• Thread starter Duman079
I got a DFGT today lol. I just need a good place to put it on. Ill make something for it in the weekend. I think I will start with some racing first before I start drifting lol.

I'll be getting one in about a month as well when my summer holidays start so it will be 6 weeks of straight practice. At least i'll have a learning partner now lol.
I got a DFGT today lol. I just need a good place to put it on. Ill make something for it in the weekend. I think I will start with some racing first before I start drifting lol.

cool bro 👍
I got a warning message that should have been written on the pedals for you : "Be gentil with these, extra care required" LOL

Definitly you should start by racing in it ;) And even before you do racing ;) make a new account and try golding all of your Liscences with it ;)
or king you could just do them all again since you cant really send money over to your original account other than cars of course
Ill ring sony tomorrow and complain that its not my fault but the hardwares so i might get it for free.
Im gonna need luck! :(
Ahh that sucks mate. The only thing I hope is that you dont get a packie on the line :lol:.
Hope they will fix it free for you.

I just drifted with my steer and i need hella practice. I can race a bit, but after to much throttle, i cant recover at all after a slip. Im using a 320 HP toyota FT86 and no mods. Just oil change and exhaust which I can remove anytime. I cant drift at all lol. I only had sports hard but still i had no control. I guess i need a lot of practie guys lol. I have the specs of the wheel like everyone said, feedback 10, assist off and simulator setting. It was easier to race then but it was even harder to drift lol. You guys have to help me! xD

There also is a thing that makes your steer lighter or heavier. All new cars from now have the light steering and some old cars dont have it. Should that be on or not? I dont know the name in English lol.

Sorry for the grammar, im on my mobile.
Ahh that sucks mate. The only thing I hope is that you dont get a packie on the line :lol:.
Hope they will fix it free for you.

I just drifted with my steer and i need hella practice. I can race a bit, but after to much throttle, i cant recover at all after a slip. Im using a 320 HP toyota FT86 and no mods. Just oil change and exhaust which I can remove anytime. I cant drift at all lol. I only had sports hard but still i had no control. I guess i need a lot of practie guys lol. I have the specs of the wheel like everyone said, feedback 10, assist off and simulator setting. It was easier to race then but it was even harder to drift lol. You guys have to help me! xD

There also is a thing that makes your steer lighter or heavier. All new cars from now have the light steering and some old cars dont have it. Should that be on or not? I dont know the name in English lol.

Sorry for the grammar, im on my mobile.

Do you mean power steering for the light and heavy feel?
Thats probably it.
But firstly i dont use ffb 10, put it at 3 and everything as it is.
Since i cant tune because of YLOD get king or GAUZ to fix up a tune for you, it will help. But ill tell you the basic setup for wheel.
No toe on rear, and about -15 to -20 on front
Rear camber 0.8, front 3.0.
Front 5 mm higher on front.
And most importantly, dont go above 3 anti roll bar on the rear, it makes it harder to catch. Front dont go above 4.
And dont go above 9 spring rate on front or back.
Try 6-4 brake bias (6 front 4 rear).
Powell spoke the truth for the rest.
Or you can try to drift stock cars, Supra RZ with just the oil change engine overhaul and body lightening works good (no diff at first, its so easy to get that set wrong).
Try 6-4 brake bias (6 front 4 rear).
Powell spoke the truth for the rest.
Or you can try to drift stock cars, Supra RZ with just the oil change engine overhaul and body lightening works good (no diff at first, its so easy to get that set wrong).

For brakes i use 0 on the back, it gives more potential with a wheel, especially if you have an ebrake.
Really? I have a G27 I'll try that!

How does it react under heavy braking if already sideways?
Oh by the way if you set the e-brake on the analog stick, does the e-brake becomes an axis?
I mean do you have the ability to choose the amount of ebrake you're applying by pulling the stick more or less?
Really? I have a G27 I'll try that!

How does it react under heavy braking if already sideways?
Oh by the way if you set the e-brake on the analog stick, does the e-brake becomes an axis?
I mean do you have the ability to choose the amount of ebrake you're applying by pulling the stick more or less?

When your braking going sideways you need to countersteer a bit more. It can also help if you have too much angle.

The ebrake does work on an axis but its very close together
Good news.
Me and my two brothers are going into xtra vision to get a 320gb ps3.

AND,,,, lucky enough i did my first backup for gt5 the night before! Lol.
See you soon, maybe.... :)
Thats nice. Im getting better with racing with my wheel but I really need a lot of work to drift lol. I dont know when I should hold my steer, when I hold it, it flies to the other side lol.

Baha if you read this, send me a slow drift car lol. Hamtidamti gave me his BTR but its to aggressive to start with. I cant drift with my FT86 lol.
Duman, drive stock cars, trust me!
The FD is ideal for that, go on Autumn ring mini and start easy. Don't do feint 100meters before the corner, just brake until entering the corner flick the car under braking, release brakes and apply throttle.
As for the wheel it'll be hard to figure out at first, just look at your replays when you fail try to spot what you did wrong and retry.
Thanks waider. I just fail at holding the wheel at the time i need to. I always spin out or I fly in the other way towards a wall lol. Im getting better in the racing part, but im very bad in recovering my car after a fault. I only played. around 3/4 hours so I hope I will do better in the next days.
No , i throttle to much without knowing and I dont turn my wheel good while I catch the drift. But yeah, help is welcome lol. Im glad everyone wants to help me out.
when drifting with the wheel, Throttle control is VERY important. You need to learn the feeling of under-steer and over-steer through the wheels force-feedback.

