to make more sense to me flat out on a bike.

yeah it's narrow, but the game doesn't show how bumpy or hilly it is in places.
I've been across on motorbike or in car every year for about 20 years now, I know the course route like the back of my hand. I just wish it was more hilly and bumpy in the game the way it is in real life
yeah it's narrow, but the game doesn't show how bumpy or hilly it is in places.
I've been across on motorbike or in car every year for about 20 years now, I know the course route like the back of my hand. I just wish it was more hilly and bumpy in the game the way it is in real life
The hilly aspect (or lack of it) is down in part to the games FOV, having played it now using PSVR's cinematic mode, which helps resolve the fised FOV issues, it gets a lot hillier.

Its due to the wide default FOV (for most screen size and seating distance) being too wide, which flattens elevation changes and reduces corner radius perception.

PS4: Patch 1.03 Details
Improved pilots' animations: the pilot is now less shaky while leaning on his right or on his left
Created an option to manage controls: players can now manage steering, throttle, brakes and vibrations sensibility on gamepads sticks and triggers.
AI pilots are less likely to collide with other vehicles
Fixed a bug where the engines’ sound were not synchronized anymore after several laps
Fixed a crash occurring when finishing the 6th lap of the Tourist Trophy
Fixed a crash occurring in career mode
Fixed a bug occurring when players could not exit the result screen after being disqualified because of excessive speed in the Pitstop
Fixed a bug in career mode, when the event proposing to run the Tourist Trophy did not appear properly
Fixed a bug sound when resuming a career race
Fixed several other minor sound issues
Fixed a graphic bug on the front wheel of the Kawasaki VX10R
Removed some invisible road glitches that could deviate path in straight lines
Fixed a bug in ghost recordings
Settings are now properly saved when modified during a multiplayer race
Tooltips are now displayed in the option menus
Fixed some achievements that did not unlock properly
The introduction movie is not displayed anymore when a player who has not launched the game is invited to a lobby or through “Play Together”.

Thank you all for your patience and for helping us correcting all these issues!
No, but I'm not really seeing anything there that stands out from being any different to the thousands and thousands of other semi-rural A-roads that I have driven on in the UK (or Europe). I just think this is one of those things were as a piece of tarmac, if you take the label off it, it becomes nothing special. Places like Silverstone and - dare I say it - Le Mans, kind of also fall into this category. But that's just like, my opinion, man...

As Griffith points out, the biggest challenge would be getting used to it's width, in a car at speed - so I'm not saying it would be easy, just that as a challenge it seems to make more sense to me flat out on a bike.
Definitely with you on Silverstone, bar a couple of corners. For me Le Mans made more sense before it was neutered, i.e. before aero (downforce) was a big deal. Spa is an interesting example where they managed to retain some of the original circuit's appeal, if not its grandeur and sense of ordeal. The age of epic road courses (and relatively bland ones, as well: Reims, AVUS etc.) is well behind us now.

Arguably, the TT course made about the same sense in the past as it does now, where power and grip (and chassis nous to tame them both) have risen in tandem to create more or less the same challenge on the senior machines - just at a much, much faster pace and higher level of danger.

Both LeMans and the TT come from the same era of road racing, though, and their contrasts show what happens when you approach the concept differently. As does the annual death toll for each event. That is really the appeal of "real roads in racing games", I think - the various risks don't exist - on real roads in real life, there are so many extra constraints. However, that safety can serve to underwhelm as well.
We got some good motorsport philosopher's here, I enjoy reading all of the above's posts. :cheers: Assen seem's totally neutered to me now they have made it a closed circuit and removed the public road sections.
Macau seems a tad artificial, although very technical.
The patch seems to have ironed out 90% of my quibbles with the game. Most of my crashes tonight was because I was thinking about pre-patch, ha.
Frame rate/stuttering at certain points nowhere near as bad, but still happening, haven't got the laps in to see if it's just certain sections, overall, canny happy. :)
I've read some reports on steam of people having framerate and stuttering issues that they claim are quite severe too, some of them on better equipment than me, but I seem to be lucky on this one so far. I'm running on maxed settings and getting 60fps all the time with virtually no stuttering(had a little for a half second right at the start of a race on the TT track, I think I might have seen a blip one other time when practicing). I'm not at their top recommended specs either. Haven't tried any online racing, not sure if I ever will as I'm pants on a bike and I enjoy struggling with no T/C or ABS.

