Wow, you're so wrong all over the place in this post.
History is not the most important subject, that would be science. People might be more interested if you know facts about history than algebraic functions, but there's a reason that you don't get hired to work by knowing facts about history, knowing algebra on the otherhand...
History is excellent context, being familiar with it is a good way to understand the nature of man and societies. It's a good way to understand the significance of what is happening today. It is NOT generally a good way of actually producing anything at all, and that's why history majors struggle to find jobs. It's better to be an engineer who reads a few history books than a history major who can't read books about engineering.
History is definitely a useful tool, looking at what happened in the past can often help us make better informed decisions in the future. In that sense its very valuable.
Science is at the heart of what is most valuable to our culture, Science ensures that we actually move forward, improve our understanding of the world as it is and as it will be. Not just how it used to be.
Now looking at the history of science is actually very interesting, it can help give an appreciation of what science is all about, its always interesting to see how our understanding of the world has changed over time. At the turn of the 20th century we still thought that we lived in a static universe. We hadn't flown an aircraft, fast forward 60 years or so and we have people walking on the moon. It was culmination in advances is mathematics, science and engineering. It's a truly magnificent achievement, looking into the past would not achieve that goal.
Well I never said people make jobs out of history. Yes, it is hard to make a job by being an expert on historic details. But it's the most important IMO because everything that happens in our world, whether related to literature, mathematics, or science, is a part of history. History isn't just politics and war, it's everything that's happened in the past, present, and can determine the future.
I agree that history is valuable to us. It's basically experience, and we would be foolish not to refer back to history to make informed decisions about our future.
Out of all the jobs requiring those 4 main subjects, science is probably the most important. But that's only if you use it to make money. To just sit in your house and know why your table isn't floating isn't really something needed to understand. You know the table's on the floor, whether you care about the laws of gravity or not.
I really couldn't disagree with this more.
Sitting in your living room, is it really essential that you understand why the Roman empire collapsed?
If you just randomly pick some arbitrary facet of science, obviously its not going to apply to your life at every given point. Instead of looking at our understanding of how gravity works on earth, why don't you stop and take a look around your living room?
Perhaps you have TV sat in the corner of your room? Have you ever stopped and wondered how it actually works? Perhaps you have thought about the time and consideration that has gone into each an every aspect of designing it, all of it is carefully engineered. Have you thought about the scientific principles involved? of which, a lack of understanding would make the possibility of making a TV impossible. Perhaps you've thought about the endless research that goes into the electronics involved that constantly drives improvements in TV's year after year? Or do you just look at your TV and accept it works because it works and that's all there is to it? I'm assuming for you its the
latter, because anyone who really appreciated the level of mathematics, Science and Engineering that goes into even common items such as TV's, would never underestimate exactly how valuable they are to us. It doesn't just stop at TV's, look around your room and you will find that almost everything you own has been carefully engineered.
You are so hopelessly dependant on science and technology and you never even realised it. It's not just about TV's and leisure, think about your car, imagine the world as it is today without cars, vans, trains, planes. How would the world possibly run? 6 billion people live in this world, its far over the amount of people that should be able to exist on this planet, yet they do. If you removed our knowledge of science in technology tomorrow, almost all of us would die, mostly through starvation alone. It's not just you who is hopelessly dependant on science, its all of us we simply cannot exist as we do today without it, it really is that valuable.
Science is not just valuable for making money as it is has so crudely been put above. It's about understanding the world we live in, and that understanding allows us to shape and sculpt that world for the better.