Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown Discussion Thread

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So if you bought the Collector Edition with the Gold Edition of the game (€250) you are not getting the pre-order bonus, no VIP Beta and no early access. 🤷‍♂️

Would love to play a demo of this first to get a feel for how it drives, Motorfest sucked me in with the beta... fingers crossed its fun to play especially as the map looks promising.
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I read on the PS Store that online play is required alongside PS Plus. Does this really mean that there is absolutely no single player in TDU Solar Crown whatsoever?
I read on the PS Store that online play is required alongside PS Plus. Does this really mean that there is absolutely no single player in TDU Solar Crown whatsoever?
My guess it will work like the Crew. You only need PS+ (Core) for PvP while free roam can be done without it. But since any race gets matched with other players you obviously need that.
My guess it will work like the Crew. You only need PS+ (Core) for PvP while free roam can be done without it. But since any race gets matched with other players you obviously need that.
So absolutely no single player then? As in all races are PvPs?
Not having that option is a deal breaker for me.
We can only hope it will come in a later update. They have other priorities right now to focus on the online aspect.

But I still wonder why are they pushing this online/virtual life style in a racing game. Most of players don't care what others are doing. It kind of work when you have a server event like Forzathon Live or Linkups in Unbound. Even a notice that a multiplayer race is about to start would be better. Expecting many players to join a specific race in a span of 30 seconds is unrealistic. It is not going to work. It would be nice sure.
And than there's a rumor that the game is going to be system lock and regional lock. With up to 16 players per lobby. It's absurd.
We can only hope it will come in a later update. They have other priorities right now to focus on the online aspect.

But I still wonder why are they pushing this online/virtual life style in a racing game. Most of players don't care what others are doing. It kind of work when you have a server event like Forzathon Live or Linkups in Unbound. Even a notice that a multiplayer race is about to start would be better. Expecting many players to join a specific race in a span of 30 seconds is unrealistic. It is not going to work. It would be nice sure.
And than there's a rumor that the game is going to be system lock and regional lock. With up to 16 players per lobby. It's absurd.
What I dont get is the gaming ergonomics of it, why not have flexibility built in to play how you want? Surely they must know the demographics of how we play and that we want choice in our past time. The pretentious elements in the game dont really have me too excited either its the driving that folks enjoy the most. I wonder were these developers get their ideas, If they feel they must differentiate themselves do it with gameplay elements rather than rendering casino's into a driving game... really hope there is no microtransaction / gambling snide...
  • TDU VIP Beta starts on 13th August (5pm Japan time) till 18th August (5PM Japan Time)​

  • There's no steam deck support, for anyone asking.
  • PS Plus and Game Pass subscriptions are required for their respective platforms.
  • On consoles: Performance mode is 1080p60 and quality mode is 1440p30.
  • The VIP Beta and early access are the same (content wise) to the steam demo.
From NACON support site: https://my.nacongaming.com/en-GB/support/game/tdusc/faq#20842776632081

What are the system requirements to play TDUSC on PC?

The following specifications apply to the Early Unlock and the official release. Each specification corresponds to a target resolution, framerate and FSR or DLSS level.

An SSD is necessary for all specifications.

Minimum Specifications​

  • OPERATING SYSTEM: Windows 10
  • PROCESSOR: Intel Core i7-7700K or AMD Ryzen 7 1800X
  • GRAPHICS: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660, 6GB or AMD Radeon RX 480, 8 GB or Intel Arc A380, 6 GB
  • DETAILS: Low 1080p @ 30 FPS w/ FSR 2 Ultra Performance

Recommended Specifications​

  • OPERATING SYSTEM: Windows 10
  • PROCESSOR: Intel Core i7-11700K or AMD Ryzen 7 3700X
  • GRAPHICS: Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080, 8GB or AMD Radeon RX 6650, 8 GB
  • DETAILS: Medium 1080p @ 60 FPS w/ DLSS or FSR 2 Balanced

High Specifications​

  • OPERATING SYSTEM: Windows 10
  • PROCESSOR: Intel Core i5-12600K or AMD Ryzen 5 5600X
  • GRAPHICS: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070, 12GB or AMD Radeon RX 6800 XT, 16GB
  • DETAILS: High 1440 @ 60 FPS w/ DLSS or FSR 2 Quality

