Tame the Mountain: TT Isle of Man Launches March 6 on Consoles



On doit vous l'avouer, c'est avec quelques craintes que l'on abordait cette adaptation officielle du Tourist Trophy. Fort heureusement, le jeu est parvenu à les lever en proposant une expérience grisante notamment par sa parfaite maitrise de la vitesse et son ambiance sonore. TT Isle of Man apporte un petit vent de fraîcheur aux jeux de courses motos avec une très bonne maitrise visuelle. Pas exempt de défauts, ce premier jeu moto de Kylotonn augure le meilleur pour la suite. Rappelons toutefois que le jeu reste assez difficile et qu'il ne plaira pas à tout le monde par son gameplay particulier."

Points forts

  • Excellente sensation de vitesse
  • Tracé parfaitement respecté
  • Un défi à la mesure du TT
  • Prise en main technique
Points faibles

  • Uniquement les Supersport et Superbike
  • Un gameplay qui ne plaira pas à tout le monde
  • Pas de personnalisation ou de réglage des motos
  • L'IA dans les courses Mass Start
1st impressions, not entirely sure about career mode, it doesn't seem to flow very well. The way the bikes handle is reasonable enough, definitely need track knowledge as the bumps, road camber and the kerbs affect the way the bike tracks. Not keen on the braking effect, seems a bit vague at times.
Some frame rate issues at some points of the TT circuit, it seems to stutter 1/2 down bray hill and ramsey, as well as a couple of other places.
Was doing 4 lap TT race but got disqualified for speeding in pit lane, then game froze and had to shut it down.
Overall relatively impressed with gameplay, but some bugs need fixing asap.
1st impressions, not entirely sure about career mode, it doesn't seem to flow very well. The way the bikes handle is reasonable enough, definitely need track knowledge as the bumps, road camber and the kerbs affect the way the bike tracks. Not keen on the braking effect, seems a bit vague at times.
Some frame rate issues at some points of the TT circuit, it seems to stutter 1/2 down bray hill and ramsey, as well as a couple of other places.
Was doing 4 lap TT race but got disqualified for speeding in pit lane, then game froze and had to shut it down.
Overall relatively impressed with gameplay, but some bugs need fixing asap.

On what console please Sean?
No worries @Bush_Killa-73 👍

I am still a bit wibbly wobbly in helmet cam :ill:. I don't usually use the track markers but they help a lot so far on this 60km track.

I will be honest and say I haven't actually made it around without coming off yet and so glad there are plenty of fields to dive in to :sly:

I must add the actual track is fantastic, long fast straights you can get up to 170mph+, villages and then going under trees at 100mph is great and it goes on for what seems like for ever.

I couldn't say what framerate as you go so blooming fast down the roads (best sense of speed I have had on a game with the wind noise) but it all seems smooth and capped on PS4 pro so far.

I need plenty more practice on it before taking markers off as the track is too long to learn initially. Handling I have all assists on to start and finding this good and using the awesome triumph bike I find the best for sound and handling to start off. :cheers:
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I've gone ahead and bought it so should be here later on tonight.

Feel free to add me for the possibility of racing and wheelie competitions. :D
Just put IOM on your message.

Laters taters.
I'm terrible at it, I keep falling off, everywere, I keep wondering if they included diesal spills, ha.
On the handling side, I expect the front tyre to load up and give more grip when I roll off the throttle, doesn't seem to happen in the game. I'll just have to adapt.
I'm enjoying playing, even when I'm getting frustrated at my lack of skill. I'm not really fast at any game, definitely won't be top of any leader tables.
I've noticed the scenery stuttering at several tracks now, usually same section on each lap.
I think i've sussed career mode, you select the events in email and they are added to the calender, then you just select next race each time.
Don't think i'll be racing online for quite a while, so other people's opinion on that would be interesting.
Have cracked open my 1st beer of the night, so it's downhill from here. ;-)
Can you turn off the head up display?
Hi Rik, I think you can turn everything off individually, like maps and corner markers. I will have a look next time I am on to see if I can ride with no HUD at all just the bike as I haven't tried that yet, needing all the help I can get to get round the tracks (more my bad riding! rather than the actual game handling) :D:tup:

I'm looking forward to hearing comments from others on the graphics, handling and sense of speed.
What part has you saying that? Sorry, you'll need to be a bit more specific ;)

I'm just not sure what any of what you said really meant. Framerate doesn't have much of anything to do with "pixelation" - that would be resolution more than anything. And framerate is important for more than fooling the eye when you're talking about games - it has a big impact on the fluidity of animation of course but it also has an impact on the responsiveness of control...which is critically important in racing games. And yes, processing power is the stumbling block, but that's always the case. The result of placing too heavy a demand on the available processing power is a poor frame rate. Therefore, what devs should be doing is lowering those demands on processing power until the game can run at a steady 60fps under all circumstances.

...but this is going to derail this thread as it isn't what the thread is about so I'm just going to leave it at that and move on.
Okay, so... I went ahead and bought this game, just because I'm interested to learn the circuit - not just that - but also how I go about learning the circuit.

First time playing any kind of bike game since Tourist Trophy on the PS2, which was about the only other bike game I've ever played.

The short of it is...

