Fortunately Jake seems to be doing less of that "and you can go and do this now" as a way of finishing interviews, it always seemed quite rude and confused many of the interviewees whether they were finished or not (as opposed to just leaving it as a "thanks for talking to us" or whatever).
But otherwise he does a decent enough job, he really doesn't have to be amazing, he just needs to keep the pundits on topic (which he does well!) and not fumble his lines. Anything else is a bonus, he usually thinks of pretty decent questions on the spot and clearly does his homework on what the current rumours, etc are - as he usually questions people on those!
Leave McKenzie interviewing drivers - she generally seems to ask decent questions though she does often ask "you must be disappointed?". She did ok standing in for Jake but I don't see what she did much better than him other than being a woman. She made a lot of mistakes (only natural considering it was her first big-time presenting job) and wasn't completely confortable in that role. Obviously she would get better with time, but I didn't see what she did that great looking past that. A case of "if it ain't broke, why fix it?".
I really don't have much of a problem with any of the team, its more the way time is spent and the lacking technical insight. I can understand the BBC not wanting to bore the average viewer too much with long technical features, but it would be nice to change it up a bit. As I said, maybe Ted could be used more often as he has done quite a lot of technical features already - it could be 1 every race though.
The post-race F1 forum is the weakest part at the moment, mostly because its just chatting and not as much analysis and interviewing as there was. They also don't really stick to much of a formula, so they only ever briefly mention the backmarkers/midfielders when they could spend some time talking about them. They always get side-tracked from those discussions and don't spend much time on them. Jake always says these days "there is so much to talk about!"...yet they proceed to talk about less and less different things and just end up sticking to the same subjects brought up in the pre and post race build up.
In 2009 and 2010, if you missed the BBC F1 forum, you generally missed quite a bit of great analysis and some great interviews all the way down the field. Being sat in Virgin Racing's hospitality helped them stay on a more interesting topic like the "new team" battle or whatever. Nowadays I don't feel I would miss much missing the F1 forum.
OOOH but I almost forgot their fantastic feature on the process of designing and delivering a new front wing with Williams in the qualifying show! That was an excellent feature, more of that please!
For UK'ers that missed it: