Thank you PD/Sony about too long wait...

  • Thread starter AutoAki
PC sims are just about racing, GT is somuch more. The career mode sets it apart from PC sims

That's very true.

Specially iRacing is only about racing against others, and fine tuning your setups and driving lines/techniques. Nothing more. Only those.
Fair enough AutoAki, but to say that GT5P feels like a childish arcade racer is not the kind of thing you should be writing if you are, as you say, not trying to be a troll. Seems to me like you wanted to tug on a few strings around here because otherwise you would not have felt the need to explain yourself.

Anyway, I don't need to spend even $5 to know if I'm a hardcore sim racer. I gave up on PC gaming years ago, and only ever play games on consoles now. I play mostly single player or split-screen, and so something that is pretty much online-only racing against others, where the focus is purely on the car setup and racing like it's your career really holds very little appeal for me.

The recent Time Trial demo shows just how far the physics have come on even from GT5P. At the end of the day, you sat in front of a computer is no different me sat in front of a PS3 - neither is particularly realistic in the grand scheme of things. Personally, I play games for a bit of fun, and GT is far more polished and geared towards providing fun than any serious PC racer available today.
What I never liked in particular about PC sims is that no matter what you get screen tearing, I mean even at constant 60fps you look on the side around and understand this is no Gran Turismo smoothness, there is some kind of delay, hiccups like all the time, that brakes the realism a bit. The graphics in absolutely all PC sims I played look cartoony, to me at least. I really believe because I see it and feel it that GT is above all sims I played(never iRacing though), physics wise in the first place.

Also GT is plug and play, while with a PC things are a bit scary when you think about different kinds of incompatibility, even a software in the background can affect the game performance. I hate PC for all kinds of problems that it might bring along the way.

Hey, I don't like PC sims myself, mainly for the inconvenience that goes with it, but I played GTR 1&2, also GTL ( the best of them IMO) a little bit and never ever had screen tearing, do you mean slowdowns by chance? Note: I had slowdowns, but only online and not very much.

yawn. This belongs somewhere else, not here.

Hmm, no I think it belongs right here, we're waiting for GT5 and not something else.
I think the GT5 TT demo is better than some people give it credit for either that or the people saying it's not as good as it is only played it with a pad. Not a bad thing in it'self but wit the pad you have traction switched on and it stays on. The main difference I can see popping up between GT5 and certain PC sims is going to be that because GT5 has to appeal to a more mainstream audience that it's more casual in nature than PC sims and I think some people confuse a more casualness to it being more arcady than PC sims which isn't really the point. A PC sim is typically very clinical, quite lifeless in nature. You pick a car, pick a track or championship and you race either online or offline. Gran Turismo is still going to be very much focused on providing a great gaming experience overall, but that doesn't detract from how far the series has come driving physics wise. I can't say if it matches or betters iRacing, but I can say that imo the GT5:TT demo is easilly a match if not better than the ISI based sims I've played like RFactor and the GTR games.