Team Smoke Screen

  • Thread starter mrCHRIS
Let's be honest, those "rules" are like instructions to something you just bought, nobody ever, EVER reads them.

You ticked the box to say you had read them and were willing to follow them, not reading the, ticking the box and then moaning about them is not the staff's issue.

The rules still apply regardless of you reading them.
Erm excuse me Mr Scaff sir, could you not use our thread for an arugement. As we have previously been informed my a mod and im sure your aware its a drifting fourm, post's should be related to that subject. If you search my inbox you'll see the conversation i had with another mod.

Im certainly not trying to annoy yourself or super mods. But i was told the thread was the improper place for a conversation regarding matters of this nature.

Please also hksturbo, i respect that you spoke to king, but annoying a mod on this thread can only lead to more problems for the team and the thread itself.


See page 71 just to confirm.
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You ticked the box to say you had read them and were willing to follow them, not reading the, ticking the box and then moaning about them is not the staff's issue.

The rules still apply regardless of you reading them.
Well let's just say your "rules" have made this forum an unfriendly place.
Well let's just say your "rules" have made this forum an unfriendly place. I'm sorry George for standing up, but mods seem to flock to this thread like vultures.
Then please feel free to leave, the AUP has been here far longer than you have and will not be modified to suit your personal reasons. You agreed to follow it so either do or leave, however keep on this track and the staff will make that choice for you.

Erm excuse me Mr Scaff sir, could you not use our thread for an arugement. As we have previously been informed my a mod and im sure your aware its a drifting fourm, post's should be related to that subject. If you search my inbox you'll see the conversation i had with another mod.

Im certainly not trying to annoy yourself or super mods. But i was told the thread was the improper place for a conversation regarding matters of this nature.

Please also hksturbo, i respect that you spoke to king, but annoying a mod on this thread can only lead to more problems for the team and the thread itself.


Its not an argument its a clarification of the rules of the site and members of staff have the mandate to post in ANY thread with regard to it.

I will be quite happy when this thread returns to its intended topic and the contributors in it chose to follow the AUP, then the staff will have no need to post in here with regard to moderation.
Then please feel free to leave, the AUP has been here far longer than you have and will not be modified to suit your personal reasons. You agreed to follow it so either do or leave, however keep on this track and the staff will make that choice for you.

Its not an argument its a clarification of the rules of the site and members of staff have the mandate to post in ANY thread with regard to it.

I will be quite happy when this thread returns to its intended topic and the contributors in it chose to follow the AUP, then the staff will have no need to post in here with regard to moderation.

Well follow the rules and ban him or take it to another place please scaff we have enough with our own members getting banned and changing the subject could you be so kind as to clean this place up and move to another thread to discuss your problems with hks :)
Well follow the rules and ban him or take it to another place please scaff we have enough with our own members getting banned and changing the subject could you be so kind as to clean this place up and move to another thread to discuss your problems with hks :)

Not a smart move at all.

The staff will enforce the AUP in the manner that we feel is most effective and your input is not required in that regard at all, nor do we take 'instruction' in how to enforce the AUP.

Carry on in this manner and the end result will be that the thread gets locked.

Keep in mind that the only reason your members got banned is that they failed to follow the AUP and also failed to follow the repeated warnings they were given. The staff do not target threads, we simply action AUP violations and do so in the manner we feel best suits the circumstances. Private warnings and infractions to members of this thread has pretty much zero impact. That we are now having to actively police it because contributors to it feel the rules don't apply to them is pretty much the last step before a thread gets locked.

Concern yourself with your own posts, encourage your fellow members to post in a manner that follows the AUP (and leading by example is the best way to do that) and do not interfere in moderation. Should you feel someone is breaking the AUP then use the report button and allow the staff to deal with it, and do not tell the staff how to do our job.

I strongly advice you follow the above because right now this thread is on pretty much its last chance.
Not a smart move at all.

The staff will enforce the AUP in the manner that we feel is most effective and your input is not required in that regard at all, nor do we take 'instruction' in how to enforce the AUP.

Carry on in this manner and the end result will be that the thread gets locked.

