That's it. I'm now officially done with GT7

  • Thread starter mattikake
You should find it concerning. What we are seeing is Alpha level deployment, not even open Beta.

When creating a new game from a previous title, you make a new code branch, and you regularly merge in changes from the Live game (in this case GT Sport) to make sure you keep the current game up to speed with state of the live game. Obviously, this is reviewed so you don't stop current development, but it should still be a regular occurrence.

In the last update we FINALLY got the GTSport chat function. The game released 6 months ago.

It should 100% be of minimal impact (technically speaking), but if the lobbies are following the rest of the code (as I mentioned above) then, of course, there will be problems.

We should ALL be upset by this.

I'm the one of the worst offenders of using hyperbole, but GT7.... an alpha test?? 'C'mon man'!!

Met up with our virtual car club last night. We're still on GTS as the lobbies in GT7 still aren't upon to par yet. I haven't played GTS in months. The first thing that struck me was how much better the graphics were on GT7, as the physics. While I do think its fair to say that GT7 is a continuation and build off of GTS, I don't think its a reach to say that they are almost two entirely separate games. I've said it before; that there is so much more going on underneath the preverbal "hood" of GT7 compared to Sport, that I think its enough to consider it a completely new game. Kind of like GTA San Andreas when it relaunched on PS4. Same game, yes. But completely different. Under this estimated preface, its no wonder GT7 online is broken

That's why I think GT7 is somewhat of a dumpster fire. Cross play was something PD never had intended on doing, until the last minute order (probably 6 months before release) from Sony to do so. And I've also said this many times before; it was the right business call by Sony to do so.

Online content with GT7 needs to severe the umbilical cord with PS4 asap if they want the game to start working. Update the single player content (within reason) for PS4. But in order for this game to reach its potential, I think this needs to be done as soon as practical.

I'm embarrassed for you PD, and Sony
30 minutes into our last Gr3 GT7 endurance championship and the hosts game crashes, dumping us all out. It's too late to restart the race and no-one wanted to anyway. The admin red flagged the race and ended the series. It's been beset by lag, jitter, game crashes, blue screens and player initialisation bugs. Each race invariably took 30 mins or more to actually get going.

It's been by far the most pathetic "gaming" experience I can remember. I wish I had attempted the refund when others did.

All other communities i'm in still race on GTS so there is simply no point in being part of
this scam any longer.

Goodbye Gran-Turd 7 hello F1 2022, GTS and (god help us) AC2 when it comes out. From the deepest depths of my heart I hope the FIA screw PD royally.

[Much] L8ers
My reaction to that information:
I'm the one of the worst offenders of using hyperbole, but GT7.... an alpha test?? 'C'mon man'!!

Met up with our virtual car club last night. We're still on GTS as the lobbies in GT7 still aren't upon to par yet. I haven't played GTS in months. The first thing that struck me was how much better the graphics were on GT7, as the physics. While I do think its fair to say that GT7 is a continuation and build off of GTS, I don't think its a reach to say that they are almost two entirely separate games. I've said it before; that there is so much more going on underneath the preverbal "hood" of GT7 compared to Sport, that I think its enough to consider it a completely new game. Kind of like GTA San Andreas when it relaunched on PS4. Same game, yes. But completely different. Under this estimated preface, its no wonder GT7 online is broken

That's why I think GT7 is somewhat of a dumpster fire. Cross play was something PD never had intended on doing, until the last minute order (probably 6 months before release) from Sony to do so. And I've also said this many times before; it was the right business call by Sony to do so.

Online content with GT7 needs to severe the umbilical cord with PS4 asap if they want the game to start working. Update the single player content (within reason) for PS4. But in order for this game to reach its potential, I think this needs to be done as soon as practical.

I'm embarrassed for you PD, and Sony
Yes I understand where you are coming from but I have only just got my new ps5 today after waiting 6 months or more the ps5 is coming through very slowly it is taking 5 or 6 months to come into the shops
Yes I understand where you are coming from but I have only just got my new ps5 today after waiting 6 months or more the ps5 is coming through very slowly it is taking 5 or 6 months to come into the shops
Exactly. And I would anticipate PD/Sony to cut the cord when PS5's become more readily available. It would be stupid to do so before this. Congrats on the new PS5 btw!
Out of curiosity, where do you think PD is directing their resources? Genuinely curious to your’s, and other people’s thoughts.

