Team WRS vs Team iR

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CarbonFiber Man
Screenshots do not prove how many corners were cut, how many times you ran off course, how many times contact was made with the walls, how much the car was juiced up with a gameshark, if the car was hybrided or not, need I go on? It's easy to get fast laps. Getting clean, fast, legal laps is another ballgame entirely.

Uhhh Not again, Im always arguing with people who can never trust anyone, they always think people are cheating and what not, I even gave up a top time at and admitted to hitting the wall 3 times after re-watching my replay, is that not honorable enough?
Most of the racers such as 3rdgenracerX, z06fun are older (not to old but in their 20s) who have better things to do then lie about their times!!
Now as for me I have never even touched a gamechark I don't even know how to Hybrid, I use a wheel and mostly race stock cars with Sim tires so why would I be hitting walls and cutting on grass to get better times?
Now you will most likely say "Well How do I know that" well dude I use a wheel and I myself have better things to do then lie about a time that really means nothing to me, what do I have to prove? Only thing that it will do to me is make myself feel guilty ( I have felt that once this year when I made a huge mistake at a iR event) and I don't wann feel that at night.
CarbonFiber Man
Screenshots do not prove how many corners were cut, how many times you ran off course, how many times contact was made with the walls, how much the car was juiced up with a gameshark, if the car was hybrided or not, need I go on? It's easy to get fast laps. Getting clean, fast, legal laps is another ballgame entirely.

Sheesh! Aside from the fact that screenshots are not an accepted verification at any legitimate record database such as Racingline, etc. This isn't an uncommon thing and at GTPlanet (I guess you could call that a clan, ask your racers if they are members of that clan or the IR clan or what?) that "common" acceptance of verification is taken very seriously. OLR racing everywhere does that. It isn't an argument... It isn't argued about. It is just accepted common practice and courtesy of legitimate OLR racing everywhere.

Just to see the results of this, I would gladly give up my port and software for a week. :D Just tell me where to mail it.

As for GoKents taking it into his own hands... What did you think he was going to do with your suggestion or challenge? Let it ride?

CarbonFiber Man
Screenshots do not prove how many corners were cut, how many times you ran off course, how many times contact was made with the walls, how much the car was juiced up with a gameshark, if the car was hybrided or not, need I go on? It's easy to get fast laps. Getting clean, fast, legal laps is another ballgame entirely.

Xport is the only way to go when you get up into the top of the game.

All the things pointed out here are true.

Another important point to make is in regards to "trust."

You see, trust must be earned.
Like with my week 68 win.
I posted my time but didn't post my replay ( replay has since been posted).
When I posted that without a replay everyone let it slide because they trusted that I actually did the lap and that I would actually post the replay.
Why did they trust that of me?
Because I earned it. I earned it by turning in dozens of laps and races since way back when der alta first gave me a xport.

So, the question is,
What has been done to earn the trust of everyone involved in this?
Why should we trust you and your team without replay support?

I want to see this race go down.
I know just how fast this 4 man team of the wrs can be.

However, I will not let the "wrs" name become attached to a racing series that is a sub-par setup.

This event should be just as strict about rules as bc3 was. In that event it was strictly for replay supported racers. If you didn't have a xport you were out, simple as that.

Remember that if you want to race on the level that these guys are racing, you better be able to prove it just like everyone else is.

Oh yeah, last thing...
Max, you said in an IM you had been in the weekly longer than me... well, without splitting hairs... I was in the week 1 results and I believe you were too... sooo... :D
(that's not to mention how many races I have actually run since then... leaves me wondering just how many races I have turned in a time for in the weekly :dopey: )
I know 3rdgenx is legit and a great driver, and Sven "seems" OK, none of us here know the others on your team. Verification is required for any serious OLR event (TORC, BC3, etc.) because people don't want to waste hours and hours of their time getting a run in just to lose to someone who doesn't fully comply with the rules. I know when I send in my times to Racing-Line or GT3 times,or even just submitting a race here for the weekly, I'm proud to have a reply to back up my times and rub it in the face of all those who were conquered by yours truly.:sly:

A bit touchy about the clan remark eh? I guess you won't be happy when Max,Mr P, Link, and Sphinx start reigning moose kak on yer noggin;) :lol:
leaves me wondering just how many races I have turned in a time for in the weekly :dopey: )
If I'm not mistaken, you and I are tied for most entries in the WRS, at 44 a piece, according to Kelly's web page.👍
Well clans are what make online gaming, I know from first hand experience, and I can tell you think that some of the racers on WRS will join a clan when GT4 is out beuase well when you race online you will be looking for the good racers and most of the good racers are in clans.

I will say it again guys, if you don't want to do this because of the Xport thing then we don;t have to, not up to me anymore I won't care I got better things in my life to do you know, it was a simple challenge, turned into like this WGT world class finals.
Postman Pat and his black and white Screenshots
Anyways, why not screenshots? they prove just as much as a Replay does, all a replay is, is a extended vesion of a Screenshot, I will even take like a 1000 Pictures to make a flip movie if you want me too.

