The Artistic Competition - Week 5 - Closed


Week 5


Chosen by Week 3 Winner: alexwrc


Theme: Rejects

For this week, alex wants to see the shots that weren’t submitted in the last week theme colour. The challenge that alex puts in is to not take more shots, but if someone didn’t enter or doesn’t have a second shot, it can try it again.


  • Both Gran Turismo 4 and Tourist Trophy can be used in this competition;
  • The picture may be altered in any way you see it more artistic, but there must be visible elements from GT4 and/or TT. [NOTE: Have always the original picture saved; in case of doubt, the judge and/or host can request it (and it must be submitted)];
  • Photoshop Rules are free, meaning that you can use every tool available in Photoshop or in any other image editing program;
  • Animated images and or videos are not allowed has entries.
  • Only one entry may be submitted. It must be your own work and it can’t be one entry already submitted in another competition;
  • The entry must have a “Final Entry” written in the post;
  • The entry may only be changed once. When changing it, indicate clearly (please, when doing these, edit your post with your new entry, do not submit a new post with a new entry);
  • Submit your entry either on thumbnail or as a preview linked to the full size image. The preview must not be larger than 400 pixels. [Instructions to Linked Previews];
  • Don't ask others members to choose your entry. Have confidence in your own skills.


The deadline for this week is the 1st May 2008
Feels like a revamp. I don't like revamps, not very original..

Another "Color" theme-based comp
kind of a yawner. But i only took one photo for it, and had NO color - maybe this time i'll enter more seriously.
^ :lol: Well, that was easy...! 👍

Love that shot, Mr. J.
j9, doesn't look like you got from a photo from gt4, looks more like you pretty much redrew on PS

swiss; love the colour scheme, 'earthly colours' :)
it's gt4 don't worry. i'll never cheat. i got it from when i was doing the motion blur on the original photo. i did a layer via cut and i just copied this car to another layer. i decided to use it after i was done with the whole photo. and i came up with that. would you like to see the originals ? :D

alex: that's right :D we're allowed to edit the photo as we deem artisticly appropriate :lol: unless you're talking about me :lol:
That's like me 'taking a picture from gt' and doing some High Res Vexel with it. I think that'd be going a bit offtopic. Or 'taking a picture of a car from gt', and then put a bunch of random girls in bikini washing the car.

hmm, i don't know, debatable much?
it's no more than two of the same car, with differrent opacity in one black canvass. the original with the background is in my gallery
That's like me 'taking a picture from gt' and doing some High Res Vexel with it. I think that'd be going a bit offtopic. Or 'taking a picture of a car from gt', and then put a bunch of random girls in bikini washing the car.

hmm, i don't know, debatable much?

This comp's rules
The picture may be altered in any way you see it more artistic, but there must be visible elements from GT4 and/or TT. [NOTE: Have always the original picture saved; in case of doubt, the judge and/or host can request it (and it must be submitted)];
Photoshop Rules are free, meaning that you can use every tool available in Photoshop or in any other image editing program;
I don't see where there's any sort of problem with J's picture, regarding rules.

j9, doesn't look like you got from a photo from gt4, looks more like you pretty much redrew on PS
Redrawing the car bit by bit, not changing proportions nor taking/adding new elements to it is what car cleanup is all about.
It's, again, totally within the rules (even 2.0 rules) and many people do it, taking many hours to get it right.
So, I think you could find it a bit nicer to at least have a positive comment about other people's work, or at least not accusing everyone of cheating, as you've been doing lately.
we've had three entries the whole time ? come on guys. do some work and enter. there's like 1 day left.
Hey guys just happen to see this thread and decided to pop in, i must say guys really know what you are doing with these photos .....
Hope i can get some pointers in the future

woah grumpeone!! what have you done!!? is that your idea of a back fire!!! it's like it escaped the earth after the earth was hit by a giant meteor!!
woah grumpeone!! what have you done!!? is that your idea of a back fire!!! it's like it escaped the earth after the earth was hit by a giant meteor!!

lol.... Gotta love that nebula spawning engine... Or did I just catch too much air- err space.

Final Entry
Road on fiAr!

Is that the highway to hell?¿¿ Hope you equipped the ceramic
Anyway I like the shot, good job.