That’s it. I’m officially in love with GT7.

  • Thread starter PletdeKoe
You like a game with more bugs in it than your bed. Fail.
How do you know how many bugs are in his bed? He seems pretty dodgy

..... I wish the game had an option to fill the field so it would make it more interesting for those who want to play with a small group of friends. If that were the case, I might be able to convince some of them to buy the game and join me.

More power to those who enjoy it and can find ways around the shortcomings I have with it.

@Kean_1 You do know there are private leagues right?
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Nice to see a bit of positivity once in a while, even if it is most likely reaction bait. So good job, OP. 👍

Say what you want about GT7's flaws - I agree that its structure is still broken - but it's hard to deny the game's beauty sometimes.

Especially once you start playing around with custom time/weather settings. Some of the skies I've seen are just, well, :drool:...
For whatever reason some people can't let others have fun with the game , it's like when they are not enjoying it then nobody should ....

weird logic 🤔
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You like a game with more bugs in it than your bed. Fail.
I mean, buggy games can still be fun. Notwithstanding games that are specifically fun because of bugs (see: Speedrunning), if the bugs don't massively detract from your play then you're not going to care. There's plenty of ways to play a game like GT7 in which you'll hardly encounter bugs or you simply won't notice them.

This isn't making excuses for buggy games, but all games have some level of bugs and GT7 is far from the worst. If people are having fun despite the bugs in the game there's nothing wrong with that, and it's definitely not a fail.
Interesting that people are calling this thread bait. It’s not.

I know some people have issues with the flaws of the game and some of the choices pd made. I am not digging the fact that some of the cars are too expensive. But no game is perfect. And this game is simply fantastic for me. It fits me. It looks great, feels great, plays great.

The clocks in the car work according to the acceleration of time. Look at the seconds hand in one of the latest gt3 Porches. It goes round and round while 30x acceleration is set in a custom race….

I can’t help thinking about how much work has been put in this game. The amount of detail and the consistency in the entire experience is unprecedented. Especially when compared to the past 2 numbered entries in GT7.

Gonna go enjoying it again!
Switched back to xbox and Horizon 5 the other day to look for any new cars. Bought me a 1968 Plymouth Barracuda and took it for a spin after adding racesuspension-ARB`s-wide tires+some hp`s.

After playing GT7; WOW. The upgraded old car handles like I would expect from a real car, not some funny "simulator". The amount of realism is on another level, it makes me feel I`ve been testing out my latest car-project. (I`ve built up a few car-projects IRL)

I will continue to watch for GT7 updates since I`ve bought the PS+game but I "gave up" the game in mid april. Kaz can update all he wants, there is no way he can get a good game out of this. Pre-tuned racecars are ok but the rest..:yuck:
For me, GT7 is a flawed masterpiece which is gradually improving. There are things that annoy me in varying degrees, but there's enough good stuff to keep me playing.
For me my feelings have the same elements, but the other way around. I really enjoy the game, but there are obvious flaws which are gradually being fixed. PDs priorities in fixing stuff or not can be baffling and annoying. They could be so much more effective with the material and resources at hand.
What's the ratio of "GT7 is bad" threads to good?

Surely there should be a certain percentage of "good" ones for balance / fair representation, or has this forum become so fixated upon negative criticism that it can't see the wood for the trees... or won't allow anyone to take off his / her / their blinkers?

Point being that just because a positive thread appears doesn't mean it's clickbait.
when i was high school i went to a exhibit of Sony Computer Entertainment of Gran Turismo
good question in almost 2 decade time, it changed from interlaced Component output of Playstation 2 to current HDMI high def standards, otherwise what other appeals to dated franchise
I'm in love with the option to make properly custom "Custom Races" with 19 opponents on Fisherman's Ranch, up from 1 in GTS.
I love the weather and time systems (even in their current, limited state), and with a few updates such as to allow exact time of day control for races and Time Trial, and to add nights and rain to more tracks, I'll love it much more.

I love driving in GT7, but I'm continually bewildered by how poorly utilised its content is. GT7 has 10 championships: 5x2 races, 4x3 races, 1x5 races.

