The biggest problem with GTA Online is...

  • Thread starter leeislee
One day we shall meet each other in a random lobby and I promise to destroy every single person going griefballs on you :D

What rank are you by the way? When I hope on my level 20 account I'm more prone to being approache/targeted because I'm low level.

Also quite off-topic but I hope you're in the GTP clan because a lot of good stuff goes on there and most times when I play in my timezone I always stumble across other members which is always a good thing :)

I just wish we had an option to have lobbies where griefballing wasn't a problem.

Right now, I am a lowly level 43. On my Xbox account I am near 75 or so. I just don't play on the Xbox version anymore..(Shame to, I have some really nice cars on that side.)

That's exactly why I am in the clan. Heck, that's why I have the PS3 version. I origanlly only had the Xbox version. But nobody on here really plays on the Xbox. So, I went out and got the PS3 game. And it was the right call. The only fun times I have had have come with other members of GTPL. It doesn't matter if we are beating up a Phoenix, landing airplanes on a hanger, racing Swedish cars, or hanging out in Chef's meth house. It is always a good time. I look forward to many more adventures, as it were.

In fact, that's also why I kept the Xbox version. If a airshow or something was happening on the Xbox side, I can still join in.
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Only for R* to come along and take your glitched RP away.

Join as many invites as you can, RP will rise quicker than you think.

True, you just keep grinding particular missions it'll happen in no time :D

The perks of having a character above level 120 :lol:
True, you just keep grinding particular missions it'll happen in no time :D

The perks of having a character above level 120 :lol:

Or in my case, having 2 :D.

Ahh, the good old days of driving round and round and round and round and round and round and round the prison over and over and over and over again.
IMO one of the worst things is online races. If you do quick races, 9 times out of 10 you get put into either The Commute, Senora Freeway, Grand Tour or any of the stupid R* verified races that are just some checkpoints on the freeway and a few jumps and obstacles that must've taken at most 15 minutes to finish. Almost always Super class, almost never non-contact, and ALWAYS with catchup and slipstream on. And always full of morons who's racing skill consists of hitting people off the track and nothing else.
You basically have to get a WR as SOON as a new race is released.
Or find one of those races where the WR keeps resetting.
Easier said than done. People seem to glitch their times within the first hour. Flight School races had insane glitched times in less within ten minutes of being online. :irked:
I think a lot of us agree that the mindless killings and spawn deaths are part of the game but have such a bad affect on the whole online experience when it just happens time after time after time.

I was playing last night for about half an hour and for no reason i just had about 6 or 7 players using me for prey!

I changed lobbies and found myself in a bloody tank and laser death zone. The next lobby was full of normal players like myself just being sniped and blown up with sticky bombs.

So i gave up and turned off the PS3.

I've tried solo play, friends lobbies etc but like has been mentioned it can get a little bit boring after a while.

Oh, i also had the pleasure to endure a good 10 minutes of two lads talking where every 2nd and 3rd word was "My N!gga" which i can't stand.

Some people are just terrible! hehe
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I think the best way to avoid all the problems of a fresh spawn after entering a lobby is to just enter passive mode.

I'll never get why people try to kill you after a job.

But the way I like to get people mad the most is getting chased into a job marker with no wanted level, staying on the job screen and re entering the lobby.

The lengths people go to in order to get a bounty/kill someone :lol:

I think the best way to get around spawn killing is making people work for a kill or make them chase you a long time.
This game is just full of utter bellends to be honest. Bored of dealing with these tooled up gangs who won't leave you alone.

There's not a whole lot we can do, other than discourage people from acting like morons. I just wish the GTA Online Welcoming Party was just that. Welcoming. Not PIT maneuvering you in the intro race, then screwing up the following mission, and finally attacking you once you're on your own. I was very lucky I never had to deal with the third part, but I know a majority of players had that problem. It isn't fun when you're being annihilated while trying to get your bearings.
I think the best way to avoid all the problems of a fresh spawn after entering a lobby is to just enter passive mode.

This game is just full of utter bellends to be honest. Bored of dealing with these tooled up gangs who won't leave you alone.

Got this last night. I had only just logged and left my garage. The room was packed but only had 2 red player blips.
These two guys both made a bee-line for me, didn't even bother shooting just immediately used a rocket launcher and blew me and my car to dust. It's annoying but it happens and we normally just move on.

Not these two. They kept chasing me with their RPGs. I went passive after a couple of instant spawn deaths.
Next thing I see is a firetruck hairing towards me with the water jet going. This thing kills you!!
It knocked me down and before you are able to get up you are dead. In Passive mode!!
I ran when I spawned, went into my menu to join a game or even relog... didnt have time.

These bell-ends were able to kill me with water BEFORE I was able to access my menu to leave the room.
7 times!!