I'm going to attack it, on the S1000RR.. because BMW... Aids set to low or off, independent F/R braking, MT, onboard view, no driving line or corner markers.
1st lap ever... 29'48"432 ... and I crashed, or fell off the back of the bike, a lot. I'd forgotten how far ahead of a corner or breaking point that you have to set the bike up. The hard thing here is going to be learning the braking points when much of the track looks fairly samey. I like the handle bar riders view, though debris that accumulates on the windshield, and the reflections and glare off it do make it really hard to figure out what the hell is 200m down the road... I left a lot of rider shaped dents in the islands scenery...

... good fun though, impulse purchase really but I can see many many hours of getting from rubbish to average, then average to reasonable ahead. It provides a bit of a break from GTS's livery editor.
How does the game stack up to Ride 2 overall in terms of handling, content volume and other relevant aspects? I never put enough time into that game and if TT Isle of Man is inferior in most regards I might as well save the money and scratch my returned motorcycle game itch with Ride 2.
Can controls be remapped (PS4)? Most specifically can acceleration and braking be mapped to the right stick?

👍 You can custom the settings. I put quite a few details on another thread but looks like they are now merged , so I am trying to see who I answered on each thread.

TT Isle of Man - Ride on the Edge_20180306061537.jpg
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It could be you have Motion Blur or Dynamic view on have a mess with the settings it makes it all a bit smoother.

👍 You can custom the settings. I put quite a few details on another thread but looks like they are now merged , so I am trying to see who I answered on each thread.

View attachment 719721

I would appreciate it very much if you can confirm if throttle and (front) brake can be mapped to the right stick. Gravel supposedly also has remapable controls, but not onto the sticks. I have some recurring wrist problems so holding down R2 (or any button) for extended periods of time is not great for me - and even without that I've generally preferred the right stick for throttle/braking, which sadly is rarely an option in particularly arcade racers.

I'm kind of hovering on the buy button in the PS store right now, but would really like to have the remapping confirmed :).
I would appreciate it very much if you can confirm if throttle and (front) brake can be mapped to the right stick. Gravel supposedly also has remapable controls, but not onto the sticks. I have some recurring wrist problems so holding down R2 (or any button) for extended periods of time is not great for me - and even without that I've generally preferred the right stick for throttle/braking, which sadly is rarely an option in particularly arcade racers.

I'm kind of hovering on the buy button in the PS store right now, but would really like to have the remapping confirmed :).

No, it doesn't look like you can. Set up A has them on the right stick anyway, but in custom it won't let you assign it, and it won't let you unassign the right stick from camera direction.


How does the game stack up to Ride 2 overall in terms of handling, content volume and other relevant aspects? I never put enough time into that game and if TT Isle of Man is inferior in most regards I might as well save the money and scratch my returned motorcycle game itch with Ride 2.

In terms of content it doesn't compare well to Ride 2. Ride 2 has 26 different distinct tracks with a top total of 55 or so when you include variations. TT has 10 tracks total.

But the main weakness for me in TT is bike selection. Ride 2 has over 200 different machines. TT has only a basic selection of 10 - there are numerous variations of each according to whatever rider you pick, but I'm sure there isn't much difference between them.

I think the handling model in Ride 2 is better and the graphics smoother and more polished, but having said that, I only played TT for an hour or so last night after a few beers.

I still think it is a pretty good game - I've been wanting a bike game with the TT track on it for ages, so that by itself is a wonderful thing. The other tracks seem very well designed - they have a nice flowing quality.
From YouTube videos I get the impression that TT looks a fair bit better than Ride 2, in terms of the landscape at least? And also that the sense of speed is very impressive (I'll be playing in dash cam).
Is the full TT track really 60 km long? Sounds like that's where it might feel like it's worth the full price tag.
Thank you. Looks like setup A should work for me.

No worries.

It's a fun game. I can't comment on the physics in comparison to other games, because I don't play other games... but a couple of things I've noted so far.

Engine noise. The engine notes alright, nothing special, but it seems disconnected from revs on some occasions... like weird doppler effects... makes it hard to judge shifts at low speeds (i.e. when getting the bike up to speed).
FPS. It doesn't bother me, I'm on a standard PS4 and while it is noticeable at high speed that things flit into, and out view, almost in a blink, it seems fairly constant, and to be honest it adds to the sensation of speed.... but then I grew up playing on a C64... I've got a high tolerance for this kind of thing.
Graphics. They're good, the scenery stacks up to some closer scrutiny, and other than in some of the fields you can't see until you fall off, there is very little texture repetition. The long distance scenery also looks convincing. The bikes are pretty good too.. but they're not as graphically polished as they would be if PD had done them :lol:
View. Watching alot of the VVV videos the rider animation might give the impression that the bike is over responsive. I've only raced 'onboard' so far, and I certainly don't get the impression the bike is over responsive. If you didn't do the right thing 2 seconds ago, you're dead.

.. anyway.. lap 2: 27'14"090.. :crazy: I suck! "If in doubt, flat out..." really doesn't work on the TT course!

edit: 27 mins for a lap that still feels like it's only 4-5 mins, that's got to be a good sign.
From YouTube videos I get the impression that TT looks a fair bit better than Ride 2, in terms of the landscape at least? And also that the sense of speed is very impressive (I'll be playing in dash cam).
Is the full TT track really 60 km long? Sounds like that's where it might feel like it's worth the full price tag.

Yeah it is as long as that - it's also as hard as hell. Sections of it are as fast as any motoGp or F1 circuits, except you are barrelling down narrow country roads over hills and bumps. Many of the corners are quite fast but there isn't much room for making mistakes. If you don't get the entry right you could end up as part of a brick wall. It's a bike experience you won't get anywhere else.

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