The B M W Championship - FinishedPS4 

  • Thread starter IfAndOr
Unfortunately @GTP_RPREGO has informed me that due to increased work commitments he's unable to commit full time to the series. He will try to attend when he can though.

But joining us as his replacement is raeggee, another fast Portuguese driver! So @Saltyjoe90 you have a new teammate. Just remind him to top up his petrol tank. ;)
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@Pantheons and @Saltyjoe90 and possibly any who might be interested.

The Deluxe version of PC2 is currently on sale at £10.49 until the 26th. It's a bargain if you haven't already got any of the DLC, slightly less so depending on how many you have. You'd also get the motorsports pack from the season pass.

The season pass is still £25 and the individual DLCs £8. The Japanese pack still £4.
@Pantheons and @Saltyjoe90 and possibly any who might be interested.
Wonderful thanks Paul, i'll check it out
Also PC3 deluxe is down from £75 to £30, not that im going to get it, got enough to keep me busy.

Do you know what happens if you already have PC2 in stalled, and then buy the deluxe and install? It wont wipe out your career etc will it?

Bought pc2 deluxe. Didn’t download it, but I can now download the packs for free, except the Japanese cars bonus pack, that’s still 3.99
So got Ferrari, fun pack, Porsche and motorsport ( already had LeMans) for £10 ish
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@Pantheons and @Saltyjoe90 and possibly any who might be interested.

The Deluxe version of PC2 is currently on sale at £10.49 until the 26th. It's a bargain if you haven't already got any of the DLC, slightly less so depending on how many you have. You'd also get the motorsports pack from the season pass.

The season pass is still £25 and the individual DLCs £8. The Japanese pack still £4.

Great tip Paul, thanks!
Bought pow deluxe. Didn’t download it, but I can now download the packs for free, except the Japanese cars bonus pack, that’s still 3.99
I was wondering if that would be the case - just downloading the packs. That's quick and easy if that's the case then. You'll have a few more tracks and quite a lot more cars to try out now. Including the Panoz Esperante. Turn the volume up. :)

I'll keep my eye on the Japanese pack now for everyone, there's 2 or 3 cars that I could use in it for some races.

Great tip Paul, thanks!
Oh that's good if it's on sale in the European stores as well. 👍
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Had a practice in the BMWs. First of all, the M1 sounds fantastic! Secondly, Paul you bagged yourself a legendary livery with the #1 , but Team DeStijl is definitely the coolest :cool:. If you're curious where raeggee or I went, just look out for the 485bhp Mondrian painting.


The default set ups seem to put in 50 litres of fuel, is that the same for everyone else? That should last for 16 laps, but the 40 minute race will be 20 laps so some refueling will be required.

Tyres seem to last okay even with accelerated wear, 1 stop should be plenty unless the weather conditions are really wild. If wet conditions do occur, the slicks seem okay until they get cold and lose all the grip; if it rains just as you've gone past the pits, they should (hopefully) stay warm enough to get round safely before this happens.

Wet hazards:
  • A dangerous wet line across the track builds up before the Dunlop curve left hander.
  • Inside of the sharp right hander before you go under the bridge gets very wet, then another wet line across the track after you go under the bridge.
  • Kerb and astro turf outside of the spoon curve very very slippy. Same for turn 1 after the straight.
  • Line across track after the spoon, generally okay but could be hazard for overtaking maneuver after exit.
  • Possibly more but those are the ones that stood out to me.
BMW M3: by my understanding it's ideal weather conditions for this one? So forget strategy and just chuck this great car round for 20 mins :D. I'm finding the final corners leading to the straight tricky, have to keep the weight balance spot on without losing too much speed. More practice needed!
Paul you bagged yourself a legendary livery with the #1
Since I haven't got a teammate I thought I'd pick the same livery that stands out in both cars.

The default set ups seem to put in 50 litres of fuel, is that the same for everyone else?
I think it varies depending on how long the race is set for. But I'm a bit behind and haven't tested that out yet.