Performance Specifications​

  • OPERATING SYSTEM: Windows 10
  • PROCESSOR: Intel Core i9-14900K or AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
  • GRAPHICS: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090, 24 GB
  • DETAILS: Ultra 2160 @ 60 FPS w/ DLSS DLAA or FSR2 TAA
Wait aren't those the same specifications as the June demo?
Pretty much. I think the only change is High requirements going from 6900xt to 6800xt. It has some other changes as well

These were the system requirements for the June Demo:

Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown Demo PC Specs


(Medium 1080p 60FPS)
• PROCESSOR: Intel Core i7-10700K or AMD Ryzen 7 5800x
• GRAPHICS: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080, 8GB or AMD Radeon RX 6700, 10GB
• NETWORK : High-speed Internet connection
• DirectX: 12
• Disk space: 50gb


(High 1440 @ 60 FPS)
• PROCESSOR: Intel Core i5-12600K or AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
• GRAPHICS: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070, 12GB or AMD Radeon RX 6900 XT, 16GB
• NETWORK : High-speed Internet connection
• DirectX: 12
• Disk space: 50gb


(Ultra 2160 @ 60 FPS)
• PROCESSOR: Intel Core i9-14900K or AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
• GRAPHICS: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090, 24 GB
• NETWORK : High-speed Internet connection
• DirectX: 12
• Disk space: 50gb
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They sure solve any doubt about optimization. I wonder how is going to look on SeriesS.
High performance PC or a console subscription are already cutting the player base a lot. If the servers will have problems this could be a disaster. Anyway I can't see this having a huge success.
I know they put a lot of work and passion. But I wonder, do they even want this to be a success?
It's disappointing that you have PS + to play this game. I was very interested until I found this out.
This game is doomed by its design, why restrict the potential sales with narrow parameters lol. I would have bought it too... I guess the WRC expansion and Wreckfest 2 are the new prospects to look at now. Crew Motorfest has its new island coming too which seems a more intriguing prospect.
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This game is doomed by its design, why restrict the potential sales with narrow parameters lol. I would have bought it too... I guess the WRC expansion and Wreckfest 2 are the new prospects to look at now. Crew Motorfest has its new island coming too which seems a more intriguing prospect.
If I 'm being honest even if I had PS+ I would be reluctant to buy it. I agree the way they designed it was not smart IMO. But hey what can you do? That's on them

(Ultra 2160 @ 60 FPS)
• PROCESSOR: Intel Core i9-14900K or AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
• GRAPHICS: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090, 24 GB
• NETWORK : High-speed Internet connection
• DirectX: 12
• Disk space: 50gb

I'm...I'm not even going to attempt attacking why this is an issue. :lol:
I get the feeling this game is going to be pretty much DoA. If not dead on arrival, it won’t be long-lived.

In my opinion, while the car list is lacking, the map looks great and physics seem solid.
There's potential but the primary focus on the online/multiplayer elements with little to no regard for any type of offline mode or single player is...wild. Should've been the other way around.
So I guess the console beta is pre-order only? That's one way of ensuring I won't be buying day one.
It tells you they are not confident in the product, hopefully the game has a redemption curve were missing elements are added to the experience... might be worth looking at when its fully evolved and it is steeply discounted.
I watched GameRiot's first impressions and I have a few thoughts/opinions

