Well guys I have bad news for the next series. I've decided to buy a modified to run a traveling series and some of my races may conflict with gass but I will join when I can and when I put a body on the car and graphics ill post some pics on Facebook first race is April 27
It was fun racing with all of you and you guys are the reason I decided to strap the helmet on one more time. I will be there Saturday to defend my pole
That's not bad news. Go have a good time. We know we'll see ya soon. And please for the love of everything that is right in this world, defend that pole. Grab it with both hands and sqeeeeeeze! I will put a dozen cookies in an envelope and ship em to ya.
I would love to grab the pole position to make the race a bit tighter, but I think I would need Killer to have a flat tire for that to happen. Better Killer to get it than Sass though.
Interesting spread there rap...curious how you formulated that
I thought I had a better chance than that of winning. But then again you never know. That is why greest is going to how up and leave us all in the dust.