BMW M3: by my understanding it's ideal weather conditions for this one?
Hmm, maybe. But certainly don't count on it. I'm thinking the 1st races in both cars might be in the dry just to get everyone used to them. But again don't count on that either! ;)

Very nice picture. 👍
I've nicked it and added it onto post 2 :-)
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Paul, I've found my PC2 copy, and if I can get in 1,000 hours practice I'll be up to speed. Now, where's the slot in that bloody PS4?
Hey Zolon , great to have you join us 'about time '. 1.000 hours is too much practice for you , sure you will get up to speed quickly just get some settings for your wheel first it makes all the difference, cars are untuned but Ai will tune over 80% so faster in some places.
I’m around today and this evening if anyone fancies a practise. It’s my last chance before Monday.
PM me DM me, TXT, LETTER, CALL, reply, msg me, or FaceTime me, I’ve no idea what all those are really
where's the slot in that bloody PS4
That is funny because I remember when I got the PS4, I really didn’t know where the slot was and had to look it up online. I felt particularly stupid being an ex IT manager.
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I'm happy to go with 19 Paul.

get some settings for your wheel
I've got some Rich, they come under the heading "Have a blind stab" :lol:

I don't know how good they are, but they're massive fun, it's leaping around all over the place, and I'm knackered after five minutes. I should tone it down I think, but I can't, it's just too brilliant! Roll on Monday.
PM me DM me, TXT, LETTER, CALL, reply, msg me, or FaceTime me, I’ve no idea what all those are really
You don't do smoke signals then? That's very smoke-ist.:P

Are you sponsored by Fanatec Napalm? I expect you have to wear the tee-shirt and baseball cap with the logos on. :)

I'm happy to go with 19 Paul.
Ah, I've checked the M1 and it's number 6 you need. But since I'm in charge we could swap about if needed. I'm power crazed!
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Note to all.

The 1st post has now been updated with further details. It's mainly regarding the random date and weather system I've been working on. Hopefully it'll provide some fairly realistic settings. Both races will be affected by it.

And further to that, using the system has thrown up that Monday's race will be held on the 22nd April. What the weather will do? I don't know yet, that's down to chance!

I've got to work out the details of the endurance race yet. That was a surprise to me (thanks @Napalm_LT :)) so nothing is set yet. Although I'm thinking that might remain dry. We'll see.
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Tried to read and understand the weather system but my head started to hurt ... :dopey:

Regarding the endurance race since you still haven't finished it I ask you to keep multiclass as one of the possibilities (the M1 could be the GT car) with each team fielding 1 car in each class. Oh and a full day/night/day cycle and weather that only the lobby host knows how will evolve. I know this may be a burden and over complicate the organization of the event, but the immersion given by 2 simultaneous races is great. I'm ok with whatever you decide but do consider this Paul! :P
IfAndOr at work on his weather system
Very similar. He's more organised than me though, he's got a cloth to roll on. I must sort something out because the dice tend to roll off the desk at the moment.

Tried to read and understand the weather system but my head started to hurt ...
There's no need to understand it. I don't! :) It just seems to work. (I might test it out online sometime before the races - if anyone is around)

Multi-class - I'm not sure about this series endurance race, the LM V12 might be popular as a "fresh" car. However my mind is definitely ticking over with an idea that will maybe suit the next series quite well. It takes a while to compute, my brain is still cooling down after working on the "Dice of Random Weather".
Ah, I've checked the M1 and it's number 6 you need.
That's fine Paul, I'm all about looking on motorways for car number guidance :)

Fellas, I'm a life-long GT player (that is, the life of the game, I was well into my 30s when it launched) and PCars has a very different feel for me. So, in order to get up to speed as best I can I'm leaving my PS4 on continually through the day to try and grab a minute here and there. Most of the time though I'm off working on the grandkids' den, house plumbing, gutters, roof, garage arranging, and a million other things associated with moving into a delipidated house.

So, if you see that I'm online and send me a message but don't receive a reply it's because I'm probably not at the machine. I'm not ignoring anyone, honest.

Cheers, Zo.