Team Smoke Screen

  • Thread starter mrCHRIS
Must say had good craic in 1 of Tarmac's comp's there with Ben came third over all in my Tocama :D
Congrats to Tarmac for th win after a long battle between T and Ben , Was good entertainment ! :)
Hey guys just to let you know i'm not gonna be on anywhere as much as I used to since I got my job back and its hard to get on due to the hours 2 - 10 so its pretty late when I get home at night but i'll try and get on some nights
Ok for those unaware- personal stuff has left me no choice but to stand down as leader of tss.
The team i hope will continue to progress and i wish everyone within the team new and old the best of luck.
Thanks to all the friends ive made along the last 18 months or so, the support given to me has been and is amazing i cant thank you enough.
lastly.......... ill be back so dont forget me.
Hey guys I'm really sorry to say but I'm leaving TSS its been great but I just dont have time to commit to the team and feel Like im taking up spaces for more people so again thanks for everything been amazing meeting new people been a great laugh GOOD LUCK IN THE FUTURE
sprags :)
Im leaving tss due to im never in any of the lobbys. Feel like im just wasting a space that can be for another commited drifter. Its been fun drifting with you when i have and hope we still stay as friends in the future
I sodding hope not i poured alot of work into it. All thats required is someone to grow a pair and step up. Being in charge might not be as fun as some think but the rewards are worth every min i spent building tss. Great friends and a good solid atomosphere.
Yes the road will be bumpy and not easy but my exclusion is not a forever i will be back, all be it as a normal memeber as it wouldnt be right to take over but i will be back. So please there is leadership within the team personally i can sit and name five that could do this and oush forwards so ..... Its up to you guys to do it...
Well, if Chris need's help from TSS I'd be glad to help you keep your team on two feet!

Just message me if you guys need anything!
I would take up the offer to try and run the time but I simply don't have the time , I work from 2 till 10 and am'nt home till about 10:30 by then i'm just hungry and tired.
Sadly the Team is slowly dying ,
Ben , Col , Dean , Spiky , Sprags have all left and Now Sadly George aswell.
Between members leaving and not being able to get on Sadly the Truth is the Team is fading away into the Shadows.
We all respect the great work , time and Effort George put into the team and keeping it going even when he felt there was no Point.
I thank you Greatly George for letting me into this Greatly respected and well Talented Team. I also thank the team for helping me with my drifting and making me the drifter I am today , Thank you All !
Irish Drifting
I would take up the offer to try and run the time but I simply don't have the time , I work from 2 till 10 and am'nt home till about 10:30 by then i'm just hungry and tired.
Sadly the Team is slowly dying ,
Ben , Col , Dean , Spiky , Sprags have all left and Now Sadly George aswell.
Between members leaving and not being able to get on Sadly the Truth is the Team is fading away into the Shadows.
We all respect the great work , time and Effort George put into the team and keeping it going even when he felt there was no Point.
I thank you Greatly George for letting me into this Greatly respected and well Talented Team. I also thank the team for helping me with my drifting and making me the drifter I am today , Thank you All !

Don't think dean's left lol

But cola has :(
id hate to see this team die so if someone is going to step up and be the leader from now on im more than happy to join back and give a helping hand to get this team back on its feet,i dont feel like i could be the leader though because i wouldn't know where to start to be honest. it would be very sad to see the team fade away, because of tss ive had some amazing times on gt5 and made some very good friends. if someone decides to step up to be the leader ill definitely put alot more time into gt5 and the team.
Its sad to see all these guys leave and as we all can see the team is slowly fading away and i know alot of us dont like this idea if i did step up as leader i'd need alot of support as all of the team know i have a young kid and a job where almost every weekend and most weekdays i work till 11pm saying that aslong as im sure ill get support from members of the team ill pick up my nuts and give it ago 👍
Also thanks strobe im sure we really appreshiate (cant spell) your offer and ill be sure to pm you tonight sometime :cheers:
Personally i wasnt aware of dean going again! But thats deans choice the same as everyone else's, i havent turned the station on for about 10 days or so. So im guessing there will be a load of messages to work through already.
As stated above i had 5 people at the top of the list who i thought had it in them even if they dont.
For chris to do it effectivly it would mean alot and i mean alot of support from the rest of you guys. We all know chris has been apart of tss since virutally day 1, i cant think of anyone who has helped me more both personally and within the game. i chewed his ear more than once over team stuff.
cola, i think again is a solid member always trying to do the best he can and trying is all it takes, you learn from your mistakes my friend.
Wolfie, Im surprised, i had you down to seriously consider the role, mostly your on-line and active with a large number of people be it drifting or other forms on gt. Your well liked and always friendly to everyone.
Irish, a good friend the same as chris always wanting to put more into the team where he can. Solid drifter and has the connections to other teams for comps mini comps etc.
Ken, well nothing more than a legend, solid 99% of the time.

Any of you guys named have what it takes and id happily return at some point in the future and be happy to have anyone of you be in charge.
Those that have left then so be it, nothing can change that. So think about it and look to rebuild but do it slowly. Getting the right mix and attitudes is key for any team to work and stick together.
I don't want to see this team die, please. I still remeber loads of fun time we had and I am glad to be on a talented team.
Though I am now doing summer job and I need to resit my uni exam in September so I won't be on gt5 as much before.

To be honest its very hard to get a team with good members both in character and skills! As long as we still love skidding together we can move on as a team, don't need to pressurised too much, just keep it simple and fun. I know I am not good in English and I don't know how to say something really supporting but I do want this team keep going
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I don't want to see this team die, please. I still remeber loads of fun time we had and I am glad to be on a talented team.
Though I am now doing summer job and I need to resit my uni exam in September so I won't be on gt5 as much before.

To be honest its very hard to get a team with good members both in character and skills! As long as we still love skidding together we can move on as a team, don't need to pressurised too much, just keep it simple and fun. I know I am not in English and I don't know how to say something really supporting but I do want this team keep going

Let me lighten this thread up =)






Your a star ken, I made a easy choice when i asked you to join the team. Great shots as well ken, 3 wheels hmmmmm dangerous but big thumbs up to you. I really do hope to bump into you up at buxton at some point. Massive thanks eric, your help along the way will be great thanks for offering your support to the guys. Ill keep popping my head on here to see whats going on and if anything i can help with in the next couple of weeks. Well i figure it would be rude of my not to share a passion that i was encouraged to do by some one special to me so these are the one's taken before one of the saddest days of my life.








Take it easy guys ill be around so if you want to talk pm me.
Irish, a good friend the same as chris always wanting to put more into the team where he can. Solid drifter and has the connections to other teams for comps mini comps etc.

Thank you George for including me in your list. 👍
But sadly same as Ken as iv said before iv my summer job back which has awkward as hell hours 2pm-10pm and i'm not home till 10:30 or later.
But I would love this team to carry on as Ken said its a honer to be in a well talented team with greatly skilled drifters and Great Character team mates. 👍
I will do my part when ever I can get online.