The amazing and cool photo thread

  • Thread starter UnoMOTO

wonder what's going through that penguin's head right now.....

it's about to be teeth, but i mean at that exact moment.

Do a barrel roll
In this 1932 photo, a long line of jobless and homeless men wait outside to get free dinner at New York's municipal lodging house during the Great Depression.

Double rainbow? Please....

Double rainbow's got nothing on this.

"An almost full-circle rainbow, seen at the Zambian side of the Victoria Falls
Image credit: Nicole Cambre / Rex Features"
I'm more impressed the swans haven't tried to eat her yet. Those things are as vicious as they are pretty.


Noctilucent clouds are actually crystals of ice that hang around 80 kilometres (50 miles) high in the atmosphere. The ice crystals catch the light of the Sun long after it has set on the horizon. The uppermost parts of the cloud in this image are iridescent (nacreous), which gives them the appearance of mother-of- pearl. Natural nacreous clouds occur at altitudes of 20-25 kilometres. The lower parts of the cloud have a redder colour due to the large amount of dust and water in the lower atmosphere scattering blue light. The cloud’s shape is due to differing wind speed at differing altitudes.

The cloud in this image formed from the exhaust of a missile launched from a distant firing range.


Previous post on noctilucent clouds:"

The Star of St.David found on the carburettor body of one of the Auto Unions recovered from Russia - apparently hammered with a nail point.

For anyone missing the significance of something so small;

Very cool, MD, very cool.

Also this. It's not so much the photo, it's the small detail.
I dunno, the awesomeness of the dinosaur bone and meterorite split by the gold is pretty cool, would prefer it in platinum or silver since gold doesn't go with my skin tone at all, but still cool none the less.

The Opal is a conversation piece, but people will think you're weird when you start carrying it around everywhere with you to show it off. :lol:

It's a jumping spider with a water droplet on it's head.

Like a little hat.



Frozen Soap Bubbles.

That's pretty damn cool.
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