The amazing and cool photo thread

  • Thread starter UnoMOTO

My wife's first statement: "Here, Kitty, Kitty, Kitty"

My wife's second statement: "Umm, Mr. Fireman, my cat is up in a tree. Could you come help me get it down?" ;) :embarrassed:
I want to live through a winter like this.


Move to Minnesota. We have them every year. Pretty picture tho. And Slash, I don't see what you do, kinda like looking at clouds. I see a hitchhiker thumb hand, or a teapot. That would be where your monster mouth is.
Please tell me I'm not the only one that sees this:

View attachment 97768
Good job! Now I've seen it too and am probably going to have nightmares about it. :D



The photo itself is not amazing nor cool. It's the story behind this selfie of a "supposedly" European couple. The lost their water proof digital camera, probably, in the pacific ocean for fishermen to find it on the shore of the Australian Whitsundays. They probably went rafting and lost their camera.
A search has been started to find this couple.

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