- 3,799
- Ireland
- powellx234
Is that Vin Deisel with hair?
I'm reporting you for being a turtle murderer. Wait until spank hears about this.
I don'r know how to do that B haha, I'll have to look around. I have just received a mail from youtube, they say I can earn money from the advertising and that I will get a part of it. I just have to read it good and Im going to add everyone I can. Please join my youtube channel haha. www.youtube.com/duman079. Now I get why some drift channels just keep adding me lol. I dont have time this week though lol. My grandpa came back from turkey and im going to germany on saturday . I can come sunday but only on night. We have to do this quick though, because I borrowed a laptop for the recording.
And thanks for the feedback guys!!
Oh and tom, we have xDriftz, gunz and supra from your time zone. So i will kick their butts into your kush cup xD.
The bigger the better, I was going to give a tutorial drifting, I just have to see if the guy from the other site can upload in on my channel instead of his.. Im going to put time in it so it would be nice for me. I will also ask everyone on my psn to join lol.
so this is the imfamous team burst ive been hearing about
Is it possible to join the BURST Club? I am a mature drifter.
yes you can!! 👍![]()
He looks exactly like me, only minus a few hundred pounds.
I like the Nintento necklace, thats awepicness!