Team Dynasty | Drifting To Perfection

1k plus the things you need to mount it in a s14 ready to run. Expensive? I don't think so.

The sounds the primary reason I want it, I'll try to get some extra torque from a good map.
if you are doing the install yourself yea but add in all the parts and labor plus tuning
They've always been good but for me a 2jz is still on my top list.

Edit: Any Subaru Fans?

Those are expensive, and wasn't that car recked?
And no, not unless its a 90's wide body impreza.

if you are doing the install yourself yea but add in all the parts and labor plus tuning
@BayouSimDrifter my dads a master mechanic lol so I don't have to worry about that stuff.
I don't know much about his S13.
I like some older sti's, but I'm into the 2008+ modern body style.


Ummm guys, the added steering angle on drift trial modes give me serious emotion. I haven't had this much fun on gt in awhile, it would be time 50 in tandem with other people. Man, @Gonales was soo right about this. Now my Internet is really pissing me off.
Ummm guys, the added steering angle on drift trial modes give me serious emotion. I haven't had this much fun on gt in awhile, it would be time 50 in tandem with other people. Man, @Gonales was soo right about this. Now my Internet is really pissing me off.
Yea.. But.. It was never a big thing on gt5 due to it was never online/multiplayer. So for people to respect the extra lock here its going to take some time. But all these comps should remain on normal settings for now cause that's what everyone is used to.
Yea.. But.. It was never a big thing on gt5 due to it was never online/multiplayer. So for people to respect the extra lock here its going to take some time. But all these comps should remain on normal settings for now cause that's what everyone is used to.
Yeah I know, I'm just saying that toward the end of gt6's life this might actually be a thing, I think Proshoots FD should run it like this since the actually FD runs added angle. I'm just saying its fun and it should be a thing everyone should try if the update didnt take away this added angle but I wouldn't know since I'm here on gt how it was released.
Yea.. But.. It was never a big thing on gt5 due to it was never online/multiplayer. So for people to respect the extra lock here its going to take some time. But all these comps should remain on normal settings for now cause that's what everyone is used to.

Shouldn't stick with something just because people are used to it. (Slavery, Marriage Inequality, etc).

Thanks for the props Devil.
Yeah I know, I'm just saying that toward the end of gt6's life this might actually be a thing, I think Proshoots FD should run it like this since the actually FD runs added angle. I'm just saying its fun and it should be a thing everyone should try if the update didnt take away this added angle but I wouldn't know since I'm here on gt how it was released.

I dont think so. I run just as much angle and be just as consistent in race lobbies or DT lobbies. Its all in the tuning.