How did you work that one out?So, Arsenal were cheated out of the big 50.
chaser_fanYes, I am angry at the defeat as you can probably tell. Mostly in the manner of the Manure victory. If they had won it fair and square then I wouldn't be so arsey. But hey, that's football!
It's Manchester United -V- Arsenal....did you ever expect a 'fair and square' game?If they had won it fair and square then I wouldn't be so arsey. But hey, that's football!
Manchester Citychaser_fanI'm hoping that Arsenal can start a run of 50 unbeaten matches starting at Manchester City (The only decent team in Manchester), and not let that gap in points get any closer.
Text book penalty?Coles tackle on Ronaldo in the box was textbook.
Mike RotchMeh, Ferguson deserves a soup can against the head. He did a handsome job of paying off that ref. DQuan got it wrong, in 8 games at the "Theater of Schemes", he has awarded 8 penalties - all to manure.
Rooney had to hurdle Campbells leg?There are none so blind as those who will not see.