A non-answer is not going to be considered.
I don't think they're directing resources anywhere specifically. Those 300 people all have their own roles, they're all doing what they're hired to do. Modellers are modelling, sound guys are working on sound. Many of them are not directly related to the game development. People who manage the servers, website security, etc.

What do I think their priorities are right now? Well it doesn't look like they have one. They seem to be fixing random things across the board whilst sticking to their drip feed methods, there is no obvious focus on one part of the game. I don't believe for one second that three cars and three events is all they are actually producing each month.

Not really sure what kind of answer you expected though. I can't make any logical conclusions when PD don't communicate about anything. Just guess. For all I know 150 staff are working on Gran Turismo Powerboat.
I don't think they're directing resources anywhere specifically. Those 300 people all have their own roles, they're all doing what they're hired to do. Modellers are modelling, sound guys are working on sound. Many of them are not directly related to the game development. People who manage the servers, website security, etc.

What do I think their priorities are right now? Well it doesn't look like they have one. They seem to be fixing random things across the board whilst sticking to their drip feed methods, there is no obvious focus on one part of the game. I don't believe for one second that three cars and three events is all they are actually producing each month.

Not really sure what kind of answer you expected though. I can't make any logical conclusions when PD don't communicate about anything. Just guess. For all I know 150 staff are working on Gran Turismo Powerboat.
My hopes are that Polyphony are already working hard on GT8 and will forget about GT7 in a year or two. Sounds harsh I know, but think about it. GT7's problems are rooted deep within the core of the gameplay loop, the economy and it's online-only model. The game is also hindered by being multi-platform with a console from 2013, which surely has limited it's graphical and physical enhancements.

GT7 is just GT Sport with a fresh coat of paint and it's painfully obvious. Sony got what it wanted, a big early PS5-lifecycle exclusive racer, now just focus on the next entry. Polyphony needs to learn to let go of the past, they did this with GT5 and reusing PS2 content, they did it again with GT6 and they did it yet again here, essentially just giving a facelift to previous-gen content, a full reset exclusive to the PS5 is in order to get the series back on track.

But then again this is just my opinion and probably a bit too deep for this conversation and what do I know, Polyphony probably is just using all of those 300 employees to make the monthly updates of 3 random cars and a new Scapes location of "Somerandomasstown-shi, Japan"
I don't think they're directing resources anywhere specifically. Those 300 people all have their own roles, they're all doing what they're hired to do. Modellers are modelling, sound guys are working on sound. Many of them are not directly related to the game development. People who manage the servers, website security, etc.

What do I think their priorities are right now? Well it doesn't look like they have one. They seem to be fixing random things across the board whilst sticking to their drip feed methods, there is no obvious focus on one part of the game. I don't believe for one second that three cars and three events is all they are actually producing each month.

Not really sure what kind of answer you expected though. I can't make any logical conclusions when PD don't communicate about anything. Just guess. For all I know 150 staff are working on Gran Turismo Powerboat.

A couple months ago, I said that if we continue to get a drip feed of events, and no major improvements to lobby stability by mid summer…. We’ll know what PD’s plan is.

In my not-knowing opinion, I think PD is getting ready for a re-launch. New content that will be PS5 only. VR. The severance of online support for PS4. Pretty much what this game was supposed to be. And yes, I also think they have a team working on a PC version of Gran Turismo. I would say they have a team working on the next iteration of Gran Turismo, but I’m a very curious to if they’re going to treat Gran Turismo 7 as one constant update (A la ACC), for the life of this console. They’d be smart to do just that. And lastly, I’m sure they have a small team of developers working with the next generation console….whatever that looks like 😳

But PD resting on their laurels? Not a chance.
In my not-knowing opinion, I think PD is getting ready for a re-launch. New content that will be PS5 only. VR. The severance of online support for PS4. Pretty much what this game was supposed to be.
PS4 Installed Base: 112.6 million units
PS5 Installed Base: 19.3 million units

You think Sony is going to piss off most of the PS4 players to appease those who were lucky enough to be able to buy a PS5 (which, if you recall, are still in short supply just about everywhere).
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As long as there is cross play, Gran Turismo 7 online will always be broken.

