TB's Taco, aka Vader

  • Thread starter TB
That clip is the door latch, isn't it? Not really anything to do with storing the cap while fueling.

Nice job on your tray, though!!! Gotta get me one o' them printers one day...
That clip is the door latch, isn't it?
Not really anything to do with storing the cap while fueling.
Short of just letting it hang and rub on the body, there's no where else to put it.
Nice job on your tray, though!!!
Just downloaded and printed from Thingiverse. Couldn't get much easier. :)
Gotta get me one o' them printers one day...
If you have a few things you need/want, they really are fun. They're not that expensive, either.
The glovebox is now nicely organized.

Not much of note for the last year and a half.

Changed the oil a few weeks ago.

More fun - I ordered some pre-cut tint for the front windows. The back windows are factory tinted at about 35% but state law limits me to 50% for the front so that's what I put on today.

Installation was pretty straightforward and came out pretty good. I need to get it out in the sun to cook off some of the small bubbles but since I took over the garage I figured I might as well vacuum and clean the inside.

Before tint:




Not much change as far as the camera is concerned but that's kind of to be expected, especially with 50% tint.
I still find it hard to believe that nearly every state has their own tint laws in the year 2023.


Technically my front window tint (30%) is illegal in Alabama but was at legal limits in Florida, where I bought and initially registered the car. You'd really have to eyeball it from a distance.
@Pupik - I'd say 35% and 32% aren't discernible to the naked eye but I got pulled over on the interstate when the ND tint law said you couldn't have anything on the fronts and I had 97% UV blocking film. He must have been incredibly bored that day. :lol:
Ohio's limit is 50% but literally nobody cares - the standard install is 30%. A lot of people do the UV film on the windshield but that's also entirely illegal. I'm going to do both eventually lol.
I'm kind of amazed Washington has a 24% tint law, but I also forget half the state is a desert and the other half is a rainforest.

@Pupik - I'd say 35% and 32% aren't discernible to the naked eye but I got pulled over on the interstate when the ND tint law said you couldn't have anything on the fronts and I had 97% UV blocking film. He must have been incredibly bored that day. :lol:

Some police officers have small light scanners that they can put up the glass and measure reflectivity. I can't say I've heard of it occurring in Alabama much, whereas it used to be a good excuse to fine (or worse) a driver in the Sunshine State, usually if they happened to be under the age of 30...
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I am sad to report that after almost 4 years it appears the lights have failed and started killing the battery so they had to go. I ripped them out this morning. I'll know for sure that they were the culprit tomorrow morning when I go to start it again.

Pity, because I liked them. I like my truck starting more, though.
New battery ordered. Opted for a 24F AGM. Not sure when it will be delivered but the sooner, the better.
Out with the old


In with the new


If I'm honest, I'm a little annoyed that the battery has to be installed backwards but I'll get over it.
I'd send it back, as they obviously simply installed the labels incorrectly.

Also, get a set of those anti-corrosion foam washers. They work, and that corrosion you saw on the old battery just might have been a contributing factor in its death. A whole buck or so at Walmart.
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I'd send it back, as they obviously simply installed the labels incorrectly.

Also, get a set of those anti-corrosion foam washers. They work, and that corrosion you saw on the old battery just might have been a contributing factor in its death. A whole buck or so at Walmart.
It's my understanding that the felt pads don't do much of anything and AGM batteries aren't supposed to corrode. If anything, I'll use some anti-corrosion spray that neutralizes the acid.
I had a car that corroded the terminals in what seemed like hours. Never happened after putting those on it. Don't know anything about AGM batteries being immune to that, but if so, cool.