We have got a new member today :
Our newest member is PSN : Huguinho__1
Hey guys is this team still recruiting? just wanted to know.
If you are, add me on SalmanBH
hoping to see you guys online
Heres a vid of me drifting http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcIh-B7Vq3g
@UXIOUS from talking to quad it doesn't sound like he can make tuesday nights, will it be fixed to tuesday nights or is this flexible.
So duman079 Am I going to get that tryout?
allways when i look at drifting clips its allways the creator in focus.
now that we have a ton of camera angles you can really make good looking videos.
Dino put this into account and look have much better it gets!![]()
Thanks Du xDGood job guys.
Indeed, some changes from the driver would ook better. Better next time.
Its not me who made the vid broi know ... changing cams and editing make the video alot better ... its Huguinho_11 who made the vid ... thank god he was able to capture/edit/upload it with his age ...
I speek for myself i dont work on editing videos cause first of all i do not have a capture card ,i use my HandyCam to shoot the TV ...
second of all with my connection i'm only able to upload ****y quality so i just dont bother myself
But yeah you are right ,when someone makes a video he should not only focus on himself and use only 1 camera .... he should change camera and shoot other cars in the video ... :/
Thanks Du xD
We should make Hugo the official team recorder since he has a capturing deviceand Do a team drift video as soon as possible maybe this sat night ??
That picture is full of awesomeness.