The B M W Championship - FinishedPS4 

  • Thread starter IfAndOr
. Big congratulation is due to @Saltyjoe90

Thanks Mario, it's my first win in the league, which is very competitive, so I'm really chuffed. It was my best performance yesterday (minus a couple of mistakes) so I'm happy, but I know I won't be at the top of the table for long :scared:. I had some good luck on my side and Napalm missed the second race, and Xeronima had some issues at the starting grid but only finished a few seconds behind at the end.

I watched your video back and that unintended pit entry was pretty hilarious :lol:
(Though I doubt you were amused at the time!)

On the M3s @AndreasR and I were fortunate enough with the random grid placement to return to P1 and P2 from the first aborted race. I managed to keep the gap within 2s but could never get close enough to challenge, well done Andreas. From watching the replays back, it looks like there was lots of carnage in this race!

I hope everyone enjoyed the races and is settling in with the BMWs :cheers:.
EDIT - Replying to @Pantheons

My thoughts? Actually I'm glad the mic wasn't broadcasting my words ! :lol:

Oh well, I guess I should probably be glad that I didn't get a DQ for entering the pitlane too fast ... :crazy:

@Pantheons, speaking of last lap unfortunate happenings, what happened to you at the end of the M3 race (21:50 onwards in my video) ? I have to tell you I was a bit surprised to suddenly have you going slow in front of me, and I suspect me overtaking you (with race countdown already on) you was a litle too easy, were you tired or distracted?

EDIT - @Saltyjoe90 luck had nothing to do with your M1 victory, well done! :)
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were you tired or distracted?
I was watching you catch me, second by second, but previously my pit stop idiot team decided to replace the tyres visually, but they had the same wear on them as the first set. So that was a waste of time, so by the time the last lap came, i was struggling badly for grip and messed up a corner.
Why only 1 point for FL's, if Salty set both?
I will repeat my question - this is mistake or we have rule according to this (I noticed same was in previous championship)? If it is a rule - is it good? Both races have separate points, so if the same player did FL in both races he should get 1+1 points, not only 1.
Hi Napalm, as I understand it is a rule that has been applied in this groups cups/championships, I learned it when we had the first Caterham event (I made all 4 FL that night so was expecting 4 extra points :P ), when @half_sourly posted the results he mentioned it.
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Hi Napalm, as I understand it is a rule that has been applied in this groups cups/championships, I learned it when we had the first Caterham event (I made all 4 FL that night so was expecting 4 extra points :P ), when @half_sourly posted the results he mentioned it.
We use different cars/ track layouts (completely different races), so I don't see reassons why the only one point for FL should be counted. Of course - dura lex, sed lex :)
So, if player set FL in first race, he can't fight for another one at second race, but can fight for another player won't get that point :).
The fastest laps are often set by the same drivers so having just the one best lap point can stop them increasing their lead by too much. However, as pointed out, in this series there's 2 different cars on 2 different layouts so perhaps it might be reconsidered. @half_sourly what do you reckon?

I was off the pace to some extent at Sakitto. I usually am early in the races because I'm checking to see if everyone has started, where they are, any problems at the start, have I got the settings correct etc. That's the pressure of hosting. :crazy:
It's not usually until mid-race that I settle down and begin to enjoy it, then my pace picks up. That's why I don't make for the best of a teammate. :)
Max 1 FL point per meeting is indeed the rule. The intention behind it is that one very fast driver in a series doesn't run away on the leaderboard due to to 2 (or 4 in the Caterham) extra points per round. At the moment we have a lot of very fast drivers with nobody clearly ahead of the others, but Salty might be the Bimmer man and win everything, which is discouraging for others as the points gap is boosted by lots of FL points.

That said, the man who runs the series is @IfAndOr and he may be willing to change it. I'm just the guy with chalk and the blackboard.

EDIT: This post and @IfAndOr's crossed. Happy to change the scoring; it is easy enough from my side. The Caterham series was also different cars on different layouts, so the logic doesn't work, but the outcome is probably right.
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not pretty but dose the job.
Brilliant @richroo proper engineering with a low carbon footprint.

@Napalm_LT very nice setup. @IfAndOr look at the size of those speakers!! and i spotted the driving gloves

Fascinating to see what people have done. One day we'll have actuated seats, there seem to be more around and getting (relatively) cheaper.
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he may be willing to change it
Let's give it a go for this championship and see how it pans out. As you say at the moment there's now a number of drivers who in theory could achieve the fastest lap, with different tracks maybe suiting some more than others. It'll add a bit more of a challenge.
If there becomes a obvious driver who benefits we'll have to rein them back in next series.

So 1 fastest lap point in each car. And a automatic 10 points to the host.
I was a bit curious on how relevant is the impact of this rule so I went and checked the Caterham Cup races (only I entered with this group).

This is the result:
Snetterton - 4 FL - 3 points lost
Donnington - 2 FL - 1 point lost
Bannochbrae - 1 FL - 0 points lost
Oscherleben - 4 FL - 3 points lost
Red Bull Ring - 1 FL - 0 points lost
Bathurst - 0 FL - 0 points lost (Napalm did the 2 available FL, lost 1 point there)
Oulton Park - 1 FL - 0 points lost
Brands Hatch - 4 FL - 3 points lost

So all in all the rule lost me 10 points. And Napalm lost 1. So ... it wouldn't change anything. And even less in this "Bimmer Battle" now that every weekend has only two races, not four.

