The biggest problem with GTA Online is...

  • Thread starter leeislee
I've been in passive mode and i still get blown up. Passive mode should make you untouchable as well as making you unable to attack others no matter what weapon you have.

If the rest of you on here ARE becoming unkillable in passive mode then maybe i'm doing something wrong.

Yeah @Custom878 I agree, it seems that the higher level players are a lot more impervious to bullets than lowly players like me.

One other thing though, I'm really bad at this game. I'm just not good enough when it comes to the heat of urban gun battles hehe.
Stalkers can be fun.
Last night I logged on, guy kills me straight away. Respawned, got revenge. He respawned and wanted more, so I gave him more.
I then went off to do some shopping, but he followed shooting at me. This went on for about 20 minutes.
Laying ambush traps with sticky bombs can be great fun. Especially in places where you don't expect them, like on a police car. :lol:
I wish i could be bothered to grind and earn lots of money so i can tool myself up. I nearly always end up running around with a pistol with about 7 bullets in it!


It's so heartbreaking when you get the upper hand on someone, you have them ready for the shot click click. No bullets!​
I wish i could be bothered to grind and earn lots of money so i can tool myself up. I nearly always end up running around with a pistol with about 7 bullets in it!


It's so heartbreaking when you get the upper hand on someone, you have them ready for the shot click click. No bullets!​

Full shooting skill, oh my gosh carrying around full ammo is awesome :D
It increases every 20 or so levels. After level 100, you can survive shotgun blasts and being hit with a :censored:ing .50 BMG from a sniper.

So, can you still get killed in one shot with the Heavy Sniper? What about the Assault Shotgun at point-blank-range.
So, can you still get killed in one shot with the Heavy Sniper? What about the Assault Shotgun at point-blank-range.
If you get shot in the chest with a heavy sniper, you will have about 5-10% health left.

If someone has an automatic shotgun, you start running.
If you get shot in the chest with a heavy sniper, you will have about 5-10% health left.

That's no good. That still leaves them a chance to get behind cover, quickly eat snacks, and regain all of their health and put on armor.
If you get shot in the chest with a heavy sniper, you will have about 5-10% health left.
Which of course is totally realistic.

I'm pretty sure they nerfed the heavy sniper, because before it was pretty much a guaranteed 1-shot-kill if you got them in the torso or head.
That's no good. That still leaves them a chance to get behind cover, quickly eat snacks, and regain all of their health and put on armor.
It also gives me time to pull out an RPG.

Which of course is totally realistic.

I'm pretty sure they nerfed the heavy sniper, because before it was pretty much a guaranteed 1-shot-kill if you got them in the torso or head.
They increased the amount of recoil it has, which lowers the firing rate a bit. The amount of damage was always the same.
I'm lv130 and I still get OHKOed by the heavy sniper and shotgun.
Obviously, you'd have to be at full health to survive a hit. I was also referring to the pump action shotguns, mainly because the firing rate sucks ass.
The griefers are the bane of GTAO if you ask me. I am in the 70s now (haven't touched the game in days) and only play in private lobbies to avoid this problem. Sadly, I learned that I need to run like hell in public lobbies because some of the same people I play with in private become hardcore griefers in public lobbies. It's why I make sure to NEVER call out my Buzzard in public lobbies unless I'm really in a pinch and need to run fast if I have enough of a gap to get to it. I have heard of some anti-grief clans that only grief the griefers, and my main fear is being targeted by association since a few of my friends stupidly pull this garbage. The very same friends who complain that the get targeted instantly the moment that they go into public lobbies.
I think with the fact that you're most likely to be targeted less at a higher level but still doesn't rule the possibility out.

If I get approached in GTAO now I know it's either someone from the crew or people in a group trying to kill me.

Shame they don't know about that 2.90 KDR :sly:
... and we have another invisibility glitch around. I was in a session with a few other members last night and we were being killed constantly by two or three guys that were invisible. They didn't show as blips on the radar either, and they were on a killing spree.
Grade 1 pricks.