Thank you, PD (no sarcasm)

  • Thread starter TumeK5
It's not about being easily pleased. This feature should have come much much sooner (at launch basically). But the expectation was not being able to sell gift cars and only being able to sell duplicates. The fact that neither of these things are true is great.

PD could very easily have just added a sell button that gave you 33% of the purchase value and been done with it, but they've implemented something with way more substance than that. I don't understand the intricacies of how the valuation is arrived at, but the fact this is something we can play around with is also great. If you don't want to play that particular game, just ignore it and just sell your car for some credits.

I also don't understand why some people would want to buy a legend car and then sell it. That seems like a weird thing to do.

Personally, it seems some people will find fault in everything.
you sell a legend car to buy another one.
Well they certainly took their time but it's nice to see they've done a good job of it. I hope this marks the beginning of a pipeline of more functional changes to the game (ie not just cars!)
It's not about being easily pleased. This feature should have come much much sooner (at launch basically). But the expectation was not being able to sell gift cars and only being able to sell duplicates. The fact that neither of these things are true is great.

PD could very easily have just added a sell button that gave you 33% of the purchase value and been done with it, but they've implemented something with way more substance than that. I don't understand the intricacies of how the valuation is arrived at, but the fact this is something we can play around with is also great. If you don't want to play that particular game, just ignore it and just sell your car for some credits.

I also don't understand why some people would want to buy a legend car and then sell it. That seems like a weird thing to do.

Personally, it seems some people will find fault in everything.
It's not that intricate of a system tbh. It's basically a % variation in price and a 2 weekly sine cycle graph. Then just add an extra % for tuning parts and that's it. You are overcomplicating the game if you're willing to wait 2 weeks just to get an extra 50k sale price. 5 laps at Pan Am BMB will net you that much in 3 minutes.

I'd rather have the usual sell for 33% price if that means we have the system ready at launch. As it is, this feature is a little too late for me. I've already bought every car twice, every tuning part, every tyre, every paint/rims. I did get an extra 10 million today from selling dupes from the ticket bonanza a few months ago so it's not completely useless, but unless PD adds multiple new 20 million cars in the future it's just gonna be unused cash now.

I wouldn't sell a legend car, but some people just want to try a car, then move on to the next one. If you can sell the 917K for 18 mil for example, you can use it to buy the McLaren F1.

If you think I'm nitpicking, fine. But I've had enough of PD's cynical tactics and obtuse development process at this point. As someone who've been with the series since 1998, I just call things as they are.
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It's not that intricate of a system tbh. It's basically a % variation in price and a 2 weekly sine cycle graph. Then just add an extra % for tuning parts and that's it. You are overcomplicating the game if you're willing to wait 2 weeks just to get an extra 50k sale price. 5 laps at Pan Am BMB will net you that much in 3 minutes.

I'd rather have the usual sell for 33% price if that means we have the system ready at launch. As it is, this feature is a little too late for me. I've already bought every car twice, every tuning part, every tyre, every paint/rims. I did get an extra 10 million today from selling dupes from the ticket bonanza a few months ago so it's not completely useless, but unless PD adds multiple new 20 million cars in the future it's just gonna be unused cash now.

I wouldn't sell a legend car, but some people just want to try a car, then move on to the next one. If you can sell the 917K for 18 mil for example, you can use it to buy the McLaren F1.

If you think I'm nitpicking, fine. But I've had enough of PD's cynical tactics and obtuse development process at this point. As someone who've been with the series since 1998, I just call things as they are.
I agree there's no reason it wasn't there at launch, but as for it's use now, not everyone has every car yet. I don't, I installed the update and sold a few dupes and made about 3m Cr this morning before work. I still have a fair few cars to go, including some of the more expensive ones, and then there are cars I'd like two or more of that I either don't own at all, or only have one of at the moment. So I appreicate, it's too little, too late for you, but it's still very much welcome for myself even if it's still done the usual PD way.

The whole game economy is still up the creek and the logic behind Hagerty price valuations and selling cars is clearly missing. We know why, it's to push MTX's. Ofcouse a game shouldn't weight the economy too much in the players favour else you may as well have everything unlocked and just one big sandbox (which is fine, but then do that). But you do need a balance and GT7 is not balanced at all.
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If you don't want to play that particular game, just ignore it and just sell your car for some credits.
Precisely. It seems quite a bit of effort to look at the pricing trends, factor in what ù paid for the car plus how much you spent on tuning.