Think of it as (video game*) socialism.

.....Its never worked, and it will never work.

Flame suit on :gtpflag:

*At least with sim racing.
I agree with you. I don't know why they went with cross-gen console. Sure it's a way fro those without a PS5 to play with friends that do have a PS5. But it wasn't implemented very well. I've never raced online in lobbies, only in Sport mode, so I don't have any first-hand knowledge of how bad it is. But I've read plenty of threads/posts about how bad it is. And I honestly think they need to change it in an update. They need to go in and make it so if you're on a PS4, then you'll only be able to join lobbies with other players on a PS4; same with a PS5. There would undoubtedly be complaining, but if it would fix a major issue of the lobbies, then that's better than allowing the issue to continue just for the sake of being able to play with others on another generation of the console.
PS4 Installed Base: 112.6 million units
PS5 Installed Base: 19.3 million units

You think Sony is going to piss off most of the GT4 players to appease those who were lucky enough to be able to buy a PS5 (which, if you recall, are still in short supply just about everywhere).
Yes, he's been saying this for a while. Not many people seem to agree with him.

If they do want to push towards PS5 it won't be yet, and it won't be by killing support for GT7 on PS4. It'll be with an early launch of GT8 IMO, holiday 2024-ish.
OP or for anyone that doesnt know, Forza Horizon 5 has newer cars and a world you can actually cruise in, not just roll racing on highway X. Theres also custom maps where you can race all straight-away races. You also dont need an xbox, just get a PC if you are anti xbox.

I turned on my PS5 just to get the 918 and realized Forza has had all 3 2010-decade halo cars since like 2015. No need to wait for GT7 to have a Mclaren P1, its already in Forza.
For all I know 150 staff are working on Gran Turismo Powerboat.
I know you're joking, but on one hand, I would pay very good money for such a thing. On another hand, my distrust for PD has grown to a point where even such a balls-to-the-wall project would be met with hesitation from me.

To swing back around to the discussion topic and the question you were asked, the online issues that have plagued the game seemingly since launch are imo the strongest bit of evidence that PD has no real priorities in any particular area of GT7. Considering how major of a pillar online play was for Sport, and how there's still a major push for online play and eSports from PD/Sony in GT7, fixing any issues with that component should automatically be high up on the checklist.
Yes, he's been saying this for a while. Not many people seem to agree with him.

If they do want to push towards PS5 it won't be yet, and it won't be by killing support for GT7 on PS4. It'll be with an early launch of GT8 IMO, holiday 2024-ish.

2024 is waaay to early for GT8 I would think. A console life is what?…. 7 years? 8-9 if they want to milk it. PS5 came out in 2020.

It would make zero sense for PD and Sony to spend the $$$ to VR GT7 and only get 18 months of mileage out of it before the next title.

My money is on PD/Sony taking the GTA route with GT7. Make it the Gran Turismo title for the entire life of this console. It makes the most financial sense.

I’ll gladly eat crow on this if I’m wrong. But I think I’ll be right.
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2024 is waaay to early for GT8 I would think. A console life is what?…. 7 years? 8-9 if they want to milk it. PS5 came out in 2020.

It would make zero sense for PD and Sony to spend the $$$ to VR GT7 and only get 18 months of mileage out of it before the next title.

My money is on PD/Sony taking the GTA route with GT7. Make it the Gran Turismo title for the entire life of this console. It makes the most financial sense.

I’ll gladly eat crow on this if I’m wrong. But I think I’ll be right.
Who said VR is definitely coming to GT7? Not Sony or PD, that I recall. People just assumed, didn't they? It's not an advertised "coming soon" feature in the same way Course Maker was for GT6, so they are under no obligation to deliver it.

GTA V only really worked for T2 because people just did not stop buying it, and buying the shark cards. GT, whilst having good legs, is never going to get anywhere near that, nor is any game. Probably not even GTA6. It was just one of those gaming phenomenons that happens every now and then. In 4 years time GT7 sales will be a small trickle and active players will be <10% of sales as most people move on. Especially if PD only ever drip feed little bits of content. At the very least they would need some huge, themed updates to keep GT7 going that long.
PS4 Installed Base: 112.6 million units
PS5 Installed Base: 19.3 million units

You think Sony is going to piss off most of the PS4 players to appease those who were lucky enough to be able to buy a PS5 (which, if you recall, are still in short supply just about everywhere).

