ST217, from the bottom of my heart, I really recommend you change that signature, then.
All I do is lay in bed all day, browse the web, and play video games.
Oh, and eat exotic foods and watch NASCAR.
This, clearly, can't be good. It's choice. You have the choice to either remove any reference to laziness from your signature, not have a signature, or put something more productive.
You are, as I've been there, reinforcing the negatives of your life. You're admitting some guilt here, and pinning the rest on your family. Soon, though, as you mentioned, you won't have that choice.
I fully commend you on your willingness to go back to a "brick-and-mortar" school, as this is the next step in the preparation for the adult world for almost every normal teenager. This is great for you, and you should be proud of your willingness! It's a great thing.
But, you can't let it catch you too far off guard. You can still play games on some days, like, let's say, Saturdays, for Katie's GRC championship, but let's try to dial it back.
I needed the same thing, really; a swift kick in the flubby, pale, introverted rear-end. I was in the same situation, where I didn't feel like going outside, nor doing anything else that would've been a productive usage of my time.
I'm not talking down to you, I'm talking from experience. It's hard, when you're lazy, because your body adjusts to it. I was there, before, too.
So, force yourself to study, maybe 30 minutes a day, to start, and slowly increase that number. Day by day, add ten more minutes. 40, 50, 60. Bam, you're already adjusted to high-school, and you're going to be achieving the highest marks in your class, honour rolls, etc.
And, I promise you, honour roll feels very, very good.
^more awards than I can carry.