Probably if I upgrade my CPU to run pC2 properly it will kill this game then. :)

One unfortunate thing I noticed was that if you run at a shorter track --- apparently there are other tracks in the game for some reason --- you still can only do a 6 lap race. 6 laps is pretty epic on the full course and I think as long as they ever run in the main classes, but on a 3km track it's barely a warmup.
Interesting that they blame track surface glitches for the bikes veering off path.....I don't believe that is the cause at all. If it was the real cause, surely it would happen every single time in the same spots, but it doesn't.
Interesting that they blame track surface glitches for the bikes veering off path.....I don't believe that is the cause at all. If it was the real cause, surely it would happen every single time in the same spots, but it doesn't.
No always.

Glitches can occur under all sorts of different circumstances, it could only occur when the physics get confused at speed X, or over speed Y, or between speeds A and B, or any of these with the front wheel at C degrees of slip.

If it was always as simple as that a glitch occurs all the time then they would be a simple thing to fix, unfortunately code isn't nice and helpful like that.
And of course there are a lot of difficult to see bumps that if you don't hit right as you are trying to correct your line or slow down to prepare for a corner you are a little out of sorts for, or to try to drive as perfect as possible, can cause you to lose control -- which almost always results in the rear sliding and you veering off to the side. At least those are always in the same spot. Aaand of course gamers always blame the developers first. To be fair, the game is imperfect and quite twitchy for sure.

I had my first bout of the game not running great today, right away was having widely variable FPS and some choppy sections. Fortunately a reboot seemed to correct it, nice and smooth afterwards. Odd though, I had just booted up and done virtually nothing else... the computer didn't appear to be doing anything else either. After reboot it was fine even with messing around online in the middle of things.

Still looking for the elusive no-crash lap(I've chosen not to toodle around at 50mph all the way just to say I got one), but improved my best today. Got down to 6 crashes from 9 and my first sub-20 lap at 19:43 with McPint's CBR600. Good enough for a top 500 on PC. :) I should probably try some of the other parts of the game besides hotlapping that track exclusively.
Sharing the PC Patch 1.01 notes here (from the Facebook page):

  • Trigger feedback for Xbox gamepads are now available on PC
  • Updated pilot’s animations
  • In the options menu, "resolution" and "refresh rate" values are now associated with the type of screen selected
  • AI pilots are less likely to collide with other vehicles
  • Increased very slightly AI brake skill
  • Adjusted AI turn skill to avoid being too slow during a turn
  • Fixed several crashes
  • Fixed several achievements that did not unlock
  • In career mode, fixed Tourist Trophy events that did not appear properly
  • Fixed some achievements that did not unlock properly
We thank you again for your continued feedback and support!
I hope the Xbox One patch gets approved soon.

PS4 players; how has the update helped the game in your opinion? Have you all tried any of the sensitivity options and see how they work.

I play the 1st person view, so I never knew about the glitchy 3rd person view. Has the improvement to rider animation improves 1st person view?
That patch has transformed the game.
They have nailed it, I'm not interested in the career mode or the other tracks,I'm just happy I can now run lap after lap of the mountain course on the Norton without the handling ruining the experience for me.

If you are a TT fan this game is a MUST BUY

My only wish now is a proper photo mode but we can pause and play with replay cameras so it's no biggie.
That patch has transformed the game.
They have nailed it, I'm not interested in the career mode or the other tracks,I'm just happy I can now run lap after lap of the mountain course on the Norton without the handling ruining the experience for me.

If you are a TT fan this game is a MUST BUY

My only wish now is a proper photo mode but we can pause and play with replay cameras so it's no biggie.

I've only really got into it over the last week & don't have any issues with the handling. Especially after the patch. Anyone who's worried about it being 30fps I've not had any problems either & that's on a base PS4. It's really tough right enough but I like the fact you initially need most of the assists.

Looking forward to the sidecars dlc now. I've think they've more or less nailed this game. Plenty of settings to help you find your own personal sweet spot as well.

But it's the track that's truly the star of the show. Absolutely stunning. And the sensation of speed always being a split second away from losing control second to none. If they can keep listening to feedback & tweaking it accordingly this is one game that will surely live long in TT fans gaming memories.

