The Best/Worst Badge in the Business (Literally)

  • Thread starter BKGlover
United States
OK, so I need to see that I'm not completely crap at everything.

So we see these damned things all the time, and if you've seen more than one you whole life, you've probably thought "This badge/logo/whatever looks better than that one". If there was a thread about this, I apologize but I didn't see it.

No competition, but some basic rules. First is that it has to have some distinction from simple text. The Kia logo comes to mind. Second, it doesn't have to be the company logo. Could be unique to the car, could be a company that made a part, any part, or what goes in the thing. Lastly, it doesn't have to live today. Probably a 'duh' rule, but it also means you can pull out an old badge for a current company. Have fun with it, just keep it clean. Pictures help, but aren't required.

My Best:

Why? To me, it manages to be distinct, different, and yet somewhat simple.

My Worst:

Two angled stripes. Could have used the Pentastar, or another old badge, or even put in some effort on a new one, but this was the best you could do. Lazy 🤬

I love how the flags come together to form a "V", and it's unique, and instantly recognizable by anyone who knows even the slightest bit about American cars. Plus, the fleur-de-lis on the red flag is a nice touch, because of the French roots of the word "Corvette."


Yes, I know, the rings stand for the four companies and all, but in the end, it's just four rings.
My favorite badge is the one found on the Suzuki Lapin Chocolat. It's just a nice, amusing little detail.


The worst I've seen so far is the Toyota Granvia. Apparently someone thought it would look good to take a gothic G and stretch to fill the void in the grille. This unrecognizable golden turd is the result.

I love the Ferrari Prancing horse, much more even than the rectangular badge and the shields.

I hate most "bold" and shaded modern logos that just look dated:


I'd much rather have the '99 or '95 logo because the 2000 one really looks +14 years old
Cadillac - Sadly soon to be the old Cadillac logo it oozed premium, luxury and was full of heritage as most badges featuring coat of arms do.


Dacia - Looks like a cheap bottle opener and couldn't be more bland if you tried.