Keep in mind that the only reason your members got banned is that they failed to follow the AUP and also failed to follow the repeated warnings they were given. The staff do not target threads, we simply action AUP violations and do so in the manner we feel best suits the circumstances. Private warnings and infractions to members of this thread has pretty much zero impact. That we are now having to actively police it because contributors to it feel the rules don't apply to them is pretty much the last step before a thread gets locked.

Concern yourself with your own posts, encourage your fellow members to post in a manner that follows the AUP (and leading by example is the best way to do that) and do not interfere in moderation. Should you feel someone is breaking the AUP then use the report button and allow the staff to deal with it, and do not tell the staff how to do our job.

I strongly advice you follow the above because right now this thread is on pretty much its last chance.

Sorted dont worry.
Ok please now leave all this to settle and pass by. If your involved in the team you'll understand the gravity of the situation that developed. Its down to all of us now if this thread stays or goes.

Make sure your not the reason it goes. Anyone seen to be re-starting a running battle with the mods will find themselves on the wrong side of the report button. In the team or not.

So please just let it go and lets get back to our normal habits. :dopey:
i think ill just stay away from this thread until everything is sorted out because lately everything that i have posted in this thread has been removed by a mod and none of it deserved it, most of it was either asking for advice or simply asking if people were coming online for an hour or so to drift and ALL of it was removed, the way i feel right now towards GTP id rather just stay away and let it blow over because its not worth me getting banned or worse the team thread being shut down, im not attacking any of the GTP mods or bad mouthing GTP but im just frustrated at how everything im posting is being removed even though it is on topic for this thread, hopefully next time i post on here ill have my new TV and be back drifting full time :D
i think ill just stay away from this thread until everything is sorted out because lately everything that i have posted in this thread has been removed by a mod and none of it deserved it, most of it was either asking for advice or simply asking if people were coming online for an hour or so to drift and ALL of it was removed, the way i feel right now towards GTP id rather just stay away and let it blow over because its not worth me getting banned or worse the team thread being shut down, im not attacking any of the GTP mods or bad mouthing GTP but im just frustrated at how everything im posting is being removed even though it is on topic for this thread, hopefully next time i post on here ill have my new TV and be back drifting full time :D

Join the fb group 👍
i think ill just stay away from this thread until everything is sorted out because lately everything that i have posted in this thread has been removed by a mod and none of it deserved it, most of it was either asking for advice or simply asking if people were coming online for an hour or so to drift and ALL of it was removed, the way i feel right now towards GTP id rather just stay away and let it blow over because its not worth me getting banned or worse the team thread being shut down, im not attacking any of the GTP mods or bad mouthing GTP but im just frustrated at how everything im posting is being removed even though it is on topic for this thread, hopefully next time i post on here ill have my new TV and be back drifting full time :D

Seriously now.

Not only is this off-topic, once again disputing moderation publicly but also again ignores the AUP.

You will not use “textspeak” (“r”, “u”, “plz”, etc.) in your messages. Decent grammar is expected at all times, including proper usage of capital letters.

I'm letting this slide but this kind of thing is exactly why the staff are having a hard time right now.

Keep it on topic and follow the AUP. You are not being asked to do anything that the rest of the membership are doing, and as such I am seriously starting to struggle with the lack of understanding.
Seriously now.

Not only is this off-topic, once again disputing moderation publicly but also again ignores the AUP.

I'm letting this slide but this kind of thing is exactly why the staff are having a hard time right now.

Keep it on topic and follow the AUP. You are not being asked to do anything that the rest of the membership are doing, and as such I am seriously starting to struggle with the lack of understanding.

This is why im getting frustrated, last week i posted something asking a mod where to post things like my post above, but instead of answering me and ending the problem there and then he just removed it and never replied. The post above is on topic, i'm saying that i'm staying away from THIS thread for a while until everything is sorted, where do you want me to post it??? it's about this thread so i'm not going to go post it in a completely different thread.
I feel like the following,

wall + head.

I know it was posted with the best intensions, mate but the wrong time to draw attension back to this thread excatly what i want to avoid.

