The amazing and cool photo thread

  • Thread starter UnoMOTO
This isn't an "Amazing and Cool Photo" in the usual style of this thread but I feel it captures quite well part of what is happening in Japan at the moment...

Rescue workers contend with heavy snow at a Sendai factory devastated by the tsunami
Orange = Go faster
Red = 3 more cars

Or is that just my town?

Is that not just cause the crossing thing is horrendously short in Aus? It was in Adelaide when I was there a few years back anyway :P

And yeah that is a pretty amazing photo Neal. That's true dedication!
If anything's going to cause people to speed up in panic, it's a sand-timer display.
In the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary in the Gulf of Mexico, steel pillars supporting a gas platform make a vertical reef encrusted with tube sponges.

A necklace sea star nestles among the C-shaped emerald tentacles of anchor coral in the western Pacific Ocean.

A red-and-yellow necklace sea star clings to a sea fan in the Maldives.
Same thing in Lisbon too! In the driving school i think they teach to go faster on orange... or maybe its me, :lol:!

Is that not just cause the crossing thing is horrendously short in Aus? It was in Adelaide when I was there a few years back anyway :P

Red Lights take forever, so i guess we try to get through if we can.

Sometimes it takes forever for the cycle to repeat... however I never risk a redlight... just in case..
Amazing, no, shocking, yes....
Something tells me he has Ejected way too late! :(

Look at the separation from the cockpit and the tension from the parachute, looks like the 'shoot has only just pulled. :ill:

At the speed he's probably going, he's gonna hit hard.
Red Lights take forever, so i guess we try to get through if we can.

Sometimes it takes forever for the cycle to repeat... however I never risk a redlight... just in case..

So it's just impatience... Faaaair enough! :lol:

"Wanna know why I'm whittling?
Cause that's what you do in a town where a yellow light means speed up and not slow down"

Which tv series?

Gotta be Wallander.
I'm not just saying that because it is the only Swedish TV show I know or anything... :sly:
Yeah, since when did the rebels become air borne?! The last picture I saw of them, they were laying on the ground, using their legs as a tripod and shooting at planes with an AK...Thats pretty far from piloting a MIG.
Yeah, since when did the rebels become air borne?! The last picture I saw of them, they were laying on the ground, using their legs as a tripod and shooting at planes with an AK...Thats pretty far from piloting a MIG.

You may have heard by now, but that particular jet was recovered by the rebels from a liberated government airstrip (I guess). How the rebel pilot had the skill to handle a pig like the Flogger, we may never know.

Yes, the pilot has definately ejected way too late, rest in peace.
Errm, not if it's David Lynch's Twin Peaks, possibly the greatest TV show ever made?

Yes, that one.

@Aldo You might be thinking of the movie Twin Peaks with the Swedish bikini team. [whispering] They are not really Swedish [/whispering]
You are from Sweden, I expect you to watch Swedish TV shows goddammit :lol:

It appears I need to see this movie... To ummmm... Enhance my knowledge of Swedish breasts people. :D
Get your mind out of the gutter people, she's milking it!

Wild stallions fight for supremacy as spring replenishes the plains below the Cincar mountains, in west Bosnia. The origin of the herd, which spends winter in the high valleys, is unknown

A woman milks a mare in the village of Kogershin in southern Kazakhstan. Recent archaeological studies have shown that the Botai people of the Eurasian steppes were the first to actively domesticate horses, 5,500 years ago.


"From the Cupola: US astronaut Tracy Caldwell Dyson takes in the spectacular view of Earth from orbit"

It was female. Or some weird mutant male dog with 10 tiny penises that shot milk when you squeezed them.