- 3,799
- Ireland
- powellx234
Im using black with golt te37's. Ill be on later and we'll have a look and try a few colours.
He was banned yesterday btw.
Who on this team can edit video's? I came up with one of my not so famous idea's. I want a kind of team entry video, (if thats what you call it) with me, monster, and bahaa in our zr1's.
Its kind of selfish not to include anybody else, but if you can tandem very well, have a zr1 in midnight purple lll and 5 spoke rimes, and has a 900 degree wheel, then your welcome.
So what i basicly want is a really cool video with action shots of allmost identical cars in a train.
Edit: i would do it myself but i havnt the first clue how to make a video.
monsterGAUZI can edit pretty well but i can't record properly so sb has to send me the footage
For ages now Ive wanted to a video of about 5 of us drifting the straight on SS7? and have everyday family cars to drift around, like mini's and hyundi's(spelling). Like the chase scene from tokyo drift.
Well well, it looks like we've moved home haha
EDIT: This is the most random thing ever. I just remembered I said I would find the PS helpline for someone (I cant remember who, maybe kingB?). Anyhow this has all the numbers of all the countries including 'other'.
Yo, i drifted with you guys on gt5 and PM Duman. Wanna battle?
Why not.
How many drifters, and what is a good date?
monsterGAUZI'd say 4 drifters per team. We are on pretty much every day at around 6 or 7pm gmt
I call a place!
DriifterzZMe too, Ive been wanting to battle for ages.
D-MAX beat one more Team.
The Time Has Come!