I welcome this change, every effort deserves its own reward/recognition! 👍
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I was a bit curious on how relevant is the impact of this rule so I went and checked the Caterham Cup races (only I entered with this group).

This is the result:
Snetterton - 4 FL - 3 points lost
Donnington - 2 FL - 1 point lost
Bannochbrae - 1 FL - 0 points lost
Oscherleben - 4 FL - 3 points lost
Red Bull Ring - 1 FL - 0 points lost
Bathurst - 0 FL - 0 points lost (Napalm did the 2 available FL, lost 1 point there)
Oulton Park - 1 FL - 0 points lost
Brands Hatch - 4 FL - 3 points lost

So all in all the rule lost me 10 points. And Napalm lost 1. So ... it wouldn't change anything. And even less in this "Bimmer Battle" now that every weekend has only two races, not four.

I welcome this change, every effort deserves its own reward/recognition! 👍
Complains due to you got to many FL is equal to complain you won to many races. We didn't deduct some points from you due to this :)
I don't think the new rule will aply to me often :), but I think it is fairer.
so although fastest laps don't influence team scores (he says, as the sleeping dog in the corner raises its head...)

I think that's fair enough though. The individual effort probably needs recognition but the team score is a team effort.

Perhaps I could average out the 4 combined fastest laps of all the teams in both races and then award a fastest team point. But then again perhaps I won't. :P

How many points for most Air ?
Hmm, I think I'd win!


Thoughts on Hockenheim (I've only done offline for now just to get used to it and find where the limits are):

Kerbs and track limits in this game :banghead: .... I'll combine both of these issues into one example: if you exit turn 1 and carry your speed onto the outside kerb, it will forcefully pull your car off the track, giving you one of the over zealous track limit penalties. Watch any of the track guide videos and they'll be all over this kerb with four wheels off the track.

@IfAndOr did you turn track limit penalties off for Sakitto? On the last chicane in the M3, I found we could get away with much more in the race than in practice, especially offline time trials and racing the AI. I'm wondering if there is more leniency in general for online lobby races or it's the settings you've chosen.

Turn 6 (hairpin following back straight) on the GP circuit is a huge braking point and as a result it could be a potential punt-trap, especially given we'll have different approaches to driving aids... I prefer "authentic", which means no ABS in the M1...apologies in advance if I overshoot onto anyone! If I move across to the inside before the braking zone, I'm not necessarily going for an attack on the inside, just keeping out of the dirty air to reduce the chances of locking up!
@IfAndOr did you turn track limit penalties off for Sakitto?
I did. It was a last minute decision thinking that having them on might cause more problems than having them off. I also thought that if I didn't mention it everyone would still try to avoid a penalty. :)

I think that unless there's continual abusing of the limits (which I know our group wouldn't do on purpose) I'll leave them off. It makes for much better racing.

Mentioning aids and kerbs. I find traction control just set to low helps a great deal with those over slippy kerbs. It helps stop the wheel in contact from spinning up thus preventing the other wheel that still has grip pushing you off track.

And on a different subject. I'm thinking of running one of my short races on short tracks sessions this evening. I haven't done that for some time. Not sure of the cars yet, probably make that up on the fly. It's all just for a bit of fun on a Friday. I'll send out invites (and friend requests) from my alternative account.

Joe I was just wondering if you'd bought that deluxe edition and now have most of the extra content? Only I might use some that above if so - and you're there of course.
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I'll leave them off. It makes for much better racing.
I dont mind either way for track limits, as long as i know. If they are going to be off, whats the general rule? at least two wheels must be at least on the track (or kerb) at any one time?
Ive enjoyed practising the M1 more, and there are some kerbs you can hang it out on, and some to definitely avoid touching altogether. Its a lovely flowing track.
On another couple of notes,
Ive just seen Zolder, that looks good fun, havent tried it yet.
Anyone watching BTCC? (BTCC calendar) i just caught up with the 1st round at Thruxton (in my old home county of Hampshire) , great racing and a couple of big crashes (watch again on ITV catchup) . Much more exciting that F1
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I dont mind either way for track limits, as long as i know. If they are going to be off, whats the general rule? at least two wheels must be at least on the track (or kerb) at any one time?
Ive enjoyed practising the M1 more, and there are some kerbs you can hang it out on, and some to definitely avoid touching altogether. Its a lovely flowing track.
On another couple of notes,
Ive just seen Zolder, that looks good fun, havent tried it yet.
Anyone watching BTCC? (BTCC calendar) i just caught up with the 1st round at Thruxton (in my old home county of Hampshire) , great racing and a couple of big crashes (watch again on ITV catchup) . Much more exciting that F1

Yes good racing from Thruxton, Simion, great fast track. Been watching World Superbikes, from Argon, well done Jonathan Rea 101 wins.

Here's track history, from Hockenheimring, maps and videos.
If they are going to be off, whats the general rule? at least two wheels must be at least on the track (or kerb) at any one time?
The general rule is just to be sensible really. It's only a game and it's easy to make mistakes at times, just as long as the mistakes don't become deliberate it's all fine. If you think you are constantly abusing the limits then you shouldn't be thinking that. ;)

Ive just seen Zolder, that looks good fun, havent tried it yet.
I like Zolder, it's different. We have used it before and will probably do so again. And talking of Zs, they just added Zandvoort to PC3 and I'm quite liking that too.