Other players in the lobby had been trying to kick them. I reported both for grieving.
Crew and player names are available if you have an ignore or revenge list.
Got this last night. I had only just logged and left my garage. The room was packed but only had 2 red player blips.
These two guys both made a bee-line for me, didn't even bother shooting just immediately used a rocket launcher and blew me and my car to dust. It's annoying but it happens and we normally just move on.

Not these two. They kept chasing me with their RPGs. I went passive after a couple of instant spawn deaths.
Next thing I see is a firetruck hairing towards me with the water jet going. This thing kills you!!
It knocked me down and before you are able to get up you are dead. In Passive mode!!
I ran when I spawned, went into my menu to join a game or even relog... didnt have time.

These bell-ends were able to kill me with water BEFORE I was able to access my menu to leave the room.
7 times!!

Other players in the lobby had been trying to kick them. I reported both for grieving.
Crew and player names are available if you have an ignore or revenge list.

One alternative to avoid grieving in which every should use is joining a quick job off your phone and staying in the job lobby for awhile, quitting and returning back to free mode.

You got the problem of loading and going through a start menu, hence getting spawn killed.

When I get into situations where I don't want to be killed or I'm getting spawn killed, on respawn I instantly pull my phone out, join a job other than the random selection as that may boot you from the lobby.

If you join the server and leave, you should spawn at the job market with your personal vechicle (as long as you have one)

I find this tactic to work well, barring you don't join a job near where the griefer/grievers are located.

Hope this helps 👍
That's happened to me too. I was in a room last night and there was a gang of about 6 lads who must have had infinite ammo and all the gear.

They were just following me everywhere i went. They must have killed me about 20 times before i managed to kill one of them...Well, the abuse i got over the microphone! It's a case of, "HOW DARE YOU KILL ME YOU MOTHER FUGGING.......etc etc!!!"

That's happened to me too. I was in a room last night and there was a gang of about 6 lads who must have had infinite ammo and all the gear.

They were just following me everywhere i went. They must have killed me about 20 times before i managed to kill one of them...Well, the abuse i got over the microphone! It's a case of, "HOW DARE YOU KILL ME YOU MOTHER FUGGING.......etc etc!!!"


Lads are just the worst.
Like, seriously. Just the absolute worst. Dealing with lads is literally painful.
I've just spent 30 minutes was more like Call Of Duty than GTA. a bloody warzone!

Ya I hate the instant kill guys. Especially since they usually have better guns and kill you much easier than you can defend yourself
It annoys me when you riddle someone with machine gun fire and they just don't die but they shoot you once and you die!
It annoys me when you riddle someone with machine gun fire and they just don't die but they shoot you once and you die!

That is a lag/hit registration issue. Very common in many online games.
Here's one that's just happened....

I joined a lobby and immediately got 3 players just killing me left and right...I mean, one shot, machine gunned, rpg, sniped...everytime.

However, this one guy, Cobra (with some numbers after his name) was like, level 524, everytime he was about to get shot he'd commit suicide. What the hell is going on with these people?

He must have spent a good 8 solid months getting to that level. Pathetic.

Oh, and the lobby full of RPG gangs. These people need to get a life.
That is a lag/hit registration issue. Very common in many online games.
Odd that because there is never any lag when it comes to these guys killing me. Personally i just think they've reached such a high lever the game has turned them into immortals!
I was once fleeing from the police and ran over a level 200+, started to curse me, and like 30 seconds later I got a $9000 bounty on me, I survived it and right after that the same guy kills me with a lazer and started to spawn kill me, he was not a squaker, but his attitude shown while laughing after killing me (that frenetic/nervous laugh you hear from a mentally unstable person) was kinda annoying.
Let's look on the bright side of it. Squeekers and pathetic griefers are amusing. :lol: You just need to not give them what they want. And that is they want you to get angry. Just flip the joke on them and let them rage while doing a wave animation from some rooftop in passive mode. :D
Odd that because there is never any lag when it comes to these guys killing me. Personally i just think they've reached such a high lever the game has turned them into immortals!

The lag might not be visible on your end, but it might be on theirs. There's a bit of a difference between your game visibly lagging (stuttering) and physically lagging. When it's physical lag, bullet/hit registration isn't working properly. In some games, where a weapon is a definite one-hit-kill, it can sometimes take multiple hits.
Let's look on the bright side of it. Squeekers and pathetic griefers are amusing. :lol: You just need to not give them what they want. And that is they want you to get angry. Just flip the joke on them and let them rage while doing a wave animation from some rooftop in passive mode. :D

I just like sitting on the ladder in passive mode on that goes up to the LSC roof in the city.

I had a whole clan wait for me to turn off passive while I was on that ladder.

It never happened :lol: