Team Mallala || Welcome to Trouty + thekillerelite || Recruiting

  • Thread starter Stavingo
Haha, shame I spent my night on other games, but I'd gladly show them up tomorrow 👍

I've gotten a new Nismo beast and I'm tempted to tune it up tomorrow, you guys still drift CH or you guys moved onto CM?
Haha, shame I spent my night on other games, but I'd gladly show them up tomorrow 👍

I've gotten a new Nismo beast and I'm tempted to tune it up tomorrow, you guys still drift CH or you guys moved onto CM?

Im transitioning to CM. Still have my 'Maro, RX8 (oh yea, I have an RX8 and boy is she beautiful :lol:), Z4 on CH but everything new Ive built plus all the ones I havent touched in a while are on CM.
I still use CH tyres for all drift cars. I use CM sometimes if I want to change up my speed. It's starting to become a daily thing for me to open rooms now. If I open the room each night at say 7:30 we could run a bit like D1NZ so you don't just need to wait until Friday
I'm still trying to get the feel of CMs. They slingshot and propel you faster compared to CH's and it's weird to adapt to.
Room up at 1472-6118-4259-7711-6533

EDIT: Room closed
If a person named aussiesk96 or Aussie_Chimp69 (you've heard of these 2 before) enters the MALLALA DRIFT lobby don't be surprised if they start having a go at me. Last night I told sk96 to join one of our rooms to show me if he's "still childish or any good". Couple minutes later his mate types back "LISTEN MATE aussiesk96 can ******G DRIFT." I reply saying "I bet he can. I hope he meets Stavingo or Haydenmc14, they're great drifters.". Aussie_Chimp then replies "ill show u driftin". I then reply "I'm not having a go at you or him. I'm sure you can drift." If you look back a couple pages you'l find my first encounter with them. No worries if they join the room though, Mic's are disabled, 4WD is prohibited and only CH or CM tyres are allowed.

I'm a great drifter? Rightio then :lol:
It's great to see you taking charge of opening up rooms and the such JR, it's a shame that i'm generally too busy to be on the Playstation and when I am, i'm usually on BF3 or racing or doing some organizing stuff in a championship...
Now that holidays have come around though :sly:

Oh, and nice job on the Levin model. I used to do stuff like that but was never patient enough to finish them properly :lol:
Shall hop on in 20, downloading stuff from PC at the moment so I'll struggle if I try and get on.

EDIT: Wow, we got past 900 replies *claps hands* :lol:

Oh yeah, room open.
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New room up at 1472-6118-3744-3752-7421

EDIT: Room closed
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Good sesh with Kiwi, Turbonator and Glaze who stopped by to show off his New School Detroit Muscle. Some good Door 2 Door moments with Kiwi, pity it was only in free run so no photos. Next though, Kiwi, we'll have to get some pics. Some epic photo shot moments in there. (D2D into the kitty litter. Talk about follow the leader :lol:)
Last nights sesh was great. So far the new rooms have been very good. TURBONATOR has been showing some good interest. The way he's going he will become a good drifter.

@Kamikazi: The link has 404'd and I can't get onto whatever it was.
Yea, TURBONATOR really has progressed in the 2 days after we first saw him. Back then, he could hardly hold a line and he spun quite frequently, last night though, I was following him and he has some nice lines and smooth entries. Still room for improvement but already, he is rather good.
True, he just needs to work on his countersteering and thats about it.

EDIT: Opening up a room now 1472 6118 3787 3250 7405

Having dinner will be back in 10 and the room closed down :(
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Finally stopped playing with my sister so I can open a room while Stav is off.
Room up at: 1472-6118-4130-9225-4743

EDIT: room closed
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Stav, have you decided when the vote on who will replace you as the leader of the team will happen?
Stav, have you decided when the vote on who will replace you as the leader of the team will happen?

Not really, I don't want to set a deadline or anything but I don't want any influence at all into it so you guys should figure it out yourselfs.
Not really, I don't want to set a deadline or anything but I don't want any influence at all into it so you guys should figure it out yourselfs.

We should take a democratic approach to it to make sure it is fair. You should make a poll for us to vote on.
We should take a democratic approach to it to make sure it is fair. You should make a poll for us to vote on.

True. Or we say message Stavingo who we want to be head or something. Anyways the room is still up and Coza427 and 2 others are in it.TURBO got NI.
We should take a democratic approach to it to make sure it is fair. You should make a poll for us to vote on.

I agree with that, but for starters I don't want to make the decision of who should lead the team as well because that's also up to you guys.
Room still up. Had good tandem with Coza and met ReDMyStiC. He says he's been away from GT5 to play MW2
Again another nice sesh last night. Good to talk to ReD. Should I open a room thread like nemesis? Room seems to be getting more popular and when holidays are over I can still host on week days.
Well last night I had Geti, MONSTAR-1 and Coza427 in the room. Most were randoms though. I was thinking of it to drum up more interest on GTP. It would be good to see some S1l3nt drifters in the lobby

EDIT: new room up at: 1472-6118-3658-4760-8984
So far TURBO and ReD has joined and we were also given a brief visit from a Prodigy member. Just had a race to get a replay. Nice D2D moments with a V8 supercar. I will add pics of yesterday and tonight tomorrow hopefully
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Well last night I had Geti, MONSTAR-1 and Coza427 in the room. Most were randoms though. I was thinking of it to drum up more interest on GTP. It would be good to see some S1l3nt drifters in the lobby

EDIT: new room up at: 1472-6118-3658-4760-8984
So far TURBO and ReD has joined and we were also given a brief visit from a Prodigy member. Just had a race to get a replay. Nice D2D moments with a V8 supercar. I will add pics of yesterday and tonight tomorrow hopefully

I know it makes me sound a little slow, but I had to read that three times before I figured out what you were saying. It's not your fault, but that is a very interesting turn of phrase. :lol:

Regarding all the leadership talk, I really don't think it's worth changing CEO's. It's not like Stav's gone completely AWOL (*cough* ben *cough*), and as it stands, all the members have pretty much the same level of authority with some using it better than others. Take JR, setting up plenty of rooms and spreading the Mallala message all the time makes him the perfect choice for a new leader. The counter opposite would be myself, who rarely shows up to these sessions and has barely even touched a drift car in the past couple of months. Both of us have the same power, but JR uses it a lot more effectively, and personally that's what I like about this group. There isn't really a single leader, more of a group of individuals who make decisions with everyone getting there say and a guy who (basically) just have to update the OP with new info.
To take this further, I like the freedom we currently have and having a hands on concentrated leader may just cause frustration for them and the team. With such a small and loose team as we have, a leader may find themselves annoyed at the lack of motivation in the group, causing a wedge to be shoved in between the team and it's leader- which, lets face it, would be a very quick way to kill a team and community.

My 10c ;)
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Cheers for that MrD. Now I read back on the last sentence I got a bit confused myself :lol:.

You do have a good point with the leadership. The team isn't as much a team more a community. THE_TURBONATOR isn't an official member but he basically is now with him drifting in the room each night. It doesn't bother me that much that I haven't drifted with almost half of the team. As long as we have people on the team and we can drift together sometimes I'm happy. I've been successful with the rooms for getting more interest in the team with getting some regular comers and having tandems with randoms for fun. We drift as a team and have fun as a team. As said when we first founded the team; "Long live Mallala"

EDIT: Room closed

EDIT: Almost forgot to say that Duman (Team Burst leader) showed up and had a bit of a drift. The ironic thing was that he had to use a 4WD Scooby because his game data got corrupted apparently.
Fair decisions guys, hopefully I can get on tomorrow afternoon for a good saturday arvo session with a few of you guys, just got caught up with a few things like holiday assignments...
Well, here are the pics from 3 nights: 6-4-12, 12-4-12 and the 13-4-12

Drifting with Kamikazi in his Trololvo

I lead Geti in a camaro tandem...

and again

ReDMyStiC in his 300Z

rude180sx in his HKS leads tribal_leader in his Ford Falcon

The Blitz drifter of zaq17ujm


tribal_leader follows my GT86

And the best 'til last; my first exhaust fire shot!
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My sister is off the telly so the new room is up at: 1472-6118-4259-7711-9330
I will also try to post about the MALLALA DRIFT rom o the enjin site as well but I'm having troubles wit photos on the site...

EDIT: Room closed
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