The American G.A.S.S. Series S2

  • Thread starter Bowtie52

Which time or the shootout is best for you?

  • Saturday Jan 12 8:00 PM CST

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • Satyrday Jan 19 8:00 PM CST

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Hey there is absolutely nothing wrong with being in a Marching Band. I was actually in one all the way through high school. It is a lot of hard work, but trust me it is all worth it. Also, I never got to play at a bowl game, but I did get to march in a Disney parade in Florida, which was freaking sweet. Anyway good luck rap and make the most of your oppotunity. One more thing though, have fun at band camp.
Good luck rap. By the way guys I have an idea on a big race that in my mind sounds freaking awesome but then again I am kinda messed up in the head lol
Well Rap, we couldn't ask for much more from a 14 year old. You've raced well and even got a nice win. I know we'll be seeing you soon. Good luck in high school. Don't any **** from anyone. On your first day find the biggest dude and hit him right in the mouth. No one will ever mess with you. Or was that a theory for jail? Either way.

Good practice last night guys. I had a great time. We all still need to work on letting passes take place. Me included.
Good luck rap. By the way guys I have an idea on a big race that in my mind sounds freaking awesome but then again I am kinda messed up in the head lol
I'm listening. Yea you are messed up in the head. :lol:
Thanks guys!! 👍 Ace what instrument did you play? I didn't even know you did
Yea buddy. I played the trombone since 6th grade. :)
Well I'm still thinking of a lot of details but trying to think of something big to get a lot of people involved trying to base something off of a chili bowl idea
Want to run on one of the Tokyo bay short tracks you made ace maybe the one we ran with angry last night maybe 50 laps and a cool prize for winner
Was kinda thinking heat races and possible a qualifier depending on how many people sign up. Not sure on car though maybe a gass series rule or a iroc series with all different cars to try to change up the look
Just curious how many maybe interested in competing and trust me guys like the all star race I will have am awesome prize in mind thinking of calling this the short track nationals. If its a stupid idea just say it you wont hurt my feeling ;)
Sorry bowtie for posting this on your thread I just know all of us are looking forward to a big shootout and was getting your guys opinion first thanks guys
Rap, you were already a nerd, you dedicate time to a video game...:rolleyes:

Did you say what instrument you play? If not, can I throw a guess out there? It rhymes with flynn scoot, and I hear it's popular amongst the bowling teams...;)

Seriously, it's been fun and I wish you the best. Take care, and we'll see ya when you get the time.

killer buddy you should post that idea in the interest check forums. See what kind of interest you can get out of it. Oh and it is a freaking awesome idea.
Awesome Ace!! My step brother is trying to play the trombone and it sounds like a cow dying :lol: Thanks Greest :) I actually play the drums (percussion) since 4th grade.
I'd like to do a short track session with some of you guys. Hey sass, when do you think you'll be on? Oh Rap, I was a trumpet player.
The "racing" last night was great all around. A series with those cars would definitely be something else. We should do a race on Route X. :lol:
Dude, that was hella fun. I was thinking that could be Interstellar's first official series.
You will have support from the Oval Racing Series group.
Anyone planning on being on tonight? Time?

What cars were you running last night?
I will be free after I am done at watermelons event.

You will never know.
I would like to get on tonight. Might be late tho. Track, we ran the karts on ovals last night and it was crazy fun.
Being one that enjoys numbers and stats, I was checking out the points board to see who has gotten what this season. Talk about parity. No one has won more than 1 race. No one has led the half way point more than once. With the exception of poles, this season has been extremely generous to most of the field.
Yea, now if I could only get a win.
Hoping for a repeat of fun at Indy that we had at the All-Star event. The racing has definitely been improving all season, hope to see everyone there tonight.
Honestly after the season I've had I would be happy with a top 3 finish, though I would much rather have a win.
Final race, 6 pts between top 2. Realistically I need some bonus points and/or finish 1st or 2nd. So glad we are going to Daytona ;(. Good luck Sass...been a fun battle so far.