This is why im getting frustrated, last week i posted something asking a mod where to post things like my post above, but instead of answering me and ending the problem there and then he just removed it and never replied. The post above is on topic, i'm saying that i'm staying away from THIS thread for a while until everything is sorted, where do you want me to post it??? it's about this thread so i'm not going to go post it in a completely different thread.

Unless the topic of this thread is "my questions about moderation" then yes it is off topic.

What you should have done is either posted in the site feedback subforum or PM'd a member of staff.

I'm now busy until the morning (UK time) , by which point I expect this to be back in track in here. If its not then the staff with be deciding what the future of this thread will be, and to be honest I feel we have been more than patient enough.
what happened to kingkl1ck?why he's banned?(sorry havent been checking this thread for ages)
Will Comments stop getting deleted......
My Comment was on topic.
I was saying that my Internet Company is coming Monday so I should be back online Monday to drift with the team again......
Will Comments stop getting deleted......
My Comment was on topic.
I was saying that my Internet Company is coming Monday so I should be back online Monday to drift with the team again......

And also quoted a quite clearly off-topic post as well.

Look I've made this quite simple, keep it on topic or lose the thread, and I'm getting rather tired of having to clean it up.
No but the staff have had enough of this.

You've been asked to stop discussing moderation action and to keep the thread on-topic, both of which you have failed repeatedly to do.

The staff do not exist to clear up after the members of this team and contrary to what you may think you have no right to a team thread. One exists only as long as it continues to follow the sites AUP (which you all agreed to follow when you joined).

As you have repeatedly failed to do so this thread is now getting locked, something that you have both been warned about in the past and have been made more than aware would be the end result of a continued failure to follow the AUP.

The staff will discuss the future of this thread and make a joint decision on if it is reopened or not.

If ANY team member attempts to open a new thread for the team or discuss this moderation action in another thread then they will have made the choice for us and will also face the appropriate moderation actions themselves.
OK I'm re-opening this thread under the following conditions.

From this point on (and I strongly suggest that the team leaders include the following in the opening post):

  • A zero tolerance approach to the AUP will be applied - that means you break it and you will automatically receive an infraction - no warnings and no discussion
  • Should a member of this team break the AUP in this thread it will be locked and it will not be re-opened.

The staff have discussed this and quite frankly it was a split decision as to allowing it to re-open, given that we have zero interest in wasting more time having to clean up after members who believe the AUP is optional.

A link to the AUP is at the bottom of every page and I strongly suggest that this entire team re-read it and ensure that every one of the posts they make follows it.

Oh and to be clear, you will not get away with posting a lot of off-topic nonsense and then add a footer with OT and a tiny comment about the team. Your entire post is on-topic or it breaks the two conditions I have set above.

Please note that NONE of the above is open for debate or discussion, its either followed or the AUP is enforced, that's it.

The ball is very much in your court now and personally I would rather not have to clean up in here again, but if I (or any member of the staff) have to it will be the very last time we do.

OK I'm re-opening this thread under the following conditions.

From this point on (and I strongly suggest that the team leaders include the following in the opening post):

[*]A zero tolerance approach to the AUP will be applied - that means you break it and you will automatically receive an infraction - no warnings and no discussion
[*]Should a member of this team break the AUP in this thread it will be locked and it will not be re-opened.

The staff have discussed this and quite frankly it was a split decision as to allowing it to re-open, given that we have zero interest in wasting more time having to clean up after members who believe the AUP is optional.

A link to the AUP is at the bottom of every page and I strongly suggest that this entire team re-read it and ensure that every one of the posts they make follows it.

Oh and to be clear, you will not get away with posting a lot of off-topic nonsense and then add a footer with OT and a tiny comment about the team. Your entire post is on-topic or it breaks the two conditions I have set above.

Please note that NONE of the above is open for debate or discussion, its either followed or the AUP is enforced, that's it.

The ball is very much in your court now and personally I would rather not have to clean up in here again, but if I (or any member of the staff) have to it will be the very last time we do.


Thanks scaff we fully respect your decision to re-open the thread and put rules and warnings in place, as soon as i get to the PC that will be in the OP aswell as sending every member of TSS a warning message thanks again