Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown Gold Players to Receive “Compensation” for Botched Launch

  • Thread starter Famine


GTP Editor, GTPEDIA Author
United Kingdom
Rule 12
These devs are massive trolls.
You can't play for 3-4 days due to server capacity exciding their expectations and server errors and what do they give you? A variant of a car already in game and 5 ****** stickers which we get every single level and don't serve any purpose.
The game is just bad, I get it. And I'm definitely not defending KT... But why is an exclusive car a bad thing now? Because it's a variant of a model already in game? What do people expect? Do some expect them to model a new car just for compensation? Cheesus..
The game is just bad, I get it. And I'm definitely not defending KT... But why is an exclusive car a bad thing now? Because it's a variant of a model already in game? What do people expect? Do some expect them to model a new car just for compensation? Cheesus..
How about refunding the difference in price between the normal game and the special editions, instead of one crappy car and some useless stickers.
How about refunding the difference in price between the normal game and the special editions, instead of one crappy car and some useless stickers.
What? How is that a compensation? You just want free stuff... And how is that better than an exclusive car?
Plus anyone that bought Gold after Sep 12th should just except you getting the same extras for free? Which company would do that anyway?
You paid for a thing you didn't get. Being paid back for the thing you didn't get is literally the definition of "compensation" (amends for loss, substitute for equal value, remunerate).

Getting something else instead isn't that.
But we got everything we paid for. Compensation is meant for the servers not working properly during early access. 2 different things. It was difficult to play the game not impossible.
But we got everything we paid for. Compensation is meant for the servers not working properly during early access. 2 different things. It was difficult to play the game not impossible.
It was impossible for two days at least because they took the server offline... I know, I was there, and it was during the review period. They literally emailed me to tell me about it before, during, to apologise during, and after.

The game was effectively inaccessible for almost the entire playerbase, right through to launch and for many it was inaccessible afterwards too. A significant number of players couldn't even register the mandatory Nacon Connect account either. When you could access the game there were almost no people online. The experience was simply not what was promised.

Players are owed that back - and both Gold and Silver Edition players, not just Gold. "Compensation" literally means to remunerate (give money back) or provide something of equal value to that which was lost. Silver cost $20 more for some cosmetics (which players got, even if they couldn't use them at the time) and two days' early access (which most didn't) and Gold cost $30 more for some cosmetics (which players got, even if they couldn't use them at the time) and seven days' early access (which nobody got; the servers were actually entirely offline for two whole-ass days, as opposed to merely mostly inaccessible).

One car variant of an existing one and five "premium" stickers is not of equal value to what was lost.
"Compensation" literally means to remunerate (give money back) or provide something of equal value to that which was lost.
He clearly still have all the content that comes with Gold. The same content anyone that buy Gold edition today is getting. In terms of Gold content, nothing was lost. The game didn't work properly because of server issues not the game being broken.
One car variant of an existing one and five "premium" stickers is not of equal value to what was lost.
You see this is exactly why I don't get this outrage. It's an exclusive car. Nobody else can get it. How is this not a proper gift? I can't think of a better thing for servers not working properly during early access. I mean the servers don't work properly even today.
He clearly still have all the content that comes with Gold.
The pre-ordered Gold Edition didn't just come with content. It came with a benefit that nobody could access. As did the pre-ordered Silver Sharps/Streets Editions.
You see this is exactly why I don't get this outrage. It's an exclusive car. Nobody else can get it. How is this not a proper gift?
It is not of equal value to what was lost: early access benefits.
I can't think of a better thing for servers not working properly during early access.
Everyone else can though: a partial refund for a portion of the additional price hike appropriate to loss of the included benefit.

People who buy the Silver/Gold editions now know they're not getting the Beta, VIP Beta, or Early Access bundled in. Those who pre-ordered it didn't know that they weren't getting the Early Access, so paid for something they didn't get.

Again, this is literally what "compensation" means.

I don't get this outrage.
This is an appeal to emotion. Try not assuming "outrage" and instead assume entirely calm dislike and objection.
Everyone else can though: a partial refund for a portion of the additional price hike appropriate to loss of the included benefit.
You didn't pay for early access, you pre-ordered the game for early access. Gold edition is still priced the same.
It's a right compensation, imo. Getting a partial refund for something that didn't required extra money is wrong, imo.
You didn't pay for early access, you pre-ordered the game for early access. Gold edition is still priced the same.
Yes, I know. It was in an unquoted bit of the post you just quoted:
People who buy the Silver/Gold editions now know they're not getting the Beta, VIP Beta, or Early Access bundled in. Those who pre-ordered it didn't know that they weren't getting the Early Access, so paid for something they didn't get.
Not getting an advertised benefit requires recompense.
Pre-order is free.
Pre-ordering the base game got you nothing (except the not-having-to-buy-a-Ford GT-when-you-levelled-up-enough). Pre-ordering the Silver got you two days' early access (and Beta access). Pre-ordering the Gold got you seven days' early access (and Beta and VIP Beta access).


If it was just a pre-order benefit then everyone who pre-ordered would have got it (like the Ford GT). It wasn't, so they didn't: these were pre-order benefits priced into the game editions that players did not get.

Not getting an advertised benefit requires recompense. This isn't difficult stuff.

Nacon/KT has recognised this (for Gold players only) but has determined that a car variant and five stickers is equivalent value to not getting the advertised benefit. Apparently you agree and don't understand that few other people do or why.
these were pre-order benefits priced into the game editions that players did not get.
Ok, now I get it. Most of you obviously believe you paid for pre-order. While I think that pre-order is just act of confirming my purchase. That obviously come with some benefits.
I'm also getting charged when the game officially release not during pre-order period. Maybe it's just me.
Ok, now I get it. Most of you obviously believe you paid for pre-order.
If that's your conclusion, clearly you don't get it.

The whole point is that people who were convinced by the pre-order bonus specific to the Gold/Silver edition to part with another $20/30 in order to get the early access in fact didn't get that benefit at all. This was a key advertised benefit and they didn't get it. Nacon (and apparently you) thinks that a car variant and five stickers is of appropriate equivalent value to that.

Moreover your point about the Gold/Silver editions still being priced the same now and not coming with that benefit any more actually works against you. Gold players who didn't preorder still get the "compensation" if they played at any time in the first month.

Also I didn't pay for anything at all; I got a review code. I'm not out a penny. It's good for objectiveness.
I really don’t think it’s that hard to understand that early access was an incentive that was dangled to pre order a more expensive edition, and when you don’t receive said incentive a variation of a car and some stickers as compensation is a slap in the face

One week early access was quite literally pushed as big selling point lol
Yeah there is no way this is enticing me back. I couldn't play for many days after paying to play for those days.
I do seem to remember them saying it wouldn't just be free items but something significant. I guess they couldn't be bothered in the end.

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