Gran Turismo 3, over 20 years ago and with less than half as many cars and track layouts to pick from, had 4x5 races and 1x10 races in Beginner League alone! That's in addition to 43 other single races in 14 other events!

I'll reiterate, I love driving in GT7, I've got 350+ hours in it, I'll likely sink in as many more in the next 12 months, going for gold in Online Time Trials and (hopefully not) grinding the same four mini-endurance events to buy the cars.

If custom races (and custom championships) paid as much as the Spa 1hr, even if that pay increase was tied to Collector Level 50, I'd go make GT mode myself.
Interesting that people are calling this thread bait. It’s not.

I know some people have issues with the flaws of the game and some of the choices pd made. I am not digging the fact that some of the cars are too expensive. But no game is perfect. And this game is simply fantastic for me. It fits me. It looks great, feels great, plays great.

The clocks in the car work according to the acceleration of time. Look at the seconds hand in one of the latest gt3 Porches. It goes round and round while 30x acceleration is set in a custom race….

I can’t help thinking about how much work has been put in this game. The amount of detail and the consistency in the entire experience is unprecedented. Especially when compared to the past 2 numbered entries in GT7.

Gonna go enjoying it again!
It looked like a bait thread since the title and timing of the thread are mirroring the other thread. Plus a thread with things such as "I like" or "I don't like" never bring any sort of worthwhile discussions because they are basically one post (in this case you as the OP) saying their subjective likes of something about the game...
Which btw I agree with you on those, don't get me wrong, driving in GT7 is a pleasure in itself and as I said, there are many other things that appease to certain players, but the game still has too many flaws, and most of them really important issues, to be resolved and they haven't been touched upon, lots of them that should've been in the game from the start.
Just as an example, how can they(PD) take 5 months to add a chat funcion that you already had in your prologue title (GT Sport)? That's just ridiculous.

On the other hand, the other thread has the user actually pointing out a massive flaw that impacted his experience in the game and that should have the utmost attention of PD. It gets worse that it has been like this since launch, 5 months ago, which is not really acceptable. PD's pace and communication with the playerbase is simply awful.

Basically, criticism on the negative aspects of something is helptful because it gives awareness about them, and allows the game to be fixed and further improved, while the positives... are already there done right.
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How do you know how many bugs are in his bed? He seems pretty dodgy

@Kean_1 You do know there are private leagues right?
Everyone has millions of bed bugs in their bed. Lovely, huh?

And private leagues are only good if the lobbies work. They don't which prompted me to say "that's it. I'm done with GT7" which then prompted this rather weak retort "that's it. I'm in love with GT7". Keep up at the back. ;)

I want change. This OP apparently doesn't. I'll try selling him a dead fish for £5m later.
Everyone is aware of issues in GT7 (not unlike most games). But other than early economy issues and longer lasting (though largely solved) online problems. I have to say it’s been pretty smooth sailing in terms of making my way through the game.

5 months on I’m playing almost daily. As and when work allows. In my spare time I’m researching potential builds & liveries. Trying out different cars for events to give a different spin on things.

Forums of all types ere on the side of negativity because people want to spill their feelings in long winded threads. General chat has moved over to social media. If people are still taking part in discussions months after release. They remain invested in the title. Amongst my friends most have sold on a game after 5 weeks. Some after 5 days!

I’ve said before I think GT7 and the franchise as a whole is in a really great spot right now. Exciting developments coming down the line.
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What's the ratio of "GT7 is bad" threads to good?
There is absolutely an overwhelming amount of positive (or at least neutral) discussion of GT7 in the subforum compared to negative discussion. It's pretty much par for the course of any GT release since at least GT5.

And in any case, why does that matter? If someone feels like GT7 is bad (and there are definitely some valid criticisms of the game that could create that feeling for an individual) and wants to make a post about it, as long as it all follows the rules, then they should be able to.
Surely there should be a certain percentage of "good" ones for balance / fair representation, or has this forum become so fixated upon negative criticism that it can't see the wood for the trees...
GTPlanet has always been a balanced representation, in large part because both positive and negative discussion is permitted to co-exist. More often than not, it's the users who legitimately cannot handle negative criticism about Gran Turismo, and choose to be nasty themselves in response that are an issue. I can most definitely tell you that those kinds of users very much outweigh the people who can't handle constant positivity about the series.