Try not to hold full throttle off the limiter, unless the car is under-powered.

Blip the throttle hard to get the car sideways, then release and modulate the throttle. With cars that have High HP, once it's sideways you usually don't need full throttle to hold it there.

If you can keep the car drifting with partial throttle, it gives you a wider power-band to make corrections and position the car better.

Takes lots of practice but rewarding once you get good at it :)👍
yep, i think I first will be racing more before I try to drift. I need to know how to control my car and keep it on the road after hitting the grass. That might help me recovering for the drifting later.

Or should 0i drift straight away?
Do both.
As for recovering while going on grass it's really hard with some fast race cars when the off road is set on realistic.
Oh No , I cant beleive this !
380 stupid ****** MB for stupid race suites and Helmets ?!?? are they ****** Kidding me ?!?!
I mean , Really? Is this what Polyphony has been working on since last Update?!
No new car models nor refined old ones ? no New rims ? No new body parts ??
Is this a racing game or a Barby game for fashion and cloth?! :S
I'm Really Really disappointed with this 1.10 patch .

BTW Duman,
The BTR is a great car to learn on ... i guess you find it aggressive because you have a heavy foot lol
I'll Try to send you mine as soon i can update my GT5 :( ... its very soft and it can do slow/fast drifting
i.e. it drifts by itself with no hard work required on the wheel ;)
The key is softness with inputs + timing + a relaxed mood ;)
What kinda wheel did you get Duman?

My tip for you on the wheel would be to let the wheel spin into countersteer in little parts. (met kleine beetjes, niet alles in een keer) this prevents you letting the wheel spin too far, which lets the cars snap into the other direction. Once you see the angle of the car decreasing while going into countersteer, immidiatly steer back into the corner and apply a bit of throttle to keep the back end out there.
Same goed for the exit odf the corner if you dont want to transition into the next. Slowly let the wheel return to an almost neutral position. Then, when the car is almost 100% straight, you can go into the neutral position.

Its hard to explain; i would just go and drift and fail, then drift and fail some more, and the be awesome! if you want and have a mic we can drift together and i can explain in Dutch..

But stick with it; i know i got really frustrated with myself!! Needed lots of Lung Candy to keep me calm!
Oh No , I cant beleive this !
380 stupid ****** MB for stupid race suites and Helmets ?!?? are they ****** Kidding me ?!?!
I mean , Really? Is this what Polyphony has been working on since last Update?!
No new car models nor refined old ones ? no New rims ? No new body parts ??
Is this a racing game or a Barby game for fashion and cloth?! :S
I'm Really Really disappointed with this 1.10 patch .

It was just 20 MB for me lol O.o That's weird :s
I'd like a barbie game though :D (joke ^^)
It was just 20 MB for me lol O.o That's weird :s
I'd like a barbie game though :D (joke ^^)

haha lol
You must have see it wrong ( maybe you missed the "3" and tought the "2" is an "8" ? :P)
They do have the brains to make such a realistic game but they dont have style nor taste when it comes to cars and looks
They definetly need a new team manager with better vision and tastes to select the tasks for the next Update :P
I mean how on earth could they miss the BIG mistake in the premium S15 tyres location/width/size/etc ... and this mistake isnt just with the S15 its there with many other cars as well ,example the Mustang GT those tyres are too thin!! Same fo the challenger SRT8.
They also need to add the tyre/rim width customization in the next Update or i'll rain their email support with emails containing what i rather keep unsaid :P
Wake up because for that one you're dreaming.

Dreams make the world go 'round mate :) I mean, Duman dreams of drifting with a wheel, so he bought one. Will he ever? thats the question...

(just joking Du :) gl with the wheel)

And Bahaa, we feel the same tbh. I love the S15, but ingame it looks crap :(
Oh No , I cant beleive this !
380 stupid ****** MB for stupid race suites and Helmets ?!?? are they ****** Kidding me ?!?!
I mean , Really? Is this what Polyphony has been working on since last Update?!
No new car models nor refined old ones ? no New rims ? No new body parts ??
Is this a racing game or a Barby game for fashion and cloth?! :S
I'm Really Really disappointed with this 1.10 patch .

BTW Duman,
The BTR is a great car to learn on ... i guess you find it aggressive because you have a heavy foot lol
I'll Try to send you mine as soon i can update my GT5 :( ... its very soft and it can do slow/fast drifting
i.e. it drifts by itself with no hard work required on the wheel ;)
The key is softness with inputs + timing + a relaxed mood ;)

Why panic ? The update will be done for you in 5 minutes :lol:.

Well I havent got a tiny foot but I mean that the setup is agressive. The camber is 4.0 front and 5.0 rear lol. I bought another BTR ( my 5th lol ) and that one is with less HP and less camber. I dont know how to tune for wheels. Im gettin g the hang of it, but I'm bad in staying in the drift, I do something that causes me to fly into the other side LOL. I guess I should handle my steer with more agression and turn it as fast as a Pizza baker.

And warren, the FD is helpfull, I drifted 1/2 corners in 3 hours LOL. But the FD ( around 310 HP and stock weight ) is better. Easier then the BTR. Evrytime I think I know how I have to do it, but I just cant xD.

And thanks dominique lol.

BTW : if you need money, do the online season events. There are 3 and they give all around a million and 1st prize is a car. Plus a suit and helmet. I think Baha will go for the helmet lol.