The American G.A.S.S. Series S2

  • Thread starter Bowtie52

Which time or the shootout is best for you?

  • Saturday Jan 12 8:00 PM CST

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • Satyrday Jan 19 8:00 PM CST

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Congratulations Rap on your first win. I know exactly how you feel, lol. What a long race. Forgot to consider how many laps we were doing before hand. Crazy long and a whole lot of cautions. I'm pretty sure all of us were facing the wrong direction at least once. We all could use an exercise in patience and judgment. Some green flag runs would make this series even more interesting. An unfortunate incident on the final lap race to the line gave us another first time winner and one more week in the points lead for me. I have to say I love the parody this season is providing. I know it sucks for the "Hendricks" and "Roush's" out there but this junior class of oval drivers are getting better. Are the more experienced drivers struggling or has the talent level, as a whole, risen a little? Not sure. I will say if we could produce longer green flag runs the points would probably look a lot different. Anyway, on to the road course.

Nice pic for Indy, Bowtie. Looks good, don't it Rap? I liked mine too.
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Nah I just think the "Hendricks" and "Roushs" out there just need to stop taking each other out when it counts, and go on to finish better. I do believe as has been mentioned already that the overall talent level this season is at an all-time high, just the previous champions cannot seem to avoid taking each other out. Anyway I'm done. Great job yesterday rap and Sass if this season keeps going like this, then you might just get the championship.
Thanks guys, it took awhile but I still got it. I still would have liked to earn it without any wrecks deciding the finish but its still a win. That picture does look nice.

I must say this. We all need to start getting along. People are not happy with each other and people aren't having fun anymore, this series was made so a group of guys could have great close racing. I was lucky enough to stumble upon the thread and kicked the idea around to join you guys. I chose to and never once regretted it. You guys are some of the best NASCAR drivers I have raced with and i've only known you guys for ~5 months and I consider you some of my best online friends. Its always a blast racing with you guys, but it really makes me sad that people are thinking of leaving because of incidents. Its so competitive this season that were all together at the end and little room for error. Last nights race made me think. Think about this. The past few races have ha last lap incidents and I requested GWC's incase of a unexpected accident. The people that had good finishes were against it and the people who had bad finishes were wanting it. Being at both ends of the spectrum I really honestly think they need to be implemented in this series. I understand, accidents happen. "We have been racing 2 years together and it had never been like this" Well sorry to burst your bubble everyone is on the same level as the next person now, and we don't have the same person winning each race. Now its much closer and something needs to be done. I won the race, so what. I want GWC's. "It changes everyones strategy" Well considering half the time we have a caution in the last 15 laps what difference will it make from a tire wear perspective? Like I said earlier, the people who are doing good are against it. And sometimes they are the ones causing the wrecks. Anyway can't wait for the next race, see you all then.
GWCs will not solve any problem that we are facing. Bottom line when the checkers are hanging down, whether it be the first, second, or third time they are about to fly, racers will be racers and will make moves they feel will best suit their finish. A GWC would not have been called last night anyhow, it was a wreck to the line. Again, the reason GWC were "necessary" in NASCAR was the lack of racing to the checkers. We just don't throw a caution at the end, so it is a mute point.

It is real simple why there are hard feelings and some lumped up cars near the end of the race.
1. We are not professionals
2. The competition is much more equal throughout the field than ever before
3. The draft and closing speed is unrealistic compared to real NASCAR
4. We are not professionals

There certainly could be more patience, and give and take, but there are times that doesn't work out so well either. Actually 3 separate times last night I was on the inside line of another driver (3 different drivers), I began to lift as I was concerned of contact with my right front fender and their left rear quarter. All 3 times, there was still contact. I didn't go back and check the replays, and am sure it may have been a combination of me sliding up and someone coming down...point is, I was trying to be cautions, respectful, and give the space...yet it still ended in a caution and someone turned off my nose.

I am trying to enter each race with the attitude that I am going to try my best and go out and win. At the same time, I am going in with the expectation that it is racing and things may and probably will happen. As long as its a racing incident and well natured, I will take what lumps may come. So long as I am not purposely dumped or run off the track, I will do my best to keep my emotions in check.
I've given it a lot of thought and there is not much I can or want to say about what happened Saturday. Best of luck to everyone next Saturday
To me it seems like the field is close, we are gonna rub, accidents will happen. As long as no one intentionally wrecks me, it is racing and if you coming out on the short end of the stick is just part of it.
Come on guys. Please don't make this too serious :scared:
This should be fun.
Ace you gave me tip of this series and i'm glad to be in it because i love close racing and that is NASCAR isn't it? Right?
How about if we drop the cautions - so no cautions at all in the race. Ok, then this is like road racing...
Is what it is gang, it's a GAME. When you get all bent out of shape about it, you need to regroup or quit. Pretty simple.
Jammy, we use to run no cautions in the IROC series we started with. Many of the same accidents are still likely, the problem is when something happens on lap 5, you have another 60+ laps of running by yourself. Just no fun. No cautions works for most road course series because the racing is paced much different than an oval. There typically is great disparity between the field which means you don't have 8 cars nose to tail and side by side through every turn. On most road courses, you can't run 2 wide in many of the turns. With our ovals, you can run 3 wide all the time. Slips are bound to happen.
@Track: Yes you're right. It is very boring to run by yourseft - i know that and have done it in other NASCAR series - to see everyone going farther and farther away from you.
Here killer thought you needed this.
Track you always seem to word things perfectly. Every word of that post is spot on. Including the fact that we are not professionals twice. We are not. And I feel like I should apologize to you in particular because we made contact at least 4 times that resulted in a caution. My bad, your bad, it doesn't really matter. **** happens and I apologize for helping that **** happen.