100% they would. They already have your money. Now, they get to sell you a new console at the price of a free update. No brainer.

Besides, PS5 production is going to ramp up sooner than later
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100% they would. They already have your money. Now, they get to sell you a new console at the price of a free update. No brainer.

Besides, PS5 production is going to ramp up sooner than later
It won’t tho
Exactly. And I would anticipate PD/Sony to cut the cord when PS5's become more readily available. It would be stupid to do so before this. Congrats on the new PS5 btw!
100% they would. They already have your money. Now, they get to sell you a new console at the price of a free update. No brainer.

Besides, PS5 production is going to ramp up sooner than later
It won’t though because of the chip shortage world wide so it will be slower for a lot longer
Who said VR is definitely coming to GT7? Not Sony or PD, that I recall. People just assumed, didn't they? It's not an advertised "coming soon" feature in the same way Course Maker was for GT6, so they are under no obligation to deliver it.

GTA V only really worked for T2 because people just did not stop buying it, and buying the shark cards. GT, whilst having good legs, is never going to get anywhere near that, nor is any game. Probably not even GTA6. It was just one of those gaming phenomenons that happens every now and then. In 4 years time GT7 sales will be a small trickle and active players will be <10% of sales as most people move on. Especially if PD only ever drip feed little bits of content. At the very least they would need some huge, themed updates to keep GT7 going that long.
Well, being that they went through some trouble in getting PSVR compatible with GTS, I think it would be a fair assumption that PSVR2 and GT7 will be compatible. I would also think that all game functions would be fully enabled with PSVR2. Basically what hey wish they could have done with GTS. Which could explain why content is at a drip.

Yes, I would agree that Gran Turismo will never be Grand Theft Auto. However, Gran Turismo still is the juggernaut of sim racing. So in that context, its not too far fetched to think that Gran Turismo would follow the same path. Especially when ACC has already proved that "ongoing major updates" business model works. I think there's a good chance that the "drip feed" of content from PD, is just them buying some time. I think I get mistaken for some Gran Turismo fanboy (which I am). But all my guesses are based on what I would do if I was in charge of the books at PD. If we're going to go with the premise that GT7's economy soley revolves around pushing the players to MTX's, then it isn't too far fetched that they will squeeze the player base for all its worth in other ways

It won’t tho

It won’t though because of the chip shortage world wide so it will be slower for a lot longer
Shortages don't last forever.

Not to mention, chip production slow-down in China is just a business opportunity for other countries. You think other countries aren't trying to figure out how to financially benefit from this? I believe the United States just passed legislation to this very thing.
Well, being that they went through some trouble in getting PSVR compatible with GTS, I think it would be a fair assumption that PSVR2 and GT7 will be compatible. I would also think that all game functions would be fully enabled with PSVR2. Basically what hey wish they could have done with GTS. Which could explain why content is at a drip.
They spent almost two extra years working on getting course maker into GT6 post launch, obviously went through a lot of troubles, yet despite that we haven't seen anything of it since. Either they've since thrown it all in the bin, or it's sat on the shelf waiting...for something.

So no, I don't see PSVR2 as a given just because they spent a lot of time working on the first version.
Yes, I would agree that Gran Turismo will never be Grand Theft Auto. However, Gran Turismo still is the juggernaut of sim racing. So in that context, its not too far fetched to think that Gran Turismo would follow the same path. Especially when ACC has already proved that "ongoing major updates" business model works. I think there's a good chance that the "drip feed" of content from PD, is just them buying some time. I think I get mistaken for some Gran Turismo fanboy (which I am). But all my guesses are based on what I would do if I was in charge of the books at PD. If we're going to go with the premise that GT7's economy soley revolves around pushing the players to MTX's, then it isn't too far fetched that they will squeeze the player base for all its worth in other ways
ACC was released in 2018 as an early access but the final product didn't launch until May 2019 and the current gen console version was just six months ago, so they're really not supporting it for that long as a commercial product. AFAIK there are no more major updates planned but I don't play it, so I don't know exactly. But if so, that's a pretty typical 3/4 years of strong support. They're also a much smaller studio with a fraction of the staff and overheads of PD. They can live off less players.

