i like the look of that track regnar, especially the turn at 1:30 - it looks like a banked corner 👍
Is it up for share? Would like to give it a go
I like the look of that track Regnar, especially the turn at 1:30 - It looks like a banked corner 👍
Is it up for Share? Would like to give it a go
Wow, the course maker is in the habit of making some really long circuits.
What are the parameters for that track?
A few snaps from Velocity Mountain 2.
Whats the Set up to actually make that Track ?
Sections? Corner Set ups ? Sharpness ? Road Width ?
Looks like a good track 👍
I was having fun with it using the super legera, but when I tried the GT1 turbo I found it doesn't work so well with a fast car.
So I used the same parameters and tried a bunch more combinations until I made a track that works for really fast cars. Out of the hundreds of tracks I've made this is by far the best. I called it Walnut Canyon. I have it shared now, and I will try to put up a video tomorrow.
Might I suggest a one-off host with Imageshack, then?
s2k2k3 - Walnut Canyon