The Best Track That You Made So Far?

  • Thread starter Akira GT
I like the look of that track Regnar, especially the turn at 1:30 - It looks like a banked corner 👍
Is it up for Share? Would like to give it a go
I like the look of that track Regnar, especially the turn at 1:30 - It looks like a banked corner 👍
Is it up for Share? Would like to give it a go

I have placed the track in the share list. It's a fun track, very fast, but not technical. I have managed to work out another course, that more narrow & has much more challenging turns. :)

Wow, the course maker is in the habit of making some really long circuits.

I found that if you use 3 sectors it generally keeps it in the 2.5-3 mile range. 4 or more sectors and you get a 5+ mile course usually. And good luck making a 5 mile track in Eifel without those hideous "blind off-camber falling away" corners or a 30-foot jump near the end of a straight.
Here we are, learning about the new GT5 Course Maker, and im sure a lot of you have created great tracks! So how about sharing them with the community.

Now, sharing them is a bit of a problem, since i'm fairly certain that you can't publish your tracks yet, but im sure taking a photo of your screen would help (At the edit menu)

Also, if you can, post what difficulty, track width(s), default format, location and corner sharpness you have chosen for your track.

Im working on a way to save replays to USB so that you may upload them to Youtube and show you my track, but it will take time.

I will post the stat's of my track (Scenic Route I & Scenic Route II) tomorrow. (And possibly a video! :D)
I'll be posting a thread tomorrow with a couple of my tracks that should be available to share shortly. I'll also be posting some tips for those trying to make similar tracks. :) Lots of videos and pics to come.
Here is another track created in the Course Maker a bit more technical & narrowed. I had to cut off the last bit to get under the 10 minute Youtube limit. About 1:53 in, initially the fall off was too extreme & the AI kept going off course & crashing. had to play with the smoothness of curves a bit to get it corrected.

What are the parameters for that track?

Here are the settings I used, of course not sure what other random track this will produce.

Robertson Road Course 5.60 miles 34 turns

Number of Sections: 5
Weather: Sunny
Time of Day: 14:00

Section 1
Section of complexity: 9
Road Width: 1
Sharpness of Turns: 0

Section 2
Section of complexity: 5
Road Width: 1
Sharpness of Turns: -5

Section 3
Section of complexity: 6
Road Width: 1
Sharpness of Turns: 5

Section 4
Section of complexity: 7
Road Width: 1
Sharpness of Turns: 0

Section 5
Section of complexity: 8
Road Width: 1
Sharpness of Turns: 5
A few snaps from Velocity Mountain 2.

Whats the Set up to actually make that Track ?

Sections? Corner Set ups ? Sharpness ? Road Width ?

Looks like a good track 👍
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Whats the Set up to actually make that Track ?

Sections? Corner Set ups ? Sharpness ? Road Width ?

Looks like a good track 👍

I was having fun with it using the super legera, but when I tried the GT1 turbo I found it doesn't work so well with a fast car.

So I used the same parameters and tried a bunch more combinations until I made a track that works for really fast cars. Out of the hundreds of tracks I've made this is by far the best. I called it Walnut Canyon. I have it shared now, and I will try to put up a video tomorrow.
I was having fun with it using the super legera, but when I tried the GT1 turbo I found it doesn't work so well with a fast car.

So I used the same parameters and tried a bunch more combinations until I made a track that works for really fast cars. Out of the hundreds of tracks I've made this is by far the best. I called it Walnut Canyon. I have it shared now, and I will try to put up a video tomorrow.

Thanks much appreciated 👍
Might I suggest a one-off host with Imageshack, then? I think I can visualise it as a circuit diagram in my head.

Anyway, I like it. It's another circuit that I could see major racing events taking place on. And there's not insane hills in it, either.
I've also made a version with less sharpness in the section 1 corners. Same layout, same corners, just not as sharp. It isn't a dramatic difference except for turn 1 which can be taken over 100. That little change took 4 seconds off the lap time. But it means that turn 1 isn't as much of an out-braking zone. Not sure which is "better".
I built a track in which I've named "Eifel Hill Climb 2011" (kind of a historical type race event I made up.

It's very hilly and at one point the dropoff is so large you can see the next 2-3 turns after it, even though there's trees in the way.

Let me try to get a picture here.
This one I've made recently is great.
I like the layout a lot, in-game it feels realistic, much like real roads:
