The amazing and cool video thread

  • Thread starter Danoff


United States
Mile High City
People have been abusing the funny video thread by putting amazing/cool videos in it for far too long. It's time to categorize things properly and create a dedicated thread.

I'll get the ball rolling.

Edit: Please post a descriptive title for your videos so that people can know what they're about to watch and/or search for a particular video

What Song Is this?


Beating Super Mario 3 in record time

Maybe Shooting at a Metal Plate Isn't A Good Idea


Amazing Tornado Footage
Almost forgot

Tactical Nuke

Credit to Solid for finding several of the videos I posted.
Oh dear… it’s going to take me forever to go through my Facebook Post Items list to find everything… here’re a few:

Modular robot reassembles when kicked apart

Synchronisation of 5 coupled metronomes

Golden Eagle throws goat off mountain (don’t watch if you get queasy about animals killing animals)

Air bear

ABC3D pop-up book

Boston Dynamics Big Dog

Top 10 Amazing Chemistry Videos

How people in other countries count money in hand

Gmail Art

Improv Everywhere – Frozen Grand Central
Nice clips so far!

This is the same guy from Danoff's post doing the beat-boxing (Lasse Gjertsen). But in this clip he uses two instruments along with his time line editing to create what I consider an awesome video.

Okay, I think this is everything from my Facebook list…

Honda Cog commercial (old, I know, but always amazing)

Dice stacking

500 Years of Female Portraits in Western Art

Jeff Han: Unveiling the genius of multi-touch interface design (also old, but amazing)

“The Ring of Truth: Atoms” featuring chef Kin Jing Mark making noodles to demonstrate the principle of halving

Lance Burton Sleight Of Hand Magic (I’ve watched a lot of magic, and this comes close to being the best routine ever – I know how most of those tricks are done, and it’s still amazing)

David Attenborough: Slug Sex

David Attenborough: Crows in the City

David Attenborough: Penguins

David Attenborough: Lyre Bird (really stupid crazy amazing)

David Attenborough: Caterpillars

Bowling: 2 lane spare pick up

The Nicholas Brothers: The greatest tap performance ever

Penn & Teller: Burning a Flag (not a particularly sophisticated magic routine, but probably my favorite)

The Inner Life of the Cell

Minilogue/hitchhikers choice stopmotion
Tree'd on the crows.

Being a recreational amateur flair bartending enthusiast, I found your dice stacking to be pretty neat. The guy just stacks four dice, and his hand work is pretty basic compared to some top notch flair barkeeps... I don't really like professional flair bartending, it is too circus performance (s/he might as well be a clown juggling bowling pins) but there are some seriously good bar tenders out there coming up with some cool moves.

This is from a series that got me started with flair. The second half of the movie is my favorite trick - Magnet Pour, performed by one of the world's best.

Absolutely pimp when you do it while talking to a firend/making them a drink.
Zack Kim - Fur Elise

I hate it when people who have unbelievable musical skill play the dumbest songs. Showcase your talent with a piece that isn't the definition of musical kitsch! I think cell phones in the late 90s could play reasonable interpretations of Fur Elise.
Yeah I know this is an old video clip, and everyone has seen it but I think it deserves to be in this thread.

Ambrose looses tire off his V8 Supercar

Not an ordinary hole in one in golf, no, this is much better. (player: Fuzzy Zoeller)

This video music clip (The Whitest Boy Alive - Golden Cage) is full of well known optical illusions, very cool clip.

I'm loving this thread, awesome clips from everyone so far! 👍
Zero Gravity Water Bubble

Vincent by Tim Burton

Sir Martin Rees lecture (note: 18 mins)


Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking and Arthur C. Clarke, in one interview :eek:

Modular robot reassembles when kicked apart

That's brilliant, love the ending...! :lol:
That is one ballsy dog. And judging by the fact that no one was hollering at it, they've done that before. Probably repeatedly.
That is one ballsy dog. And judging by the fact that no one was hollering at it, they've done that before. Probably repeatedly.

He must be a fishing dog. In one of the feedbacks, a guy from Texas said dogs are often taken on shark or big fish expeditions and are trained to retrieve fish like a lab retrieves a bird.
Owner of a Smooth Criminal on violin

DJ Keltech - Keltech Strikes Back

Compilation of people doing, in most cases, amazing things

Owner of a Smooth Criminal on violin

That's just awesome 👍

Compilation of people doing, in most cases, amazing things

Another great video, it reminded me about these videos.

Trick shot madness - Eric Yow doing what he does best.

Freestyle Football (Soccer) skills.

Does this thread break youtube for anyone else? I press play and it goes for two seconds and then stops.
Yep, happens to me too.

This is absolutley ridiculous. Just check the third one on the 2nd clip.
FxNine - Overdrive (probably the most epic car animation i ever laid eyes on)

Tom-Yum-Goong (uncut sequence fight)

Beatmania - has a nice Clickidee Clack tune to it - DJ Amuro - AA

Simulated Nuclear Fission (Mousetraps and Pingpong Balls)

That's incredible... must have taken forever. I love the bits where he incorporates objects on the walls into the "action" so to speak... great find 👍
Wow... I don't know what else to add. Definitely one of the best video's I've EVER seen. Looking forward to the creators response on how long that took him/her to complete.