That sounds like one seriously funny replay to watch!

How old are you? :dopey: .... Stick to Penny Racers mate :sly:

Next time think before you have a brainfart 👍
Mr P
That sounds like one seriously funny replay to watch!

How old are you? :dopey: .... Stick to Penny Racers mate :sly:

Next time think before you have a brainfart 👍

:guilty: I guess you can't really take things just for fun.... just to tell you I am 17, so many people can't trust each other to just have a fun game online now days. Penny racers, aren't my thing do you honestly think I would be challenging you people if I didn't have some skill in racing games!!

And I wil lsay it again, and again, instead if stalling and making fun of me, jsut tell me if you want to race or not, I don't care anymore.
Just a thought, would iR be prepared to send memory cards to a local third party for independant verification, FastPat?
Alright if you don't want to do this, then we don't have to, jsut say so I won't care.

If this is really the case and you have been wasting our time for all of this. :mad:

Screw that.

I think you should back up your challenge.

I noticed you have a little Thing going for a Spot Race sort of thing in these forums, I am a MVP over at the official forums and am a regular, and have written a FAQ For GT4 on the Gran Turismo Forum. NOw get to my final actual question, would you want to get saym 4 of your best racers Vrs 4 of our best racers? just a thought. Tell me what you think and maybe we can get something figured out here.

The WRS isn't backing out of this, it's just a matter of whether or not the iR team can ante up to this.

As cfm said...
Sheesh! Aside from the fact that screenshots are not an accepted verification at any legitimate record database such as Racingline, etc.
Verification is required for any serious OLR event (TORC, BC3, etc.)

So I've got to ask pat,
Did you really know what you were getting into when you challenged the 4 best drivers from the WRS?

Hell, remember the Red Eyed Racer record run in the gt-one @ complex string... that was run for the weekly race series.

Tell you what... Go here.

Look for any of the various racers to race with us in the wrs.

Mr P
Max e
Red Eye Racer
No Quarter
3rdgenracerX (your best driver used to at times run with us).
Made In Holland
Even your's truely... GoKents.

Those are all division 1 racers that have completed a race in the weekly series at some point in the 70 steady weeks of competition.

Think about that list of great racers before you go and make another challenge to us. ;)

Remember Pat, the wrs team is looking forward to racing you. If you decide to pull out or not meet the race criteria (replay support) then don't blame it on the gtp wrs racers.

And remember Pat,
Trust must be earned.

Which reminds me... :D
Come and register with us at the weekly if you really feel like you can keep up.
Hell, go run the arcade calsonic at rome and see how you compare.

Anyway, I had fun looking into this race but if Team iR can't play by the rules then it might be better not to play at all. :(

Replays my friend, it's all about the Replays!
Why yes we would, then I will be out of a memory card for a week or so.

At this point, I will offer to provide the memory cards for team IR specifically for the race... with garages loaded if you want. Long as I get em back when the smoke clears. :D

Like I said its just a thought and as I see it a small sacrifice to make if we all could agree to it in order to get this going.
:guilty: I guess you can't really take things just for fun.... just to tell you I am 17, so many people can't trust each other to just have a fun game online now days. Penny racers, aren't my thing do you honestly think I would be challenging you people if I didn't have some skill in racing games!!

And I wil lsay it again, and again, instead if stalling and making fun of me, jsut tell me if you want to race or not, I don't care anymore.

Sorry mate it's a sorry fact that there has been lots of people before you with no replay device and ideas for challenges .... and you know what ? ....... the guy with the screenshots always had the best time for some reason :dunce:

Replay devices are cheap in cost and a must in OLR nowadays .... get one and come back 👍 we will surely get this thing going then :)

Hopefully you will take our attitudes as a level of our commitment and feel safe in the fact that we will be 100% verifiable to you! as you will to us :cheers:
Don't forget that the Ports are cheaper than a memory card and will allow you to use your entire PC as a massive memory card (thus negating the need to delete anything, or buy another memory card, ever again). Need space for your GT4 games in 6 months? Get a Port.
I'm not ever gonna come back, all Gokents needed to say was this "YOu need a replay device to play" instead he goes ahead and plans this whole thing before I could even get a team together!! and then he calls the team iR so then I had to change my plans again and get iR members, z06fun is still not joining iR for some reason, and it just got all screwed up cuz Gokents didn't really read all the e-mails and PMs I gave him. I will jsut wait for GT4 so no pricks will complain and whin and be lile "I want verification about this, I don't trust the nextdoor neighbor"
I'm not ever gonna come back, all Gokents needed to say was this "YOu need a replay device to play" instead he goes ahead and plans this whole thing before I could even get a team together!! and then he calls the team iR so then I had to change my plans again and get iR members, z06fun is still not joining iR for some reason, and it just got all screwed up cuz Gokents didn't really read all the e-mails and PMs I gave him. I will jsut wait for GT4 so no pricks will complain and whin and be lile "I want verification about this, I don't trust the nextdoor neighbor"

Ok cool **** OFF then 👍
Haha, O man such nice people here :) you coulden't even tell what online gaming is if I threw a book on it infront of you.
That's just ****, Pat.