Also imagine PS5 comes out & games like this were backwards compatible. All they'd really need was a big update to make them potentially run at 60fps & at an even higher resolution.

Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself but in the meantime my TT itch is being luxuriously scratched since those old PS2 Jester days of yesteryore. 👍


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I'm not experiencing that since the update. I went for it on PS4 here btw

Likewise never experienced that. Honestly if there's still any issues with this it's still not near enough to spoil what's good about it. No game's ever perfect (especially these days around it's launch) But I'm sure they'll keep updating it until it's as near as.

It's certainly no Project Cars regards number of issues needing addressed.
Looks like you're an exception so far rather than a percentage. No doubt it can happen or you wouldn't be saying it. What platform you on chief?
I have the PS4 version.

We might be talking about subtly different things, or from a different angle. I mean that once you break traction, the rear tyre does not re-grip in anything like a realistic or even intuitive fashion, no matter if you remove the original upsetting force (brake, throttle, just turning). Additionally, the way the forces affect the bike seems to be broken once you start sliding.

For instance: you can slide sideways to the right, with the bike leaning right, and the bike will not fall over. It just feels unnatural when it happens.

I actually found the game harder to control after the patch, as well. But that might just have been a case of losing my touch with it after having a sleep or three. I didn't notice that slides were any more or less likely to occur, and they were just as likely to be terminal when they did occur.

So I'd say the physics are untouched, and maybe a few problematic bits of track mesh have been smoothed out to reduce the risk of a loss of grip occurring, nothing more.
It thinkt the ability to tweak the control style will pacify some peoples desire for the game to seem more controllable, even if the underlying physics is the same.

Did Kylotonn reveal a specific physics tweak in the patch notes? I don't recall seeing one.

Nearly every racing game developer is happy to reveal physics' adjustments in patches. They usually read something like "Changed grip model to more realistic levels" or "altered suspension response." :)
Did Kylotonn reveal a specific physics tweak in the patch notes? I don't recall seeing one.

Nearly every racing game developer is happy to reveal physics' adjustments in patches. They usually read something like "Changed grip model to more realistic levels" or "altered suspension response." :)
I mention it because the ultimate cause of the uncontrollability of the sliding is the physics engine, not bumps in the road.
I've got under 19 minutes now on a supersport, 18:55. Still stuck on 6 crashes which I've managed several times now. I can get 10 minutes without a crash, but I always end up getting stupid at some point even if I don't get unlucky. Not pushing that hard but not backing way off either. I actually find I crash just as much when I am just taking it easy as I do when I'm driving properly anyway.

I've found the Triumph to be pretty easy to control overall, but it's not so good on the brakes. Still haven't ridden the Yamaha. All 4 are in the top 10 for overall TT times, but the top lap times are all Hondas. It's too bad you can't scroll the list.
I actually find I crash just as much when I am just taking it easy as I do when I'm driving properly anyway.

I find this too. I've tried taking it easy, but there isn't enough of a benefit.

My best is a 20:06 on the S1000RR. The thing that's bothering me now, is that even allowing for an average of 10 seconds per crash... I'm still going to be doing well to break the 19:00 barrier... which means in places where I don't think I'm taking it that easy... I'm going to have to push harder... not only do I have to not crash... I have to git gud!

Only actually played it once since the update due to other constraints, might try and get a few laps in this weekend.
I've got under 19 minutes now on a supersport, 18:55. Still stuck on 6 crashes which I've managed several times now. I can get 10 minutes without a crash, but I always end up getting stupid at some point even if I don't get unlucky. Not pushing that hard but not backing way off either. I actually find I crash just as much when I am just taking it easy as I do when I'm driving properly anyway.

I've found the Triumph to be pretty easy to control overall, but it's not so good on the brakes. Still haven't ridden the Yamaha. All 4 are in the top 10 for overall TT times, but the top lap times are all Hondas. It's too bad you can't scroll the list.
Are you using linked brakes? If so, try turning that off and only using the front brake.

The real Daytona has a basically non-existent rear brake, and in Ride2 using the rear brake on that bike really upsets corner entry. Might be a weight distribution thing.

The Honda is by far the easiest supersport bike to ride (and supposedly in real life, too), so its leaderboard dominance might not be reflective of pace so much as consistency.