Everyone on this fourm is in one way or another ryte. All cars have their ups and downs, i have learned something today. U guys are rite, i am kinda self centered though. True the japanese have very nice cars, like the supra and nsx, im not taking that away from them, i just hate it when people supe ur their civic or rsx or something like that and think they can race. Do you people agree with me or not. On the other side, if u have a supra nsx , u can race because they are decent cars, im not taking anything away from that. but personal preference is a very good statement, it depends what the person looks for in automobiles. i lok for speed and original design, which is what lotus, austin martin, ferrari lamboughini have. And second off, they can beat almost 90% of the japanese cars. sorry to say but it is a true fact.
Seriously, what is going to beat the new ferrari enzo, nothing.......... what is going to beat the tuscan speed 12 racing edition, nothing......... (cept maybe a nsx, i give the japanese credit for making a wounderful vehicle like that) (no honda civic or soioped ur crap can ever beat one of these euro cars, im moving to europe to be a automotive engineer, and i will love it)
thanx for the replys guys