I'd also argue that having those negative discussion topics are good because they also paint a more balanced picture of the game, especially if the people levelling criticism are explaining why they take issue with something, and if those complaints are consistent among users. I've been on GTPlanet for a while, but I'm definitely grateful for its approach to moderation with positive/negative discussions. It helped me decide against buying a PS5 right away for GT7 given its problems currently (chiefly the game economy being geared towards MTXs).
...or won't allow anyone to take off his / her / their blinkers?
The same can be said for people who have nothing but positives to say and deride valid negative criticism. Overwhelming, unbridled positivity, while it definitely feels nice, can be (and usually is) just as useless as overwhelming negativity if it has no substance to it.
Point being that just because a positive thread appears doesn't mean it's clickbait.
Considering that, other than a few words being changed, the OP of this thread decided to use the same exact title structure of a similar thread that got a decent amount of attention earlier this week, in which pretty much the first half consisted of users trying to ridicule the OP of the aforementioned thread for airing their very valid issues with the game, it really isn't hard to see how some might assume this thread is bait.
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Yes, I'm aware but they just don't work for me in regard to typical set schedules / meets, etc. I'd rather play with existing PS friends and have the rest of the field filled with AI.
So start your own league, with your friends, structured how you want... It would be good to be able to add AI opponents also, but since that's probably never going to happen, maybe you can find a few new players to be friends with.

Everyone has millions of bed bugs in their bed. Lovely, huh?

And private leagues are only good if the lobbies work. They don't which prompted me to say "that's it. I'm done with GT7" which then prompted this rather weak retort "that's it. I'm in love with GT7". Keep up at the back. ;)

I want change. This OP apparently doesn't. I'll try selling him a dead fish for £5m later.
Keen_1's comment also indicated that he avoided GT Sport for this reason, yet many private leagues ran fine there, and in fact are still running under that platform, as you mentioned in your initial "I'm Done" post. So presumably Keen _1 could start a league with friends in the GTS platform, with a view to convert across to GT7 in the future, when/if the GT7 lobbies work properly.

But your insect comment seems significantly flawed ...

  • One out of five Americans has had a bed bug infestation in their home or knows someone who has encountered bed bugs at home or in a hotel
  • Bed bugs are found in all 50 states. Specifically, the pests were encountered by 17 percent of respondents in the Northeast; 20 percent in the Midwest; 20 percent in the South; and 19 percent in the West.
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The clocks in the car work according to the acceleration of time. Look at the seconds hand in one of the latest gt3 Porches. It goes round and round while 30x acceleration is set in a custom race….
Yes, if only they put that much attention into things 95% of people would notice. It's like the days they were bragging about accurate stitching in the rear seats. Which you didn't see in normal gameplay.
So start your own league, with your friends, structured how you want... It would be good to be able to add AI opponents also, but since that's probably never going to happen, maybe you can find a few new players to be friends with.

Keen_1's comment also indicated that he avoided GT Sport for this reason, yet many private leagues ran fine there, and in fact are still running under that platform, as you mentioned in your initial "I'm Done" post. So presumably Keen _1 could start a league with friends in the GTS platform, with a view to convert across to GT7 in the future, when/if the GT7 lobbies work properly.
I really have zero interest in starting my own "league", attracting and vetting new players, etc. and even less interest in going back to GTS for that purpose if GT7 doesn't work well in that respect at present.

Let me be clear.... I mentioned the reasons why I don't play PvP in GT7 in response to the claim that's it's all about ego.'s not. I don't care to compete against strangers or the reason previously mentioned, spend time to make enough GT7-specific friends to form a league, coordinate schedules and so on. I will say that I did find a couple groups I might be interested in (quite frankly ones that were composed of older folks like me) however, the times and some of the requirements just didn't work for me. again, I would much prefer if the game had the option to play with a small group of friends with the rest of the field filled with AI to make the races more engaging for us. The idea being is that if one is us is better than the other at least everyone would still feel involved in the race. We could jsut get on whenever we had time, start a party chat and hae some fun (with friends joing if / when they get on). If that ever happens or not at some point, I'd be happy but for now, it's all SP for me and I'm satisfied with that.

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