- 3,799
- Ireland
- powellx234
No double posting DriifterzZ (earlier on the page). 👍
not to be rude but, you cant enforce a rule that doesnt exist.. anyway, deenie, add me up bro... I just made room LOL..
Who was actually sad enough to report thatNo double posting DriifterzZ (earlier on the page). 👍
not to be rude but, you cant enforce a rule that doesnt exist.. anyway, deenie, add me up bro... I just made room LOL..
Not to be rude dude but actually.
Not to be rude dude but actually.
From what I was told if its not in the AUP, its not a rule that is enforced.
From what I was told if its not in the AUP, its not a rule that is enforced.
I'm messing. But it was a bit of common sence when you left. But yea, I wanna battle you soon.![]()
Just so you know I haven't said a bad word to any STD member before, let alone now. I got into the argument because I was defending my team which you could understand.
Not at any point have I insinuated or followed up on comments about team members being 'stolen'. Everyone has the right to do what they want and I still believe all STD members left their old teams off there own backs.
Edit - when I said defending my team I didn't mean jumping on the bandwagon and backing everything up, I meant when killer insulted the team.
Well this has gone well![]()
I would be a pretty good therapist![]()
i didn't betray you... I left... started a new team... aww oh well it's all fun and games til people leave teams... anyway powell i like you, Gunz... dont understand why you're mad but i dont like you nor do i dislike you..., as for everyone else, thank you for respecting my decision and not busting my balls
Haha stop right there, our team is always fun even before you joined and after you left. And that has always been the case with others as well. Now you say you never liked or hated us , bit a couple of posts ago you said I like you all and have respect for BURST. I told you before I don't like lies or people who are cocky. So have fun and stay out our team thread and lobbies if there is no reason for you to talk with people you don't like. If you want to leave, you can go. I know who will stay loyal to my team and who won't. Team BURST is so much more then a team and that is the thing the most of you keaving guys forget. There is no way I can argue with King B, professor haze, loosingrip, wub, driftkng and all my other brothers. Even if your team gets better, I don't care. You even don't know how we got together, just for fun. Youre taking GTP way to serious, thats why the best aren't active on GTP anymore .
Gunz is the one who deserves all credit here, I have enough of this GTP nonsence as well. Just keep it fun, talk and help the comunnity ( like it should be ) if you want, but don't annoy others.
...did you read the post??? i said GuNz... as in Gunz i dont like nor dislike you... but whatever man this got blown way out of proportion... Duman have fun... B have fun... Gauz have fun... Deenie have fun... Pow, krit, drft, lerk and everyone else (lol thats all i could remember off the top of my head) have fun... oh and Duman i didn't start a team to try to make it better. I started a team cuz I felt like BURST wasn't the type of team i wanted... anyway once again lets just not argue.... you will back up your friends and i will back up mine... nothing ever gets solved unless people sit down and talk it out (i can only see 5-8 people in total being able to do that)
All this pettiness in the open forum is to stop now.
How about this:
If you ignore this request like you have with other members of staff requests, then this thread will be locked and the guilty parties will be awarded a 30 day holiday away from GTP on me.
You have been warned.
Since your a super moderator you should have a gtp symbol with a superman cape around it![]()