GT7 is not going to be supported in a major way beyond the usual 3-4 years. Not happening. The player base will have mostly gone, the whales buying MTs definitely will have, and sales will be small. GT may be a sales juggernaut but most of those are casual, the hardcore racing game players are still pretty small, and the number of those who will keep coming back to the game for updates after 3 years are even smaller.
30 minutes into our last Gr3 GT7 endurance championship and the hosts game crashes, dumping us all out. It's too late to restart the race and no-one wanted to anyway. The admin red flagged the race and ended the series. It's been beset by lag, jitter, game crashes, blue screens and player initialisation bugs. Each race invariably took 30 mins or more to actually get going.

It's been by far the most pathetic "gaming" experience I can remember. I wish I had attempted the refund when others did.

All other communities i'm in still race on GTS so there is simply no point in being part of
this scam any longer.

Goodbye Gran-Turd 7 hello F1 2022, GTS and (god help us) AC2 when it comes out. From the deepest depths of my heart I hope the FIA screw PD royally.

[Much] L8ers
Mad respect for actually trying to do these sort of races when everyone knows that lobbies isn't stable.

It's a bit like building snowmen during the summer.
Well, being that they went through some trouble in getting PSVR compatible with GTS, I think it would be a fair assumption that PSVR2 and GT7 will be compatible. I would also think that all game functions would be fully enabled with PSVR2. Basically what hey wish they could have done with GTS. Which could explain why content is at a drip.

Yes, I would agree that Gran Turismo will never be Grand Theft Auto. However, Gran Turismo still is the juggernaut of sim racing. So in that context, its not too far fetched to think that Gran Turismo would follow the same path. Especially when ACC has already proved that "ongoing major updates" business model works. I think there's a good chance that the "drip feed" of content from PD, is just them buying some time. I think I get mistaken for some Gran Turismo fanboy (which I am). But all my guesses are based on what I would do if I was in charge of the books at PD. If we're going to go with the premise that GT7's economy soley revolves around pushing the players to MTX's, then it isn't too far fetched that they will squeeze the player base for all its worth in other ways

Shortages don't last forever.

Not to mention, chip production slow-down in China is just a business opportunity for other countries. You think other countries aren't trying to figure out how to financially benefit from this? I believe the United States just passed legislation to this very thing.
I know it won’t but until everything sorts it self out they have stopped building cars at the moment
I’ve never raced in a lobby - I don’t have enough GT friends who are all of the same level to make it work so just stick to Sport mode… which has issues with penalties imho

Good luck with F122 by the way 😳 not exactly the best argument against GT7
They spent almost two extra years working on getting course maker into GT6 post launch, obviously went through a lot of troubles, yet despite that we haven't seen anything of it since. Either they've since thrown it all in the bin, or it's sat on the shelf waiting...for something.

So no, I don't see PSVR2 as a given just because they spent a lot of time working on the first version.

ACC was released in 2018 as an early access but the final product didn't launch until May 2019 and the current gen console version was just six months ago, so they're really not supporting it for that long as a commercial product. AFAIK there are no more major updates planned but I don't play it, so I don't know exactly. But if so, that's a pretty typical 3/4 years of strong support. They're also a much smaller studio with a fraction of the staff and overheads of PD. They can live off less players.

GT7 is not going to be supported in a major way beyond the usual 3-4 years. Not happening. The player base will have mostly gone, the whales buying MTs definitely will have, and sales will be small. GT may be a sales juggernaut but most of those are casual, the hardcore racing game players are still pretty small, and the number of those who will keep coming back to the game for updates after 3 years are even smaller.
You are very wrong there once sony don’t support the PS4 sales of the ps5 will go up and Gt7 will sell massively
You are very wrong there once sony don’t support the PS4 sales of the ps5 will go up and Gt7 will sell massively
PS4 sales for major AAA titles have pretty much dried up. But Sony will support base GT7 on PS4 for as long as they support base GT7 on PS5. This is going to be a VERY long gen.

Diversification may come if we get GT7 2.0 or PSVR2 support. Although the messaging will have to be very clear to avoid confusion. Throw PC into the mix and the potential for F2P GT(7) through PS+. And it’s difficult to pinpoint Sony & PD’s direction.

I suspect we’ll know more before the years out.