Thing is though, I can't really think of a Republican or Democrat worth voting for. I'd consider voting to one that's close to the way I believe, but so far there hasn't been one. I just want someone that will let me live my life the way I want to as long as I don't infringe on anyone else. I also think other should be able to live their lives too. That's why I'm all for things like same-sex marriage, legalization of drugs, abortion, etc. If that's what you want to do, who am I to say otherwise?
And this is why I think Republicans and Democrats are the same. Neither party has any concept of what the Constitution is or how it applies to how the country should be run. They both waste tax money on a monumental scale. They both want to control my life in different ways. They also both only really cater to whoever gives them money in terms of campaign donations. They both only serve the wealthy and whatever the interest of lobbies are. Neither party gives a damn about the average American.
Democrats masquerade as champions of the poor and underserved, but I rarely see them do anything about it. Even Obama managed to completely mangle single-payer healthcare into a headache for health systems. Republicans often cite that they are fiscally responsible, then I see them spend god knows how much on a military that's got more fat than any department ever. Also they love to push their religious beliefs on people in the way of laws.
I'll give you the thing about Al Gore though, but I don't think he was really a Democrat. If anything I think he aligned more towards the Green Party and honestly probably could've been ok with him. Clinton, however, was no better than Trump. If she would've won, we'd still be in a mess and probably a war with Syria. I hated her nearly as much as I hated Trump and I firmly believe the country was doomed for four years no matter who won.
Oddly enough, out of all the candidates in 2016 I liked Bernie Sanders. I disliked his platform, but I think he genuinely thought he was doing good and I think he truly was for the people. His methods were bad, but he definitely challenged the status quo and seemed like a likable person.