No-one wants to put in so much effort with the potential of being fleeced by people they've not heard of previously and not at least learn where time was lost.

Seriously, if you use photographs as verification, your series' top 4 drivers aren't worth a damn. Surely the use of verification suggests there is an issue of mistrust to start with?

Big shout out to 3rdgenracerX - he's legit and we know he is.
I'm not ever gonna come back, all Gokents needed to say was this "YOu need a replay device to play" instead he goes ahead and plans this whole thing before I could even get a team together!! and then he calls the team iR so then I had to change my plans again and get iR members, z06fun is still not joining iR for some reason, and it just got all screwed up cuz Gokents didn't really read all the e-mails and PMs I gave him. I will jsut wait for GT4 so no pricks will complain and whin and be lile "I want verification about this, I don't trust the nextdoor neighbor"

That's total bull****.

The very first thing I said to you was that Xport replays were an absolute must.

If you didn't see me clearly state that Xport replays were necessary then it is because you did not read the messages clearly.

Go on, get out of here, I could care less, and don't come back after some **** like this... just don't blame your faults on me.

You challenged the best racers in the WRS and as someone else said "bit off more than you could chew."

Now on a final note:
I want to tell you not to come back.
Do not come in here cause all your doing at this point is starting up trouble and I'm not looking for that.

If you can clean up your act try coming back another day... till then, stay gone. :irked:
Too bad 3rdgen gets the 3rd degree in this just by affiliation.
I actaully did see the Xport thing and I do remember telling you that I didn't have one, what did you do about it?

What is this people? I try to set up a nice freidnly race and you are treating it like it's a Finals of the WCG over in Korea, and theres like prize money or something.
It's people like this who make the game that people want to play bad, ever at we do spot races and well do we ***** and whine about peoples times? no we don't we say "OK he got a good time, wow he beat me" and if a time is like phenom then we ***** and compain, the race hasn't even begun and you just are yelling at me like I have cheated a million times.
As for that little seatle thing, after doing 3 laps I came up with of 1'17.229 as my best lap with a Arcade Calsonic, Automatic transmission, a racing wheel, and racing setting.
Pity it was at Rome really.

So, where do you draw the line with a time that "is like phenom"? How is it verified?
O damn, why did i say seatle (when I think boxy corners I always think seatle, and well Rome has boxing sharpe Corners sorry) ... now you will never believe me after that...

Anyways A phenom time is someone who gets like 3 or 5 seconds better then everyone else and wont even take a screenshot let alone a replay. Then we make fun of the guy untill he leaves.
I must say that I am a little disappointed to find out---about a challenge that my own teammate instigated---from a member of the other team?!?!?

I apologize for the unorganized, unorthodox, and seemingly reckless proposal.

As a OLR "veteran" of sorts, I am aware of the stringent rules and verification methods that accompany most great competitions. At Team Infinity, however, we do use the honor system, because of the few number of members with true verification capabilities. Some of the top drivers have them (myself and 3rdgen), as do some of the others, but most of us do not. As such, I do not think it wise to embark upon such a challenge (for several reasons) until all members can submit a replay for review.

I have raced against Max, 3rdgen, and UB57 head to head in Dallas (MLG event). They all can vouch for my racing habits, but I also have a sharkport for verification.

FP, while I admire your enthusiasm, I do not think you realize who you have tangled with here. These are not just some good racers.... They are some of the best in, not just the nation, but the WORLD!!! I have suffered many a defeat at the hands of Max, head to head. I have seen his times and chased them in vain. I am no slouch, but this team is truly elite. If you could gather up the four best iR members of all time, we wouldn't stand much of a chance, let alone this hodge-podge representation you've listed here.

It bothers me a little that I was selected to the team as a provisional. If you were to poll the drivers that currently compete in the iR tournaments, I think that only 3rdgen would claim to be my equal (actually I think he's better in most cases) as an all around performer. Even Sven has trouble keeping up with me on most occasions. And I haven't seen you compete in any of them, yet.

To echo what Sven stated, the members of the iR team listed are not a true representation of the talent/skill of Team Infinity Racing. I have never even heard of one of them. I am sorry that the members of GTP are seeing what appears to be a complete farce of a team challenging them, as I think iR deserves a little more respect than that. But despite my regret, I will try to represent my team to the best of my ability, should this thing ever get off the ground.

Next time, FP, you may want to organize it before you announce it. Just to save face....
And if they DO provide a screenshot?

You can't object to that as proof, even of a totally impossible time, if a screenshot is all that it takes to prove others' times. You reach a point where a human decision is made over what is a real time and what is a fake time. X-Ports remove that human decision - and we've been proven wrong by drivers before through X-Port replays.

Don't forget what I said about the benefit the Ports give to your game storage - they're just too good value to miss. There's also now a USB stick which performs the same function.

Get an X-Port and come back again. Be prepared.
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