The amazing and cool photo thread

  • Thread starter UnoMOTO
No, just clear ice. There's no imperfections in it so it becomes an optical illusion.

Ice like that rarely forms up on lake surfaces though, as wind will lead to deformations. Likely, judging by the mist, it warmed up just slightly and there is a very thin film of water.

Clear ice can still look impressive, though a touch of imperfections usually. Video below, not sure if language cause audio isn't the best, but warned? >.>

Yep, totally amazing but not enough for me to walk on it. :lol:

I think you have to grow up with it. Though I have fallen through a frozen pool before - not fun.

Does remind me of a story my father told me, back from the 70's I want to say. They had been out at the bar, and had a couple of drinks before taking off. My father's friend told him he wanted to show him something, and so they drove off towards the lake. It was late January, so quite cold. As the friend drove down the road towards the launch, my father kept asking "well, what are you showing me anyhow?"

"Oh, almost there," as the friend turned onto the boat launch and proceeded to drive the car onto the lake. My father, just before the car hit the ice, had started to open the door to jump out if things turned for the worse. Luckily, they did not, they ended up doing donuts on the lake for a while before driving off it.

True story.

Now that aside, the mirroring caused by thin films of water, Salar de Uyuvi is amazing.


Old warbirds are some amazing pieces of machinery. It's too bad that the guy couldn't frame the whole B-17 in that photo.
That Ferrari pic is pretty awesome, I have it on my HDD for about 2 years now. Use it as a wallpaper every now and then. 👍

Now, I wanted to post this, which is a painting and not a photo. But I'm not going to create a new thread for it and it's (imho) so cool that it deserves to be here.


If I were to title this, I'd call it "What if..."

I wonder how that happened even though it's a painting..

@ Daan's Ferrari Pic

It looks so familiar. I think I saw it somewhere.. But a truly marvelous shot 👍

I wonder how that happened even though it's a painting..


It's a 'what if' image of Senna's fatal crash where he doesn't die. With modern tech, that probably exactly what would have happened. He'd have just got out of the crumpled wreck.

I find it particularly spooky though.
Amazing pic Beerz. That would be a dream for many many people:tup:.

Europe is so awesome:sly:
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Just noticed this on the BBC news site:

The latest satellite shot of the Costa Concordia on her side.