Yea Duman - good drifts yesterday man!! I always get good tandems whenever I get to join Team Burst lobbies... I'm just shocked I was able to stay connected to your lobby for so long...
The french drifter was OK but he was pushing way to hard to keep up with us... That's why you got rammed a few times by him LOL!! He bumped me a LOT too... He needs to work on his throttle and speed control. I feel sorry for his real life drift car - I predict a lot of dents in its future... Good times though!!
nice man, next time ill try to send less messages when you're recording though xD whats the song btw too?
Nice, ill be back in a few days i hope![]()
Hahaha, hell yeah. I was lmao when i got re : u fishing gain ? Song is Tiesto ft Diplo-c'mon.
hahaha i know me too, thanks. I'll see you online later, I have a test in 45 mins and i'm on GTP and youtube xD
not bad, but been away for a few days catching the last few days of skiing