Teen's mom sells car after finding booze

  • Thread starter Jim Prower
But what could happen is, gets friends in car, says "watch this", dies.

Kinda the opposite for me. I know if I had an accident while a friend was in the car I’d never heard the end of it, so I tone it down a little; except on the acceleration aspect. I do tend to red line more often with people in the car. :P
Not one of my friends including myself or anyone I know personally has bought their first car out of their own pocket.

That's amazing.

I worked paper rounds since I was 12 and then got a part-time job at 16 to save enough to buy myself a car at 17, so I could practice driving in my own car before I got my licence. A few of my friends brought own cars and their parents pay for insurance. But I pay everything for mine, rego, insurance, fuel, etc.

It's not that my parents are poor and can't afford it either. I just find it wierd that it seems to be the norm in many places, whereas at least in my area if you got a car brought for you you're 'a ******** who can't even buy their own car'.
One thing about the 'parents buying kids cars' issue is that I absolutely must admit I drive notably harder on my parents' dime than I would if I was on my own dime.

- Accelerates at a phenomenal rate.

- Has a much shorter braking distance than the private car.

- Can take speed humps at twice the speed of private cars.

- The battery, radiator water, oil and tires never have to be checked.

- It can be driven up to 60 miles with the oil warning light flashing.

- It needs cleaning less often than private cars.

- The suspension is reinforced to allow for the weekend loads of bricks, concrete slabs and other building material.

- Unusual and alarming engine noises are easily eliminated by turning up the radio.

- It needs no security system and may be left anywhere, unlocked and with the keys in the ignition.

- It is especially sand and waterproof for barbeques and fishing expeditions on remote beaches.

These company car joke's been around forever, but now I think some of it applies to "parent's" cars as well. :D
That's amazing.

I worked paper rounds since I was 12 and then got a part-time job at 16 to save enough to buy myself a car at 17, so I could practice driving in my own car before I got my licence. A few of my friends brought own cars and their parents pay for insurance. But I pay everything for mine, rego, insurance, fuel, etc.

It's not that my parents are poor and can't afford it either. I just find it wierd that it seems to be the norm in many places, whereas at least in my area if you got a car brought for you you're 'a ******** who can't even buy their own car'.

For me I was brought up in a family which my father was always a car nut and I have been since aslong as I can remember. I didn't work while at school so my father was more than happy to buy me a fairly cheap car which I could fiddle with before I could get my license (I was 15), he assumed I would wreck it before long like my sister done to a few cars but he was wrong! I finally ended up selling it only acouple years ago after I had too many cars as it is (had my first car 9 years!) and gave him the money. I wish I had kept it :(

My friends were much the same, none of them had their first car very long though.
These company car joke's been around forever, but now I think some of it applies to "parent's" cars as well.


I didn't mention the three radiators in two years in the last car. Or the engine mounts. Three sets of tires in two years. It went into the shop multiple times for four figures in service. Of course, as it was a Volvo with a high-pressure turbocharger, it was only my fault about half the time. I'll never forget the time it hit 100,000 miles and before it hit 100,010 it overheated and required towing to the dealer to get $2,000 in hose and belt work done.



Man, I miss that car.
The only stipulation with my car was not having more than two people inside it for a while. That, and I just had to pay my Dad back. Maybe thats the bonus to being a good student and an otherwise "good kid" in the 'Burbs?

Same here, cept there was a no racing clause and if you wreck it your screwed.

I must ask. Is it the American thing to have parents buy you a car? Because most Americans I speak to have had a car bought for them at one time or another. Whereas here it's definitely the minority. I remember a couple of weeks ago talking to Keef he was kinda shocked that I paid for everything on my own first car.

Not around here. I work for 3 years and bought my car. My friend had to buy his first two cars. My gf got a ratty POS 93' Accord that barely runs from her parents and if she wants somethign she can buy it. All of us pay for our own gas. I don't think any of us pay for insurance tho. I don't because I'm in college and my dad happens to be a great individual who knows what it is like to live off of ~$60 a week raising 2 kids and paying rent on an apartment. Oh yea my buddy's parents paid his personal property tax for him and he wasn't able to drive his car until he paid them.

The only people I know that get there car bought for them are the rich little pieces of crap that already get everything they want in the first place.

I used everything I had in my bank account to buy my first car. I haven't had that much cash in my bank account since. :(

:lol: same here
Thats awesome, good for her. Also feel a bit sorry for the guy though as ive also been caught with drink in the car (that wasnt mine)...but didnt get punished.
why would you leave boose in your car? thats suspicion for drinking and driving, and since his mom bought the car, i dont feel bad for the kid. however, that was a little Xtreme. but its a olds soo she ultimatly did good for the kid
I think selling the car was harsh but a lesson hopefully has been learned. In my case my first car was my first car, I could do what I wanted with it since it was mine, but my dad said he's only help me out with maintenence and work on it (and he came in usefull many a time believe me) and give me advice on it etc if I looked after it.
Last week I had 2 bottles of vodka, 2 bootles of coke, and 96 condoms in my car. I wonder what my mum would say lol.

All 3 belonged to my friend though.

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