TH8 RS Shifter Thread!

  • Thread starter sandboxgod
Well, if anyone is holding a Right On Gates sequential, and is willing to let it go, let me know. I did finally source a plastic sequential plate (2 actually) so I have springs to spare, lol.
Hey guys just to let you know that i did a small production run of 6 Speed ST's earier this week. Got 4 of them in hand. :)
Well, if anyone is holding a Right On Gates sequential, and is willing to let it go, let me know. I did finally source a plastic sequential plate (2 actually) so I have springs to spare, lol.
Hey Gunstar, i'm making a seq plate for Fanapride in a week or so. PM me for the details. Making another at the same time is possible.
Since Patrick has ceased production the only other place is MobSim. Look them up on google, they have a really nice 6 speed gate plate. I have one. You have to email them and they will send you a paypal invoice. Its a really nice chrome plate.
Hello all, I thought I'd post a few pics of a project I am working on for the TH8 shifters. This is not a new concept however I do not believe short shafts for the TH8 are still being offered by any companies. My version is called the SethFrancisSimRacing TH8 Short Shaft and Knob Kit (will be available in both SQ/H, and H only.) I thought I would show them off here to get some feedback from fellow TH8 owners. I am currently working on two styles, one knob that can be used for both sq and h style shifting and one that will be only H (either 5 or 6 speed). The SQ/H kit is pretty much complete aside from one or two small details, the H only kit still needs refinement before it will be a viable mod worth offering to the public. Once all revisions are made I will be able to offer these with a variety of shift knobs, pretty much any universal shift knob with adapters that can be custom fitted onto the inner shaft. The way I assemble these is with the rod extending all the way to the inside top of the knob. In addition there are mounting points custom fitted to both the top and bottom, NOT JUST THE BOTTOM!!!! This means the knob is fitted in a very solid fashion with no pivoting. My main issue as of now is the lack of rotational resistance in the H only kit. While it has a decent amount it is quite easy to twist when racing. It will not come off or even move up it is just an annoyance as this makes the gear location diagram not face the correct direction. This is one of the main issues I wish to remedy before making this a finalized product. Anyway here are a few pics of the kits........

Original, SQ/H, H only



As you can see the chrome H only kit has a slotted steel spacer, the final revision will not be slotted it will be round. In fact, I have just sourced some plastic nylon spacers that are perfectly round which I plan on using with both kits. The SQ/H kit currently has a steel spacer that is solid all the way around aside from a very small seem. The steel spacer does provide a nice knock as the metal contacts the gate limiters however I feel the plastic spacer will be a more viable long term option that will not damage the plastic gate, not that I have noticed any signs of damage whatsoever with the steel spacer. The plastic spacer I will use is a very similar material to the plastic spacer used on the original shaft from the factory. I will post pics of the kits with the plastic spacers installed in place of the metal ones as soon as I have them completed.









Thank you for looking, please feel free to offer any comments, compliments or suggestions, I appreciate the feedback!
Nice work, I'm glad I got Patrick to make me several short and long interchangable rods when I did, he also made me rods for my Fanatec shifter. He's awesome. :)

Good luck on the venture.

As far as I know, John and Patrick are still offering the custom short shafts and knobs.
Correct me if I'm wrong.;)

I was not aware, it must be on a by request basis? This whole idea started because I wanted a couple shorter shafts to use with my own th8rs shifter. I looked around online and came across shafts that had been offered in the past but did not know they were still available. If I had known I would have purchased one :) I did however see patrick's shifter gates, they are very nice and I would actually like a six speed gate myself. I have been looking into picking up a small lathe for projects such as the shorter shaft and other non sim racing projects. I imagine the shafts offered by John and Patrick are much nicer looking due to the fact that they are machined not assembled. I was planning to offer mine with knobs pre attached for those who wish for a direct bolt on application however I do not wish to make enemies with the likes of Patrick and John, I would much rather make friends :) I actually have been waiting for the SFA1 shifter adapter to become available again as I would like to purchase one ASAP. I emailed John thru his site not too long ago and he assured me they would be available again soon! I cant wait as I race on PS3 with fanatec wheels quite often. I appreciate the info and I hope John and Patrick do not think I am trying to compete as I am certainly not. I have only been involved in the SIM racing community for 1.5 years now and my goal is to make friends, learn, and help where I can. Sorry to John and Patrick for not recognizing you continue to offer this product.
Anybody have information about the th8a shifter DIN pinout/ wiring?
I would like to use a seq shifter on my t300rs, but i dont know how to wire that to the din connector on the wheelbase.
Hi. Yesterday I got my TH8A. I already have ordered the Ricmotec short throw mod. Now I've contated with some French guis that sell a custom 6-speed plate. I don't like the idea of having a 7 speed and I'm also considering not to have the reverse and assign it to a button on my wheel. I've seen other options such as using a piece of lexan or a small tube to prevent the access to those gears. Do you know if the custom plates are compatible with the Ricmotec mods?

Also, have to tried removing the ugly sticker with the safety warnings? Does it peels easily or is it hard and leaves a lot of glue which is hard to remove and needs cleaning and possibly damaging the plastic?

I have also ordered a T300 Ferrari Alcantara Edition. Do you recommend me pluging the shifter to the wheel or as a standalone usb device?

Finally, any commercial or custom mod to install the shifter in a lower and closer position? I've removed the clamp of my shifter and I've drilled 2 holes, one on the upper part and one on the lower part of the vertical metal piece of the clamp. My idea is to attach a square of metal to both that piece and obviously to the hard mount of the shifter. I think it will be strong enough and it will allow me to have the shift in the exact position I want.
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I'm already doing tests with some pieces of weak PVC, just to decide the position of the shifter. As regard forward-backward, I think it has to be as close to the table as the body of the shifter allows. As regard height, I think I've found a good one. In my car the top of the shifter is a little below the level of my leg. Here it's above it. However, the sitting position is very different, so maybe this is not something to consider. It has to be comfortable and natural to use.

As you can see the PVC bends and I also had to put an eiderdown in case the shifter falls to the ground, because the PVC is joint together only with superglue.

Anybody have information about the th8a shifter DIN pinout/ wiring?
I would like to use a seq shifter on my t300rs, but i dont know how to wire that to the din connector on the wheelbase.

I don't have information on the pin out.. but I have a suggestion.

On the T-300 there are wires you can access (without voiding warranty - but don't quote me on that) that are used if you wanted to mount the static shifter paddles from the T500. You can easily use these to wire up a sequential shifter. They will map the same as the paddles. This is why the T-300 is listed to be compatible with the static paddle shifters.

See this post -
Is it normal that Windows 7 doesn't detect the shifter when connected to a T300? I had it connected to USB and it was perfectly detected, with or without drivers installed. Now I've installed the wheel, plugged it into it, but nothing happens neither in Windows nor in the games. The wheel is on PS3 mode.

Oh, and where is the calibration software? Do I have to download it? Where from?
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I've changed my mind and I've decided to make a floor stand for the shifter and the small handbrake. It will be basically a box made of mdf and filled with sand to add around 30 kg of weight, which will prevent the whole from moving or inclining. A small stand will make the shifter stay above the handbrake level. This project will be easy to make and will let me put the items exactly at the position and height that I want. The two limitations are the height of my table and the shape of the chair. I've made it so that it can be very close to me and feels confortable. As regard the height it's perfect and it's still below the level of the table, which is fine because I plan on sliding it below the table when I'm not using it.
