The amazing and cool photo thread

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Is that...

Is that a...


Yes, and now you know why they called it "Spitfire" ;) I've read stories of pilots being mesmerized by the blue flames coming out of the exhaust stubs during night flights. I can't even imagine how epic of a sight that must have been.
Yes, and now you know why they called it "Spitfire" ;) I've read stories of pilots being mesmerized by the blue flames coming out of the exhaust stubs during night flights. I can't even imagine how epic of a sight that must have been.

Now my background. I don't even follow planes much either! :drool:
The only thing slightly horrific about it is beginning a sentence with a conjunction, and even then it's not that bad since it's not formal writing.

So badly written.

"But do know your..." what? Horrific.

Both of those things are permissible. It is a complete and utter fallacy that you cannot start a sentence with a conjunction. Or end a sentence with a preposition, for that matter.

As for excluding 'that' as a conjunction, it is also acceptable. It's a stylistic matter, but there's nothing 'wrong' with it. It's commonly acceptable when it immediately follows a verb, almost exclusively verbs like know, think and believe.

I know your sister is upset.
I know that your sister is upset.

He thinks he knows the truth. But he doesn't.
He thinks that he knows the truth, but he doesn't.

We believe the first amendment is of paramount importance.
We believe that the first amendment is of paramount importance.

Each of those six is grammatically accurate. There is nothing wrong with them, but different people prefer a different register of formality with their language.

Love the Vulcan pic, they always fascinate me and I would love to see one flying in person.
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A storm named Gudrun hit Sweden in 2005 and about 75 million cubic metres of trees were blown down. This is one of the places where they gathered all that wood. Each stack is 13 m high and 2,5 km long.

Are the sprinklers to keep the wood from drying out until it's cut down to nominal dimensions, keep it wet because of fire potential or possibly a bit of both?
So I finally got around to uploading photos. It was a crappy day, and most of them turned out crap, but here's a few decent ones.

Whoa, it was a crappy day in the UK? ;) Thanks for posting those! Even with the bad weather I still wish I was there. Since my father is an airline pilot I guess I have no excuse...

Here's a neat shot of some highway somewhere... [1920x1080]

A storm named Gudrun hit Sweden in 2005 and about 75 million cubic metres of trees were blown down. This is one of the places where they gathered all that wood. Each stack is 13 m high and 2,5 km long.


That's a lot of Ikea furniture right there.
I hate people who can do stuff like that (jealous hate, not actual hate). I cant even draw an accurate stick figure.