I stayed home from work today with a migraine that has me crawling on my knees begging for our lords forgiveness. It's not a tumor! Ok, it might be but that's besides the point. I stayed home and reviewed every incident from Indy. And I gotta say it really wasn't as bad as I thought. A lot of very light contact that, of course, resulted in cautions. We had a nice green flag run from about lap 26 or so til lap 38. I saw so many good saves and close ones that made me really proud of everyone for hangin in there. I lost the draft for almost 10 laps toward the end but never gave up. I got pushed up into the wall by someone but didn't wreck so I kept going. If the race would have finished like that I would have been fine with it. There was another incident just like that and a caution was called. Not cool in my opinion. Contact, sliding, scraping the wall, lost the draft but still facing the right direction? Not a caution. I know someone did that to you but your a big boy and sometimes you just have to eat it. There are also a couple people in this group that have no problem being the one to create three wide racing. I saw it happen a few times and in the end it caused problems. How about when we get a good run coming down the straight we lay off that throttle a little earlier and slot in line instead of shoving our way into the corner. With that said, with 5 to go I understand that we all gotta do what we gotta do.

I came up with a solution that will not completely fix the problem but could make it a whole lot better. It will also make track position much more important. Which is more realistic anyway. Single File Restarts. Boom! Yeah, I know. Dumb? Maybe. Simple, yes. On one of our restarts the field was a little spread out and by turn 1 we were all single file. It was great. Now your just battling the dude in front and the dude behind. Instead of the 5 cars your surrounded by for the next 4 laps. The car in 1st deserves that spot. The car in 2nd deserves that spot. The possibility of going from from 2nd to 7th in one corner is ridiculous. But that's what double file restarts are creating. With this draft we will all gather back up but at least we can get rolling for a few laps. So lets consider this a possibility.

I know this is long but one more shout out. Killer you got completely screwed there at the end at it all started with me. We ended up three wide, I touched Track, he touched you, you touched the wall and then you kind of saved it. Then you got passed by someone on the bottom which ended up turning you around. I started that chain reaction and you came out with the short straw. Sorry bud.
And also Greest is right. This is a game. We are all just trying to have fun. This is a good group of guys and no one is leaving. Hear me? No one. The season that I'm leading the points is not going to be the season where people grab their **** and go home. Nuh uh. No way. There are still many wins to be had by all.
I love the single file restart idea. Its a great idea. It is just a game too. I think when the next race happens we'll all be over the front half of the series and move on.

Killer make sure you share that cookie with me and Greest :lol:
Going to a road course, especially GVE-R with that wicked turn 1, would be a good place to institute single file restarts. I am all for giving it a try.
Not sharing my cookie its only for me. And sorry guys I will not make it for gver good luck to all that is going to be racing something has came up at short notice I will not be logged on after the 14 th for a couple weeks.
Not sharing my cookie its only for me. And sorry guys I will not make it for gver good luck to all that is going to be racing something has came up at short notice I will not be logged on after the 14 th for a couple weeks.

b...b...but killer you can't just leave us :(
I do think we need to just start having more fun in these races. If things keep going like they are I can see enemies forming, rivalries igniting, drivers leaving, long friendships ending, and a great group of guys in a great series of racing being ruined by a few late race incidents. Basically if we don't turn things around this series is probably going to be over with for a long while. I don't want to see this this series go down, because I love racing with this group in this series. I for one am willing to try anything to bring the fun aspect back to this series, like we had in the IROC Series.
Everyone needs to realize why we race, we race to have fun...yes we all want to win and always try to make the best moves, have the best setup car and the best strategy, however in the end we are all here, driving on the track for fun. When I used to race go karts maybe one of the drivers I raced with tops had a chance to do anything career wise behind the wheel of a car. The other 12 of us raced for fun. We had accidents...some of them costing up to 1500$ to repair, but at the end of the day you went up and shook the persons hand for giving you a good race, and getting your adrenaline pumping.

While my posts aren't as eloquently crafted as Tracks :) , I believe we all show up Saturday night to have a competitive fun race. The fact that there are crashes just shows what a good competitive race we are putting on. If everyone just checked their emotions, realized there is no prize for winning other than that good feeling, and enjoyed the battles throughout the race more than the result itself I think we would all be a lot better off. Its racing sometimes you are gonna come out on top when an incident occurs and other times you are gonna get the short end of the stick...its happen...just remember you are there for a good time.
Oh shoot guys I'm not leaving forever I have someone flying in to be with me for 2 weeks and would like to spend time with her for the two weeks hope you guys can understand
Oh shoot guys I'm not leaving forever I have someone flying in to be with me for 2 weeks and would like to spend time with her for the two weeks hope you guys can understand

Oh, okay :lol:
Have a good time killer. Where is she from again?