The amazing and cool photo thread

  • Thread starter UnoMOTO

Using a slight variation on the famous high-speed camera set-up by Doc Edgerton, the Edgerton Center at MIT shot a .22 caliber rifle through three peanut butter cups and captured this perfect image. Three peanut butter cups were harmed in the photographing of this photograph. [MIT]

Photo via MIT's Edgarton Center / Taken by Dr. Jim Bales, Kris Bronner, and Moseley Andrews
It's the demonym assigned to Jupiter's moons. Io, Ganymede, Europa and Callisto are collectively known as the Galilean moons.
Would anyone else mess this up on purpose so you could eat the tasty, tasty failures or is it just me?

I'm not sure I would want to eat food with gunpowder residue on them, as tasty as they are...
I feel that we have overanalyzed the eating of delicious, chocolatey, peanut buttery snacks. Considering that dropping one on the floor for a few seconds won't prevent me from eating it I doubt that having come into contact with a flying bullet would do it.
And if I had to pick which one turned out to be the serial killer, that would be Gene Simmons.
OK @Danny now I'm worried about you. Do you need to talk about this shark thing?
Even though I'm petrified of them (thank you greatly mother and father for showing me Jaws at the tender age of 3!), I have that thing too.