  • The human animations are weird, your character has no facial expressions and kinda looks bored of the whole thing.
  • I feel like the whole billionnaire's club mega opulence vibe is a bit gaudy, the whole tower thing is a bit much
  • Why have they modeled an automatic 370Z?
  • AI looks terrible, at one point he does a very short race, about 2 minutes long, and he's winning by 20 seconds... hopefully that's fixed when the game actually comes out
  • All the races look super short and the layout themselves look fairly boring
  • PvP races are a wreckfest, doesn't appear to be any sort of penalty/consequence to divebombing and ramming (again, could be fixed when it comes out, but it's not a good look)
  • Where is everyone? The game just doesn't look alive, there's no atmosphere or vibe
  • On top of costing credits, upgrades are locked behind leveling up/progression, which was a well received thing in another game that came out semi recently... /s
  • The cars look floaty/bouncy, like they're not actually connected to the ground
  • It looks like it's going to be very, very grindy. Races give around 20k credits, and he shows a C7 Z06 at the beginning that's 1.5m credits... If a Corvette is 1.5m, how much will a Koenigsegg or Bugatti be?
  • The whole thing just looks... dated?
  • Potential microtransaction hell?
So yeah... I think it'll be too expensive for what it will actually offer, which is way less than other open world racing/driving games that are currently out there. Unless KT does miracles, I don't think it'll live a long life, and I don't think it'll be as well regarded as its predecessors in a few years time. With a lot of people complaining that Horizon is getting stale, that the Crew is a bit too grindy/confusing and that NFS Unbound is too cringe and not actually all that fun either, I feel like they've completely missed the opportunity to do something special. Bland and lukewarm.
I’ve given the Beta a good go on my PS5. I have covered all the roads (around 40% of the map is locked for the Beta). I must say I like the handling. It is an improvement on TDU2 and I would put it close to FH5, though some cars can over steer into the wall occasionally. The money thing is slightly concerning but considering the limitations of the Beta I have gained in excess of 3 million in game credits. That did include 13 races. The rest has mostly been gained from checking for the Solar Crown Symbols which net 12000 a time and there are a lot of them. The Beta is limited to getting to Level 16 which precludes some of the cars you see in the Dealerships. I have 11 cars (nothing else to spend on) with just over a million in the kitty. I have covered nearly a thousand kilometres.

As for the environment there has been a lot of work put into it. The dirt track sections do seem a little smooth. I have noticed no issues with the 30 FPS of the Beta. The world may be more populated with real players when the Open Beta arrives at the end of the month.

The AI can be a little over aggressive at times though I haven’t had too many issues with winning races. I did finish second once.

Waiting a livery can be tiresome, as I found out. I could see no way to delete existing shapes though maybe I wasn’t looking closely enough. I did eventually get the result I wanted. I think that a continuous line over the top of the car can be achieved by just doing a front and back one and extending sufficiently I will check that out when the full version is out.

I must say I am looking forward to playing on the 5th of September (I went Gold). To say I was pleasantly surprised with the game in Beta form was a relief, having done the pre-order.
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I watched the video posted above. It seems like a slightly different build compared to the PC one we had a couple of months ago.
The ”traffic” vehicles seem a little suspect in the Beta. I have been stationary and have had them drive into me. I saw one crash rather spectacularly and they do have a tendency to get stuck against barriers (or trees as I saw one drive off road) accompanied by squealing tyres! They do seem polite though and stop to allow you out onto main roads.
I never pre order games and rarely ever purchase them at full price (from being burned numerous times over the last decade by the games industry).

This is one game I desperately wanted to support with a preorder because of the absolute abysmal state of open world racing games especially on PlayStation. Also for the nostalgia of TDU2. After seeing the early impressions of the “betas” (these so called betas a month before a games release have long proved that little, if anything changes for the launch version. IMO these betas are just a preorder marketing gimmick) I cannot support this game with a preorder. There are to many red flags. At launch imo this game will be mediocre at best and a disaster at worst. Even though it’s very disappointing that this game has supposedly been in development for 4-6 years and this is the best they can do, I wouldn’t be upset if they took another 1-2 years to release a polished finished product at launch that they can then build off from there (the right way).

The lack of an offline single player career mode is baffling. If I’m wrong though and it comes out even in a semi polished state, and has some sort of a career mode and not just some meaningless side quest/fetch quest mission borefests (what most online pvp only games do) I’ll eat my words and buy it. If not I’ll wait for a deep, deep discount if I end up even buying it at all. But I’m highly skeptical.
Screenshot (113).png

Screenshot (111).png
Screenshot (112).png

What is this, The Hunger Games? I was laughing for two minutes straight when I saw this. And I hate the whole luxury vibe. I want to start off in a small house or apartment with space for two cars THEN make my way up to the high life if that's what I desire. Don't treat me like a billionaire when I've barely set foot in the game! Tell me I'm worthless, tell me I won't make it so that when I do, I feel a greater sense of achievement. I want to prove the doubters wrong, but I don't think I'll ever get that feeling from this game. SHAME SHAME SHAME on you KT Games.
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Yep, it saddens me to say but this game is definitely not for me. I had so much initial hope that it would be, but just looking at the above screen shots @ScottPuss20 posted, tells me all i need to know.