As of now I plan on using it as a quick cash system should I ever need it for something I really want in the game.

Maybe a one-off housekeeping session to get rid of deadwood.... Maybe.
Why are you thanking them for this? Fix up mate, they only removed it in the first place because they wanted to nickel and dime us.
It's credit where credit is due. I suppose I should be grateful waiting forty years for someone to release that steaming pile of cryptic clues, old comics, and flying horse infested piece of crap that is SwordQuest Airworld. I only got WaterWorld a couple years ago and it was actually fun. Airworld needs to stay buried under Turn 1 at Trial Mountain where they found all them other games and where they shoulda buried GT2.
I digress, though. This has been a good week for me on the PS5 with a good GT7 update and the chance to finally play Airworld after 40 years!
This is PD's best update yet. So much cool **** to explore and do.
Yep, and in less than 24 hours I have everything available from it complete except two gold's on the Road Atlanta CE. X2019 Anniversary? Check. Three other cars? Check. All Road Atlanta, Big Willow, Brands Hatch, and Spa races golded? Check. Spa was nip and tuck for a bit. Big Willow was real simple on the World Event and an absolute bear with that stupid Escudo. It has less grip than a greased hockey puck on icy motor oil.
It is a good update, though. There's a lot in there and they didn't mess around trying to make the Tokyo 600 impossible.
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Except you can't sell legend cars at their true real world value. I mean I get why they did it, but it just proves their "we think it's important for cars to reflect real world values" reasoning for realistic prices in LCD was malarky.

Realistic prices when they sell them to tempt you into MTs, unrealistic prices when you sell to make sure MTs are still tempting.
Seeing as though Sean Connery's personal Aston Martin DB5 recently sold for $2.4m USD and the one in game was less than $1m I was thinking we might actually be able to make a profit so I bought a 2nd. Glad I didnt buy 10.

Definitely calls their past reasoning into question.
Precisely. It seems quite a bit of effort to look at the pricing trends, factor in what ù paid for the car plus how much you spent on tuning.
It's really not. It's simple stuff that anyone could knock up in excel. It's cute, but it's not complicated.
It’s a good feature no doubt. But don’t praise them too much yet. With car selling out of the way (and indeed, implemented in a positive way) we can now fully focus on complaining about the lack of a proper singleplayer campaign.
The game is still lacking on solo. They promised to be the return of the source. And the AI is the worst I ever see in the racing games. No thank for me.
It's really not. It's simple stuff that anyone could knock up in excel. It's cute, but it's not complicated.
I didn't say it's complicated, I think it would be a total bore and a waste of precious gaming time.

With PS4 loading times, ducking in and out of the UCD, back to my garage to open up the settings sheets for each car to see what upgrades I have only to go back into the Tuning Shop to check how much each of them costs. For each car....

Then step away from the game to compose a crudding Excel document.

God, even writing the paragraph has sent me half to sleep.
Not a bad update, but I don't want PlayStation and Xbox consoles to be dragged onto their dark path.

Edit: I guess Jim Ryan is responsible for manipulating Polyphony Digital to add many pointless features including the high price of MTX.
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Ungrateful?! Go to licenses. You see those IA/AB/S licenses? Where's the ******* content for those licenses?! That's more than 1/2 of the game, historically. 10mo post-launch, and all we've gotten are two tracks, about 5 decent races, and ~25 6-10min "races" that don't pay enough for a set of racing tires and a transmission, lol. Oh, and a whole hell of a lot of copy-paste "new" cars. I'll give them the M2, 918, MP4 F1 Mclaren, Merac SS, and older Gr. 3 Skyline, at least they were new cars. We should be so grateful that they deigned to give us new cars in the first place, right? lol

If these events like Big Willow and Spa were the start of weekly events that change every 7-10 days that were to run in perpetuity, you know, like the events we had in GT6/GT5, it would at least be a start. Limited-time, one and done? It's the absolute bare-minimum to even say the game is receiving support.

Maybe you got a free copy, in which case drop to your knees and show Kaz your gratitude all you want. I paid $70 for a game that's still in beta and until they finish what was clearly supposed to have been here at launch, my metaphorical pitch-fork will remain well-honed.

Ungrateful... SMH

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