The amazing and cool photo thread

  • Thread starter UnoMOTO

I'd be more afraid of being labeled a terrorist than the potential fall.

"He's photographing time square! He must be planning something!"
That all depends on the ground equipment available (going by the lights the runway appears well equiped), but it doesn't look below Cat II or even Cat I conditions to me so I don't see why not.

Thought this came out really nice for a cell phone shot. I took this over the summer when I went camping =P
Looks like it could to me. If I didn't know any better I'd say that was at SFO which is almost always like that.

Looks like a 747, and SFO's biggest tenant, United, has bunches of them there.
Wasn't that second one taken in Milford Sound, NZ? I remember seeing that pic somewhere :confused:

Yes it was. According to the guy who took it, it was the best photo he'd ever taken.

Typical New Zealand, always making the rest of the planet look unattractive in comparison. :lol:

This is the velella (Velella Velella), a small free floating hydrozoan. It's currently the only known species in the genus.
They're also known as sea-rafts or by-the-wind-sailors, for the obvious reason that it uses the the "sail" you can see in this image for locomotion. Because of this, they are often found washed up on beaches.
Oh wow.

Olympus Mons

The biggest known volcano in the solar system is Olympus Mons on Mars, discovered by Mariner 9 in 1971. The mountain towers nearly 22 km (14 miles) above the surrounding plain, more than three times Mount Everest's elevation above sea level. It is more than 600 km across and occupies an area similar in size to Arizona. The cliff around the outer edge of the volcano is 6 km (3.7 miles) high. Olympus Mons is a shield volcano, similar to the much smaller Hawaiian Islands on Earth.

The image above is a mosaic from images taken by the Viking 1 orbiter in 1978. Below is a computer-generated image of Olympus Mons based on thousands of laser-altimeter elevation measurements made by the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft.

"Found on my friend's GoPro camera after surfing"

Was this actually on your friends camera?

I've just seen it in Nuts magazine in the UK with the caption "on a recent surfing trip to Australia..."

So someone has poached it!
Was this actually on your friends camera?

I've just seen it in Nuts magazine in the UK with the caption "on a recent surfing trip to Australia..."

So someone has poached it!
I think, as it's in "" marks, that it was the caption that was with the photo originally.