Tech People Rejoyce: Multi-screen in multiplayer - issues & possible problems

  • Thread starter amar212

Even the actual inclusion of multi-screen setup for GT5 hasn't been mentioned yet officially (and it lacks from GT5:P), we can presume that there is a strong chance it will make into the final game - GT3 and GT4 had it.

So, to the issue:

How do you presume will multi-screen work in multiplayer online races? Will it even work?

We know the following:

- it will require 3 consoles (for "normal" multi-screen),
- 3 TV sets,
- 3 games, cables, etc.

We can presume it will use LAN IP-related protocols and that every console will require it's user profile in order to start the game. But, here are the possible problems - at least problems I can think of for online:

1) since both "side-view" MSC consoles should "talk" with "main-central-view" console it means they'll have to be connected to main through switch. Or not? If yes, it means that only main console will be the one that will actually be connected to PSN. Or not?

2) will the "side-view" consoles also require PSN connection or can they "run" the side-views separately from the PSN - in switch-LAN mode?

3) If not, does it mean that "side-view" consoles will actually occupy 2 grid-slots in actual race in order to make multi-screen possible?

There are even more issues I can think of, but those above are most important. Less important are "problem" that will arise from the fact that present generation has downloads (DLC) and DRM usernames:

4) what about DLC content? Experience from Forza 2 multiscreen clearly teaches us that you should have DLC content on every cnsole in order to multi-screen work, and that is logical. "5x download per DLC" will solve many problems, but I also see some problems there.

5) all 3 consoles will need to have username profiles in order to start the game. So, what about the gamesaves? Should we be obliged to constantly "update" side-view consoles with new saves? I know the answer is "yes", but just to put it into possible problem-perspective.

I call all GTP members with better LAN and network experience to take into account all possible problems that can arise from current PSN protocols and PS3-networking protocols and help me light up this interesting matter.

Also, any experience from Forza 2 multi-screen setupping will be more than welcomed.

Thanx in advance.
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Based on the forza2 model a lot of what you presume would seem right.
In forza 2 the main centre console is the host for the player, the left and right screens are connected and controlled by the centre console by way of a wired internet switch.
each console had to have its own account...but that only the centre console required a gold account for online racing, (now that i think about it the only reason the 2 side screens needed accounts was to patch the game!) the other two in my set up were silver accounts.i never had the downloadable content while i had the three screen set up, and it would probably be an issue requiring you to pay 3 times for dowloadable content in order to use it triple screen.
Triple screen gaming is very expensive!!!....and power consumption huge!!!
I had three 32inch lcd screens running 3 xboxes. two fans and (it still got bloody hot in there) and a wheel and surround sytem so expect to factor in expensive electricity charges!
Paying for the game three times as well as dlc is expected for F3 although the PS3 is less restrictive of accounts i have the same account running on three PS3s at the same time where as xbox live only permits it on one console at a time, so the structure maybe somewhat different for GT5

if GT5 requires each console to have a different account inorder to communicate and differentiate and control the screens, then i believe you will also have to buy three copies of the game and also any download content aswell.
As i believe the download content only works on the original account it was purchased on on the PS3.

In forza 2 only the main screen communicates to xbox live and only one grid slot is occupied.

Gamesaves should only be necessary and likely will only take place on the centre console.

In theory it will likely require 3 x PS3's connected directly to a switch, which should be hardwired to your broadband router, or connect all directly to the 4 port ethernet on the back of your router if it is close enough to your set up, dont go wireless anywhere for this type of setup as there are enough comms issues as it is.
the main centre PS3 does all the gaming work and will likely be the only console communicating to the PSN, the side screens are just viewers that present a different viewpoint, they are not calculating the game
all 3 ps3 are likely to require individual accounts purely for communicating to the main PS3 and therefore all content will have to be purchased 3times.
At least PSN is free!
As i believe the download content only works on the original account it was purchased on on the PS3.

I am able to play downloaded games and such on all of my sub-accounts (on a single PS3). For instance, I have Warhawk and all expansions, and it works fine. Admittedly, however, I have no idea how accounts and access to downloaded content works between multiple PS3s.
It may well be possible..I have very little use for my PS3's at this time other than dvd/blue ray players and have completely forgotten about how all the accounts / sub accounts work with each other since i set them up ages ago.
this would seem a reasonable assumption based on the fact that the PSN network is free and the way the free structure allows you to use accounts on seperate machines.
Xbox live pay to play, has many more limitations to this kind of use.
If GT5 allows the Use of sub accounts on different PS3s (and it may even allow the same account, as i have often had the same account logged into PSN on seperate PS3s) as long as you have seperate I.P addresses the main console should be able to control the side screens, then it would be quite feasable that provided you downloaded the game, you would only need to purchase it once and would imagine the same would apply for dlc.
I am but a humble van driver so networks arent really my thing and i only have experince of the difficulties it took to put together and setup triple screen forza, so i am not really sure if a seperate account name would be required as an identifier by the main host PS3, As the 2 sidescreens only need to be able to communicate to the main console over a lan and only the main console connects to the PSN.
It is also possible in order to deal with the DLC issue, PD could release a patch/update that contains the DLC (the car models) and then you have to buy a small file from the PS store that unlocks it. This would allow everyone to see the DLC cars online because they have the models but in order to actually use the DLC they would have to buy it. I forget which games do this.
It is also possible in order to deal with the DLC issue, PD could release a patch/update that contains the DLC (the car models) and then you have to buy a small file from the PS store that unlocks it. This would allow everyone to see the DLC cars online because they have the models but in order to actually use the DLC they would have to buy it. I forget which games do this.

I know for a fact that Burnout Paradise does this, because you can see the DLC cars online without actually purchasing it, and the PSN purchase is only around 100kb.

It is the only realistic solution for something like this, but it is frustrating that you have the information for the new DLC, but cannot access it unless you have a small 'passcode'!

I know for a fact that Burnout Paradise does this, because you can see the DLC cars online without actually purchasing it, and the PSN purchase is only around 100kb.

It is the only realistic solution for something like this, but it is frustrating that you have the information for the new DLC, but cannot access it unless you have a small 'passcode'!


In my opinion that is a small price to pay. The bigger price is the space taken up on your HDD.
With most PSN games you were able to setup your main account on up to 5 other PS3's and download and play them as long as your main account was not deleted from the other PS3. Unfortunately GT5p was not one of these PSN games and it required a purchase per PS3.

It could be possible that there will be a large number of spectators for each race who receive the locations of cars from a Sony run dedicated server.
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With the connectivity of the PS3 - there's no need for the game to be needed 3 times - it would be pretty simple to create a fat client install from the "host" PS3 to the "slave" PS3's to allow the multiscreen to run - without you being able to play the actual game on those PS3's independantly.

Seems logical, and even the small Nintendo DS does that for multiplayer games - you can play say Mario Kart with friends, each on his console, with only one copy of the game. Before the game starts each console gets a little wireless download from the console that has the game cartridge.

Another way would be to have a free DLC for the 2nd and 3rd PS3s just for "multiple screen GT5"
If my recollection doesn't decieve me, the developers of Forza Motorsport released a free downloadable car alongside every DLC car pack, which acted as a trojan horse containing the patch for you to be able to see the other DLC cars online.