Team Smoke Screen

  • Thread starter mrCHRIS
Irish Drifting
Thank you George for including me in your list. 👍
But sadly same as Ken as iv said before iv my summer job back which has awkward as hell hours 2pm-10pm and i'm not home till 10:30 or later.

Im sure we can work somthing out as i dont get home till 11:30 👍
our team wont die....were still strong if people want to leave so be it...i dont know why though as i dont see the teams there joining doing any comps:yuck:
I'm certain that I'm not leaving but...I think I'm going to take a bit of time off (a week or so) mainly because i'm starting to lose interest in the game.
sorry everyone, ive just found out ill be starting work in the next few weeks so ill be working away from home mondays to fridays so ill not have the free time i used to have :( but best of luck with the team i really hope it sticks together its a shame to see such a good group of mates just go their separate ways for 1 reason or another so what ever free time i get im sure ill be in a lobby with everyone for a catch-up and a bit of a skid :)
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I'm certain that I'm not leaving but...I think I'm going to take a bit of time off (a week or so) mainly because i'm starting to lose interest in the game.

Lol feeling the urge to go on
Thought you wanted to join back ?

I did but I realised with my college and work I don't have time no more :( I finish college then straight to work and don't finish till 11 and then im shattered..
Seriously, i cant belive no one wants to step up. So many able to do it just no one willing to commit. Im shocked more than anything. If no one inside want it then offer it outside but be sure of the choice made.

Okay gentlemen, ill make this simple..
i cant stand by and watch this go down the pan.... IM BACK.

however i need honesty as this is now a major re-build those that quit fine and dandy i respect your choice but you have to stand by that choice now. One time offer in or out no second chances in weeks to come. Ill be on later today if its not late when i get back or tomorrow from around midday. I hope to find messages saying if your staying or going.

thanks tg
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I'll happily help, you just need to tell me what to help with lol (recruiting, organisation) etc.

I know mate i need to sort it out but first need to know who's staying and who's going
honestly not sure whats going on with work at the moment one minute their saying im starting soon next minute their saying it will be a few weeks/months, so becuase of that im gonna say im out of the team, i dont want to join the team then find out im starting work next week because then ill just be taking up a space in the team that could be used else where. but dont worry ill still drop by and say bonjour when ever i get the chance :D
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Just back from holiday so haven't been on gt5 for a while. I am staying for sure, if you need any help give me a shout, will try my best to get on gt5
Just back from holiday so haven't been on gt5 for a while. I am staying for sure, if you need any help give me a shout, will try my best to get on gt5

Lol i kept disconnecting so I couldn't drift with you lol :(

By the way I think we may need a little OP update lol.
When will you get new Internet!?

Lol whenever the north of England can get fibre optic, but until then I'm stuck with a NAT type and a band width that both say UNKNOWN in big red letters lmao.