Team Dynasty | Drifting To Perfection

Not just that, any 'ghastly' set of rims. I don't see why you guys hate them so much.

Tsk. tsk.
They just crush my soul. Truth be told, they aren't that bad when you're spinning, then you cant see them! Seriously though, if anyone takes pics with Burnt's wheels, up the shutter speed. A lot.
yes great runs last night, i think that i might get out of the rx7s and be done with them. Move on to a new different car :/ idunno what to choose,
Don't think i can drift matos? You sure aren't the brightest .

Now you know who i am. - HRC GotHiboost

( If you take this seriously you need a back hand )
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its been decided, the time has come to put the old rx7s away and embark on a new company. what yall think of a m3 coupe? or something else

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